Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Ended on the 8 July 2008

Chapter 2: Areas of Change

Central Area

This includes the four wards of Castle, Braybrooke, Silverhill and St Helens.

Hastings Town Centre

Office And Employment Floorspace

10.1 32,000m² of additional business floorspace is already planned for in the town centre under the mixed development proposals for Priory Quarter. The Council resolved to grant outline planning permission for the development proposals in March 2007. New offices at Lacuna Place fall within the Priory Quarter area and are currently under construction. Phase 1 will be completed by mid 2008 and phase 2 by the end of 2008. The next phase will be on the site of Queensbury House and is targeted to be completed during 2011/12.

10.2 The whole of Priory Quarter will take a number of years to complete and will be very much subject to market conditions, however, the currently projected timescale for completion is 2016. The amount of floorspace to be developed and timing of delivery is shown at paragraph 8.12.

10.3 Priory Quarter is being delivered by Sea Space on behalf of The Task Force as part of its wider business plan for regeneration. The development strategy is based on the early phases of development will be supported by public funding, and the later phases being achieved through the private sector on the basis of increased investor confidence in the area. Inevitably, delivery of the project will become increasingly dependent on market conditions as it moves into its later phases.

10.4 A longer term option also exists at Pelham Place as a possible location for further development towards the end of the Plan period. This mixed use scheme, supported by the Task Force, is expected to incorporate 36,650m² of floorspace in total, comprising civic space, hotel, offices (3,800m²), shops, homes, cafes and restaurants. The scheme will need significant private investment and The Task Force is monitoring the local economic conditions - factors such as jobs, commercial rents and business growth - to decide when the time is right to start development.

Retail Floorspace

10.5 The retail capacity study has identified that we need to provide an additional gross 30,000m² of additional comparison goods floorspace in the town centre between 2011 and 2021. Key town centre sites with existing planning permission at Station Plaza and Priory Quarter will contribute to this need by providing approximately 6,000m² of additional retail floorspace before 2011.

10.6 These developments alone will not meet the overall need for retail floorspace in the town over the longer term. Paragraphs 9.1 to 9.7 of this document sets out our choices for retail development and presents the preferred approach to meet this need.

Education Floorspace

10.7 There is currently a lot of action being taken by various partners to significantly increase the amount of educational floorspace available in the town centre. The recently operational University Centre Hastings (UCH) presently provides a range of full and part time courses for 600 students, a figure that is expected to rise to 1,500 by 2011 and 2,000 by 2013.

10.8 The Learning and Skills Council have invested £92 million in a new college development at Station Plaza. This will provide a range of academic and vocational courses for 2500 students, and will help to bring about education- led social and economic regeneration by improving skills levels, addressing inequalities and encouraging partnership working. The new college is sited in an accessible and sustainable location, directly adjacent to the railway station and town centre bus services. Completion of the new college facilities is scheduled for September 2009.

10.9 The Priory Quarter (14,765m²) and Station Plaza (21,120m²) are expected to provide enough floorspace to accommodate the additional demand for education floorspace in the town centre over the plan period amounting to 35,885m². Station Plaza and phases 1 and 2 of Priory Quarter (including phase 2 of the University Centre), are scheduled to come forward before 2011, with phase 3 Priory Quarter commencing from 2013.

Community Facilities

10.10  Within the Station Plaza development, the Primary Care Trust will be providing a new community health centre, comprising 4,221m² of floorspace. The development is due for completion and operation by the end of 2009, or early 2010.

10.11 The County Council has identified £6.2m for a new Town Centre library. The County Council will develop the library in conjunction with Task Force.


10.12 It is expected that approximately 170 dwellings will be provided in the town centre over the plan period, based on existing commitments and allocations. The majority of this development (103 units) will be provided as part of Station Plaza Millennium Community mixed use development, planned for completion by 2010. Detailed consideration of smaller developments and other available sites will be undertaken as part of the preparation of the Sites Allocation DPD.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

10.13 Many people agreed that the future of the town centre was a priority issue. The need for a new library building was also raised.

The Preferred Approach - Hastings Town Centre

10.14 It is important to maintain and improve the role of the town centre as a pleasant, lively and safe place for shopping, recreation, education, employment, and as a place to live.

10.15 The Hastings & Bexhill Task Force developments in the town centre are already making the area more vibrant, and we now need to think carefully about how we can take this forward in the longer term.

(17) PREFERRED APPROACH 7: Hastings Town Centre – Overall Strategy

The overall strategy for the town centre is for it to:

* be competitive in terms of the range and type of shops operating in the area

* be attractive to visitors

* be accessible by local public transport

* be accessible by people with disabilities

* develop a family-based evening economy

* respond to the diverse needs and tastes of the population

* be able to cater for the increasing numbers of students studying in the area

(12) PREFERRED APPROACH 8: Hastings Town Centre

Support the delivery of the existing planned employment, retail, education, housing and healthcare developments in the town centre, and to work with residents, businesses and developers to create a more detailed Town Centre Management Plan.

Use Floorspace/numbers Phasing
Office/Employment 31,845m² By 2026
Retail 30,000m² Between 2011 and 2021
Education 35,885m² (4500 students) Last phase to commence 2013
Community health centre 4,221m² By 2010

Sustainability Appraisal

10.16 We consider the sustainability effects of these approaches on page 86 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.


  • Issues and options stage – Question 7.1
  • Core Strategy objectives – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, and 13
  • Draft South East Plan – CC8a, SCT2, SCT4, SCT5, SCT7
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies – TC1, TC4
  • Community Strategy targets – 7, 8, 9a, 9b, 10, 16a, 16b, 16c
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS1, 3, 6, PPG4

Measuring success

  • Net housing completions
  • Affordable housing completions
  • % of employment development floorspace completed on brownfield land
  • Average earnings
  • Economically active working age population
  • Retail floorspace completions
  • Total education floorspace completions

South St Leonards

South St Leonards Area includes the four wards of Central St Leonards, Gensing, Maze Hill and West St Leonards.

Central St Leonards

11.1 Central St Leonards has a complex mix of social, environmental and economic challenges. This is well recognised, and it has been estimated that between 2006-2009 a total of over £23m public and private sector investment is planned to bring about improvements in the area. The sections below set out how spatial planning can contribute to making this a thriving district centre and a good place to live and work. Many of the issues are interrelated, but in order to present them more clearly we have split them into sections on:

  1. Key Developments Proposed
  2. Improving Housing Choice and Conditions
  3. Creating A Sustainable Community
  4. Improving The Physical Environment
  5. Economic Development

Key Developments Proposed

11.2 Central St Leonards is one of the most deprived areas in England. It contains 3 super output areas in the worst 10% in England, 2 of these being in the worst 5%. In recognition of this fact, we adopted the Central St Leonards Regeneration Framework in 2005. This is a 10-year plan from 2005-2015 focusing on key physical, social and economic interventions to bring about a ‘step change’ in the area. It aims to change peoples’ perception of Central St Leonards, to achieve long-term economic growth, inward investment and a better quality of life for the local community.

11.3 The Core Strategy supports those parts of the framework relevant to spatial planning.

Key Challenges and Opportunities Identified In The Regeneration Framework

  • The need for regeneration initiatives to tackle demonstrated social and economic need and build on the agreed Central St Leonards Area Renewal Strategy.
  • The necessity to stem the rapid annual turnover of the population of Central St Leonards to provide a suitable demographic base for future regeneration
  • The need to strengthen and improve the district centre, both economically and environmentally, while respecting its historic core and conservation value
  • To promote the seafront as a major regeneration initiative in line with the Seafront Strategy
  • To build on the ‘green assets’ the Central St Leonards has in promoting further inward investment
  • To improve the housing stock and living conditions of local residents.

You Told Us - Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.4 86% of respondents supported the aims of the Central St Leonards Regeneration framework and the Housing Renewal Area in Central St Leonards. Additional suggestions for the area included demolishing and rebuilding areas of poor housing quality (this is not considered viable on a large scale because much of the area is protected by Conservation Areas status), support for incentives to encourage the creative sector to locate in the area and the need for more extensive and rigorous enforcement to improve the appearance of buildings.

The Preferred Approach - Central St Leonards: Key Developments Proposed:

(14) PREFERRED APPROACH 9: Central St Leonards – Key Developments Proposed

The following list of key projects and proposals, taken from the Regeneration Framework 2005 and the Renewal Strategy 2004, support the identification of South St Leonards as an area of change. Where appropriate they will be considered in more detail as part of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document: -

  1. Supporting the Council’s Housing Renewal Investment programme in the area – the renewal programme has been running since 2003 and will hopefully now continue until 2010 (awaiting approval of bid – March 08). The programme primarily focuses on improving the quality of housing available in the private sector (through grants, loans and enforcement actions).
  2. Housing and retail development (including affordable housing) at the Alpha Café site (47 residential units, 380 m² of retail/commercial floorspace) to be developed by Network Rail. Network Rail own the site and would be seeking to progress development on the site by 2009. This would be offered to the market. Housing and Development would follow subject to interest 2009/10.
  3. Enhancing the district shopping centre through improvements to Kings Road, including pavement widening, creation of a public square near the station and support for businesses. These improvements should be delivered by 2010.
  4. Major housing and retail development in the Crystal Square car park and surrounding area (157 new homes, 2600 m² of retail/commercial floorspace). The Council will seek to encourage interest and help progress the scheme through a private/public partnership. There is no firm timetable for delivery of the project at present.
  5. Major housing redevelopment at the Hastings College site, which will be delivered by 2011. Over 100 dwellings will be provided, including dwellings for sale and affordable housing.

11.5 Full regard will be taken of the “Central St Leonards Town Centre Design Manual” when considering planning applications and designing street works and public realm improvements. Central St Leonards currently has above average levels of crime relative to the rest of the town, therefore ways of ‘designing out crime’ will also be an important consideration in future development proposals.

Sustainability Appraisal

11.6 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on page 87 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.

Improving Housing Choice and Conditions

11.7 Central St Leonards contains areas of high architectural quality, and Warrior Square is particularly imposing. Large parts of the area also have Conservation Area status. However, the extent of the poor housing stock in the area must not be underestimated. It will take a considerable length of time and significant levels of private and public sector investment to bring all up to a satisfactory standard.

11.8 Central St Leonards has some of the worst quality housing in the town. There is a large proportion of privately rented dwellings and houses in multiple occupation, many of which are well below modern standards. This is partly a reflection of the age and type of the housing stock, with a predominance of large Victorian properties, which have been converted to multi-occupancy. A Housing Stock Condition Survey has recently been carried out in the area, and the results (to be published in due course) should enable an analysis of the change in the areas since 2003 when the previous stock condition survey was carried out.

11.9 Since 2003, with funding from the Regional Housing Board, we have been investing £1m per year to improve housing conditions in the area. This has led to a significant improvement of the housing stock and a targeted approach to bringing empty properties back into the housing market has resulted in 127 privately owned properties being brought back into use since 2003.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.10 84% of respondents thought we should continue to concentrate resources on improving housing conditions in the area with the worst quality housing stock/living conditions i.e. Central St Leonards, although concerns were expressed that we need to provide resources to improve conditions in other areas of the town too.

The Preferred Approach – Central St Leonards: Improving Housing Choice and Conditions

(4) PREFERRED APPROACH 10: Central St Leonards – Improving Housing Choice and Conditions

To continue to concentrate resources on improving housing conditions in Central St Leonards in recognition of the fact that this is the area with the worst quality housing stock/living conditions in the town.

Sustainability Appraisal

11.11 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on page 87 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.

Creating A Sustainable Community

11.12 Work has been undertaken in recent years to create a stronger community in Central St Leonards. It has a commercial focus on Kings Road, London Road, Norman Road and the Marina area. Some new shops and outlets have been attracted to the area. It has creative and enterprising residents including local artists, local independent businesses, and a diverse population.

11.13 At the same time the high level of privately rented properties, combined with short-term tenancies, creates instability in the community. The Public Health Report 2005 shows that Central St Leonards has the highest population inflow and outflow of all areas in the town, with up to 40% of properties changing hands annually. This is made worse by a high concentration of single person households (62%) and social issues such as poor skills levels, high unemployment levels, low levels of household income and problems around street drinking, community safety and anti-social behaviour. Social rented housing in the area only amounts to 2% of the total housing stock (town average is 16%). In 2007/08 a £1.8m housing association/housing corporation scheme provided 20 affordable housing units for long term renting in the area. This illustrates the potential to introduce a mix of housing into the area, but also underlines that such investment still needs to be subsidised by the public sector until sufficient private sector confidence returns to the area.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.14 72% of respondents agreed that we should try to create sustainable, mixed communities in Central St Leonards and Hastings Town Centre by refusing permission for conversions resulting in one bedroom dwellings and promoting larger, family sized dwellings where possible – although some people were concerned that families may not choose to live in the more urban town centre areas.

11.15 1066 Housing Association supports the increased provision of owner occupation and social rented accommodation, and mentioned work it had done in regenerating existing properties with Housing Corporation support. The Home Builders’ Federation stated that the mix of tenures and unit sizes should be determined on a site by site basis in consultation with developers. In general, the concept of increased levels of owner occupation seemed more welcome than social rented housing as a way of improving the mix of housing tenures.

11.16 The private rented sector could become an important accommodation provider for the growing student population in the town. East Sussex County Council commented that a higher proportion of family housing is needed to maintain the proportion of children and hence school numbers in future populations.

The Preferred Approach - Central St Leonards: Creating a Sustainable Community

(7) PREFERRED APPROACH 11: Central St Leonards – Creating a Sustainable Community

  1. To encourage the building of a range of different sized housing units in Central St Leonards by introducing an area based planning policy requiring all residential build, conversions and change of use to provide a mix of dwelling unit sizes within single developments (rather than being limited to a mix of 1 and 2 bed units).
  2. To work with the Housing Corporation and Housing Associations to achieve greater levels of housing choice in the area by promoting more affordable housing. General needs social rented housing in the area only amounts to 2% of the total housing stock compared with a borough average of 16%.
  3. To support and encourage planning applications for family sized accommodation in the area, subject to such applications meeting general planning criteria

Between 2002/03 and 2006/07, 34% of all unidentified (windfall) housing development took place in Central St Leonards. Future windfall proposals in the area will be expected to help meet the objectives outlined above.

Improving The Physical Environment

11.17 The Council has been pursuing a policy of improving the physical environment in this Conservation Area over the past 10 years. This is set to continue over the next decade with millions pounds of new investment coming into the area. These initiatives have included improvements to the housing stock; improvements to parks and gardens and the seafront; and finally the ‘streetscape’ of both residential and commercial areas.

11.18 The improvements to the area are set to continue at a similar level over the next few years with the following key projects leading the process:

  • Housing Renewal Programme 2008 – 2010
  • Townscape Heritage Initiative 2007 – 2010
  • Kings Road Corridor – retail street investment project
  • Development of key Brownfield sites in the area
  • Seafront Strategy Projects in the Central St Leonards area
  • Consideration of managed parking proposals in the area dependent on economic vitality.

11.19 Traffic congestion in the main shopping streets is a concern, and access could be improved for a choice of transport means, including public transport, walking and cycling. Increased demand for parking is expected, as the area is developed and visitor numbers increase. This should be taken into consideration as new developments are undertaken, as well as measures to reduce reliance on travel by car. A recent parking economic impact study identified that current traffic congestion and parking issues has a detrimental effect on Central St Leonards economy. It also pointed to potential economic risks in establishing a proposed comprehensive controlled parking scheme for the wider St Leonards area in light of the currently fragile state of the local economy. The outcome of this study will inform further consideration of appropriate measures to manage parking supply and meet increasing demand as the area is regenerated.

11.20 The Townscape Heritage Initiative and Conservation Area Partnership Scheme has been particularly successful, having grant aided the restoration and renovation of buildings in Central St Leonards to the tune of over £2.2m between 1998 and 2004, and our ‘Grotbusters’ team have used planning and enforcement powers to ensure 63 premises in the area have been brought up to a satisfactory standard since 2005.

11.21 There are eight Conservation Areas, which cover all, or part of Central St Leonards. Work on a review of these Conservation Areas has been undertaken. This is to help ensure we have up-to-date conservation area appraisals, vital for development control purposes and the long term protection and enhancement of the historic environment. This work, together with a number of other detailed conservation studies, provides valuable base line information on the historic character of Central St Leonards.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.22 This issue was not considered in detail in the 2006 “Issues and Options” consultation. However as it is an important part of the overall strategy for the St Leonards area, we are now clarifying our preferred approach.

The Preferred Approach - Central St Leonards: Improving the Physical Environment

(8) PREFERRED APPROACH 12: Central St Leonards – Improving the Physical Environment

Long-term improvements can only be maintained by attracting private sector investment into the area, as public funding for initiatives such as the Housing Renewal Programme and the Townscape Heritage Initiative are unlikely to continue much into the future, therefore: -

* a targeted approach needs to be adopted for all investment programmes to have the maximum visible impact.

* improvements to the ‘streetscape’ should be seen as a key driver for attracting new investment into the area

* planning permission will be granted to suitable proposals to tackle key buildings in central St Leonards which are in need of repair. A flexible approach to their future use will be adopted if this assists in securing their future viability.

* the Council will actively use its enforcement powers to ensure premises in the area are brought up to a satisfactory standard.

Sustainability Appraisal

11.23 We consider the sustainability effects of these approaches on pages 87 and 88 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.

Economic Development

11.24 Central St Leonards has an important role as a district shopping centre, and this will be enhanced by the improvements planned for Kings Road. There is evidence of retail confidence returning to the area as shown by the recent take up of retail premises, especially on the western part of Norman Road. There may be scope for allowing service uses such as restaurants, cafes, galleries, offices and leisure activities within the shopping area, particularly in fringe shopping locations and in under used upper floors, but this should not be at the expense of the function of Central St Leonards as a district shopping centre. A flexible approach will be taken.

11.25 Central St Leonards has some of the highest unemployment levels and lowest household incomes in the town. At November 2007 7.7% of Central St Leonards residents were unemployed compared to 3.3% for the town as a whole (JSA claimant count ONS). Also, in 2007 average household income within the area was £25,598 in comparison to £29,900 for the town as a whole (source: CACI). Central St Leonards also had the highest percentage of households earning less than 60% of the national median income.

11.26 Therefore, it is vital that commercial and employment space is retained to support the economic regeneration of the area and to provide employment for local people. In particular, there are a number of small workshops and other business premises mixed in with housing in the area. These have the potential to support the economic regeneration of the area by providing affordable and manageable space for small businesses and in particular the culture, community, arts and training sectors. A positive attitude to the development and use of these spaces is essential in order to provide opportunities for local entrepreneurship and skills training. It is important that a range of business premises is available, including affordable and managed space for small businesses and start-ups.

11.27 High quality public spaces will also contribute to the vitality of the area and its attractiveness for investment.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.28 This issue was not considered in detail in the “Issues and Options” consultation. However as it is an important part of the overall strategy for the St Leonards area, we are now clarifying the Council’s preferred approach.

The Preferred Approach - Central St Leonards: Economic Development

(9) PREFERRED APPROACH 13: Central St Leonards – Economic Development

  1. To maintain and enhance the area’s role as a district shopping centre through the protection of a retail core – to be identified in the Site Allocations DPD.
  2. To identify central St Leonards as a social and economic regeneration area - where we would have policies supporting retention, development and conversion of properties for training and small business, community, arts and cultural sector

Sustainability Appraisal

11.29 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on page 88 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.

Pebsham Countryside Park

The Issues

11.30 Hastings Borough Council, Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council have formed a partnership to create a new countryside park at Pebsham, between St Leonards and Bexhill. This will take in the Pebsham landfill site, the fields at Glyne Gap, the Combe Haven Valley and the coast at Glyne Gap. It will be gradually developed over the next 20 years and will provide an important accessible greenspace between the two towns.

11.31 The vision for the countryside park is “To create and manage a high quality, sustainable, attractive, accessible and multi-functional countryside area to serve the recreational and economic needs of residents and visitors”.

11.32 The Development Strategy for the park builds on the “Hastings and Bexhill Task Force 5 Point Plan” and complements the “Seafront Strategy”.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

11.33 There was general agreement to the creation of the Park. Some people thought only the brownfield land in the area should be developed. The Environment Agency have stated that prior to the creation of the Park, issues relating to flood risk, water course conditions, protection of controlled waters and contaminated land will need to be addressed.

The Preferred Approach - Pebsham Countryside Park

(18) PREFERRED APPROACH 14: Pebsham Countryside Park

To identify Pebsham Countryside Park as sustainable multi-functional countryside area, with recreation and employment opportunities

Sustainability Appraisal

11.34 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on page 88 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.


  • Issues and options stage – Questions 6.3 to 6.8, 6.23, 6.24, 6.27,6.28, 7.1
  • Core Strategy objectives – 1,2,3,4, 9,10,11,13
  • Draft South East Plan policies – C3, CC8a, CC9, CC10b, CC12, RE1, H3, H6, H7, BE1, BE4, BE7, S1, S3, S7, SCT5
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies – L1, L4, SL1, SL2, SL3
  • Community Strategy targets – 7, 8, 9a, 9b,10, 16a, 16b, 16c, 20
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS1, PPS9, PPS17

Measuring Success

  • Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process
  • Amount of retail floorspace completed
  • Number of one person households
  • Net housing completions
  • Tenure of Affordable Housing delivered

Targets and indicators to measure progress against individual projects will be included in the Pebsham Development Strategy

East Hastings

The East Hastings Area includes the four wards of Baird, Old Hastings, Ore, and Tressell.

Ore Valley Millennium Community

12.1 The Millennium Communities Programme was set up by English Partnerships in 1997 and will create seven pioneering sustainable communities in the UK. The aim is to provide areas of high quality, innovative homes that are environmentally friendly and include green spaces, wildlife areas and recreation facilities as well as having good transport links, shops and community centres.

12.2 One of these exciting new communities is being developed in Ore Valley. A local regeneration company, Task Force, is managing the development. The Millennium Community will breathe new life into Ore Valley with new homes, new office/retail space, a new state-of-the-art college and a new park with wildlife and ecology as the focus of its design. The Task Force, however, are not responsible for the redevelopment of the entire Ore Valley area and there are other sections of the Millennium Community that will be developed by other agencies such as 1066 Housing Association and private developers.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

12.3 As well as housing/landscaping - businesses should be introduced that take away the overall feel of a housing estate e.g. garden centre.

12.4 More should be said about Millennium Communities key aims – high quality design; innovative, sustainable development; and the aim to increase public transport usage.

12.5 Task Force are pleased to see that Millennium Community sites are identified.

12.6 Transport 2000 commented that Millennium Communities sites are at risk from a failure in terms of sustainability as road improvement schemes along with over generous parking in Hastings town centre, will undermine the pubic transport market and discouraging cycling and walking.

The Preferred Approach - Ore Valley Millennium Community

12.7 We support plans for Ore Valley Millennium Community and look forward to a bright future for this area.

(24) PREFERRED APPROACH 15: Ore Valley Millennium Community

Hastings Borough Council supports the plans for Ore Valley Millennium Community, to include the development of nearly 800 homes up to 2026, a new college, park, retail/office space, health centre and improvements to accessibility

The entire area will be built to the standards required by the “Ore Valley, Hastings Millennium Community Urban Design Codes”.

12.8 The Task Force will oversee the development of nearly 500 new homes between 2008 and 2014. (Outline permission exists for further 150 dwellings as part of this development). Most of these will be built on previously developed land including the former Mount Pleasant Hospital site off Frederick Road, the former Stills Factory on Fellows Road, the Parker Road Industrial Estate and the old Broomgrove Power Station site. Sites developed by housing associations and private developers will provide approximately 160 new homes. These sites include The Malvern public house and shops on Malvern Way, parts of The Cheviots and Cotswold Close and parts of Farley Bank. The Malvern Way site will be developed by Bankwell Estates in 2011 and the other sites by 1066 Housing Association between 2010 and 2015.

12.9 The entire Millennium Community Area seeks an affordable housing contribution of 30% and all houses will be built to the standard required by the Ore Valley Millennium Community Design Codes, where the standard is stated as Ecohomes ‘excellent’.

12.10 The new college will offer much-needed education opportunities in the area, compared to the few education opportunities at the moment. Headed by Task Force and Hastings College of Arts and Technology, the college will be completed in 2009 by Lang O’Rourke and will have more than 800 full-time places and 500 part-time places for courses including construction, engineering, sports, countryside management and sustainability. An artificial grass sports field, an Internet café and local radio station will also be part of the college.

12.11 A new park to serve the local community will be located within the Ore Valley Millennium Community. Located within the existing Broomgrove Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI) the park will preserve and positively enhance the area with ‘green improvements’, such as protecting the wildlife, developing water areas and planting and ‘amenity improvements’, such as cycle routes, footpaths, play areas. It will be completed by 2010.

12.12 The new development will be served by a local shop, which will form part of the 660m² of retail/office space next to Ore Station and there will be a new 1500m² health centre. A new road will also make Ore train station accessible by cars and buses for the first time vastly improving access into the area and to the rest of the town and cycling will be further promoted with new greenway cycle routes.

12.13 The entire area will be built to the standards required by the “Ore Valley, Hastings Millennium Community Urban Design Codes”. Hastings is one of 19 places within the country chosen to pilot the Design Codes. The codes strive for the best in sustainability, design and efficiency and apply to all new buildings and open spaces in the area.

Sustainability Appraisal

12.14 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on pages 88 and 89 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.


  • Issues and options stage – Question 7.1
  • Core Strategy objectives – 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
  • Draft South East Plan – CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5, CC8a, RE4, H1, H3, H4, H5, EN1, SCT1, SCT5
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 – B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, H1, H6, E1
  • Community Strategy targets – 2, 9a, 9b, 16a, 16b, 16c, 19, 20, 21
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS1, PPS3, PPS12, PPG17, PPG13

Measuring Success

  • Total employment floorspace completed
  • Total education floorspace completed
  • Total retail floorspace completed
  • Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process
  • Number of residential developments over 10 dwellings providing at 10% of their energy requirements from onsite renewable energy generation
  • Number (or %) of new homes built to Code for Sustainable Homes level 3
  • Net housing completions

North St Leonards

This area includes the four wards of Ashdown, Conquest, Hollington and Wishing Tree.

Major New Housing Proposal

13.1 See Preferred Approach 1: Location of New Housing (page 45) for details of a proposed new housing area at Breadsell Lane in the northwest of the Borough.

Enviro Enterprise Corridor (New Proposal)

13.2 The Task Force identified this ‘area of change’ in response to the Core Strategy Issues and Options consultation.

13.3 The area extends from Bexhill Town Centre, through the proposed new business development at north east Bexhill, along the forthcoming link road between Hastings and Bexhill stretching along Queensway towards the A21.

13.4 The intention is to create a core area of employment development opportunities of sub-regional significance. This identification of land for business use, close to road and potentially other improved transport links, will help in underpinning the economic regeneration strategy for Hastings and Bexhill. It would not necessarily involve the identification of new areas of land for employment development in Hastings, but would represent a more coordinated and strategically significant way of presenting and delivering economic development opportunities in this area.

13.5 Queensway is already home to the successful employment areas of Churchfields and Castleham. The Enviro Enterprise Corridor could help attract new employers to the area, to complement the existing businesses and create a wider range of jobs. The core focus for the Corridor is environmental innovation.

The Preferred Approach - Enviro Enterprise Corridor

(19) PREFERRED APPROACH 16: Enviro Enterprise Corridor

To identify and support the Enviro Enterprise Corridor along Queensway towards the A21.

13.6 In support of the Enviro Enterprise Corridor concept, The Task Force will bring forward developments on two major development sites on existing Local Plan (2004) employment allocations on land at Queensway. These sites are known as Queensway South and Queensway North. Together these sites will form the Enviro21 Innovation Parks’.

Site Floorspace Phasing
Queensway South 8,835 m² 2009
Queensway North 9,700 m² By 2013

13.7 Queensway South will be developed first and current plans include the development of circa 8,835m² of floorspace for light manufacturing with inclusive office space. Additional ancillary facilities will also be developed at this location. The first phases are expected to be completed in 2009. Later phases including land at Queensway North (circa 9,700 sq, m) are expected to follow at during 2011-13. Both sites will be developed using private investment, as well as public subsidy. The precise phasing and pace of development will, to some extent be influenced by market factors and the delivery of the Hastings – Bexhill Link Road.

13.8 Central to the Enviro21 Innovation Parks’ concept is the desire to attract companies from all around the UK from the growing environmental technologies and services sector, as well as others who place importance on environmentally sustainable business.

13.9 There is also the potential to bring forward a further existing employment allocation with the Corridor area on land at Queensway/West Ridge. Options for bringing this site forward will be explored through the forthcoming Site Allocations DPD. Development at Queensway/West Ridge will be dependent on the route and timing of the Baldslow Link between Queensway and the A21, which could affect some of the land potentially available.

Sustainability Appraisal

13.10 We consider the sustainability effects of this approach on page 89 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.


  • Issues and options stage – n/a
  • Core Strategy objectives – 1, 3, 4
  • Draft South East Plan – CC1, TC2, RE2, RE3, TSR1, SCT1, SCT3
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies – E1, E4, New policy
  • Community Strategy targets – 7, 8
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS1, PPS3, PPS6, PPS12, PPG4

Measuring Success

  • Net housing completions
  • Affordable housing completions through the planning process
  • Total employment floorspace completed

The Seafront – South St Leonards, Central & East Hastings

The Issues

14.1 The Core Strategy will take forward the spatial planning aspects of The Seafront Strategy 2005, which has been prepared under the direction of The Task Force, Tourism South East, Hastings Borough Council and Rother District Council. It identifies a number of zones of change along the Hastings and Bexhill seafront. It’s an economic development strategy to regenerate Hastings and Bexhill by using the seafront as the area's best asset.  Its aim is to develop a co-ordinated plan for the coastline that runs from Rock-a-Nore in Hastings to Herbrands Walk in Bexhill.

14.2 The seafront is very much the ‘public face’ of the town and we need to plan change in the area to make more of economic and leisure opportunities associated with a seafront location. At the same time, we also need to make the beach and promenade accessible to all sectors of the community and continue to encourage owners of seafront properties to invest in the upkeep and repair of their buildings, achieving a better image of the town.

14.3 The only formal flood defences are located along the Bulverhythe area of the the Seafront. These defences are deemed to be in good condition, and provide a 1 in 200 year standard of protection. The South Foreland to Beachy Head Shoreline Management Plan also states that the long term policy is to “hold the line” in providing protection for the frontage, which means that coastal defences in the Borough are likely to be maintained in good working order for the foreseeable future.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

14.4 There was some concern about over-development of the seafront, particularly in relation to office developments. Plans for the seafront should consider the effects of climate change; Bottle Alley should be included in any plans; and many people mentioned the importance of securing the future of the Pier.

The Preferred Approach – The Seafront

(28) PREFERRED APPROACH 17: The Seafront

To support the delivery of key projects and proposals taken from the Seafront Strategy, and to identify the Seafront as an area of change. Where appropriate, key projects and proposals will be considered in more detail as part of subsequent development plan documents.

We are not asking for comments on these individual projects at this stage, but would like to know whether you support the identification of the seafront as a strategic area of change.

South St Leonards

14.5 Schemes at Glyne Gap include a park entrance and associated amenities for Pebsham Countryside Park, a new train station and enhanced pedestrian/cycle connections towards Galley Hill and West Marina/Bulverhythe.

14.6 West Marina/Bulverhythe - West Marina is a Millennium Community site. A Masterplanning exercise has been undertaken to develop a mixed use scheme comprising mainly residential and leisures uses. The project will now be taken forward in partnership with a private sector developer. We may prepare a supplementary planning document for the site. Subject to further investigation, there maybe opportunities at Bulverhythe area for a mix of housing and employment development.

14.7 The East Sussex Economic Partnership has commissioned a study into the commercial viability of development of land in the Bulverhythe area between the sea and Bexhill Road. This has the potential to be a strategic regeneration area in the later part of the plan period (post 2021) and to provide opportunties for mixed employment/housing uses. Subject to the outcome of the study, the Bulverhythe Area may be identified as a strategic development area in the submission version of the Core Strategy.

The Preferred Approach – Bulverhythe Area

(11) PREFERRED APPROACH 18: Bulverhythe Area

To identify the Bulverhythe area as a strategic regeneration location subject to the outcome of studies into the commercial viability of mixed housing/employment uses in the area for the post 2021 period.

14.8 St Leonards Seafront - Warrior Square landscape and townscape improvements and better connections to the seafront - This scheme is now underway and is currently programmed for completion in Summer 2009

14.9 Bexhill To Hastings Cycle Link - The National Cycleway Network (NCN) Route 2 currently runs along the promenade from the end of Robertson Street to Grosvenor Gardens and then the A259 to Galley Hill.

14.10 The County Council, Hastings Borough Council and Rother District Council were part of the successful £50m Sustrans bid for Lottery funding to enable the construction of a dedicated footway/cycleway route from Cinque Ports Way in St Leonards to Glyne Gap near Bexhill – a distance of over 2 km. This will link with existing routes to provide a seafront traffic free route for walkers and cyclists extending for a total length of 5 km between Hastings and Bexhill, and will provide access to the southern fringe of the proposed Pebsham Countryside Park. Futher design work, seeking planning permission and consultation will be required during 2008/09 and 2009/10 to enable construction of the scheme in 2010/11.


14.11 Hastings Town Centre/ Pelham Place - A flagship development at Pelham Place, A Task Force scheme comprised of offices, hotel, residential and retail and leisure/civic space. The scheme will need significant private investment. The Task Force is monitoring the local economic conditions - factors such as jobs, commercial rents and business growth - to decide when the time is right to start development.

14.12 Pier to Carlisle Parade/ Robertson Street - development of the evening economy.

14.13 The Seafront Strategy identified the potential for commercial investment and redevelopment in the Denmark Place/Castle Street/Pelham Street area. This is however a longer term possibility and requires careful investigation. It will therefore be considered in the first review of the LDF.

14.14 White Rock Baths – investigate potential car park/leisure/commercial uses.

14.15 Pelham pavement widening/Restoration Pelham Crescent – we plan to begin work on this in 2008 and complete work in 2009.

14.16 The Pier – we will try to secure a sustainable future for the structure.

East Hastings

14.17 The Stade/Rock-a-Nore - Removal of lorry/coach parking facilities and replacement with a coach drop-off area. A study is underway in conjunction with East Sussex County Council.

14.18 Improvements to lighting and interpretation to provide stronger connections to the Old Town, Rock-a-Nore beach and Hastings Country Park – a study, involving the County Council, is underway.

14.19 The Seafront Strategy identified the potential for the transformation of the existing amusements area into a ‘Seaport Village’ in the longer term. This would be a mixed use scheme potentially incorporating specialist retailing, leisure facilities and residential and visitor accommodation. This raises a number of land-use, townscape and environmental issues, which require careful investigation. In view of its longer term nature, the potential for development will be considered in the first review of the LDF.

14.20 More generally, the seafront remains a priority for the Grotbusters scheme, but there are other areas where concentrated effort on particular concerns will be dealt with.

Sustainability Appraisal

14.21 The seafront was identified as a potential area of change in the 2006 Issues and Options document and all of these areas have been taken forward as preferred options.

14.22 We consider the sustainability effects of these approaches on page 89 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report.


  • Issues and options stage – Question 7.1
  • Core Strategy objectives – 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,11,13
  • Draft South East Plan policies – CC12 RE5, T5, BE1, BE7, TSR1, TSR4,S3, SCT1, SCT6
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies – SS1, SS2, T12, TR4, NC1, C5
  • Community Strategy targets – 2, 7, 8, 16a, 16b, 16c, 20
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS6

Measuring Success

  • Targets and indicators to measure progress against individual projects will be monitored through the Seafront Strategy.


The Issues

15.1 This area is on the Hastings western urban fringe, and involves land largely in Rother District. A long-term proposal for a new mixed use development on the hill at Wilting was proposed by The South East England Development Agency in the Hastings & Bexhill Masterplan, commissioned in 2002 and also in “New homes for East Sussex 2006-2026” a document prepared by the County Council in 2005 to help inform the South East Plan”. This proposal included a new station on the hill at Wilting, looking over Pebsham Countryside Park and through Glyne Gap to the sea. This would be at the point where the Hastings and Bexhill Link Road would cross the railway and join Queensway.

15.2 The new station is listed in the South East Plan Implementation Plan (October 2006). Task Force are currently carrying out a feasibility study in relation to this proposal, which is due for completion in 2008.

15.3 The Highways Agency requires a Transport Impact Assessment for strategic housing sites such as Wilting. These assessments will help inform which sites or areas are selected as preferred options, and as such, is key to whether this site is taken forward.

You Told Us – Results of Issues and Options Consultation

15.4 The consultation resulted in comments both for and against development at Wilting. Concern was raised that the area could be in danger of becoming a satellite and an example of urban sprawl, and that the development would extend the town beyond its boundaries. It was also thought that the area was the only true countryside and to remember that it is next to the Combe Haven SSSI. Additionally, the site is considered too remote and would generate extra traffic for the link road.

15.5 On the other hand, it was also thought that development is essential to provide extra employment. Suggestions included making Wilting a transport hub, and including a visitor centre, specialist shopping, or a virtual 1066 centre.

The Preferred Approach – Wilting


We support the inclusion of this development as a preferred option for Rother, to provide quality housing and jobs for residents of both Hastings and Bexhill.

The area surrounding a new station could be the focus for housing and hi-tech industry. The development would need to fund the rail and road infrastructure needed to support the development. The railway station will be key to the sustainability of such a proposal, and further work is required to assess its feasibility.

At this stage we are seeking your views on the concept, rather than the detail of development in this location.

15.6 This option is subject to appraisal by Rother District Council, and a decision will be made on whether it will be included in their Local Development Framework during Spring 2008.

Sustainability Appraisal

15.7 Wilting was identified as a potential area of change in the Issues and Options document and all of these areas have been taken forward as preferred options. No alternatives to this site were considered.

15.8 It will be for Rother District Council to undertake Sustainability Appraisal as part of their Core Strategy preparations. However, a broad appraisal has been carried out on page 90 of the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal report.


  • Issues and options stage – Question 7.1
  • Core Strategy objectives – 2, 3, 7, 12
  • Draft South East Plan – H1, H3, SCT1, SCT2, SCT4
  • Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies – New policy
  • Community Strategy targets – 7, 8, 16a, 16b, 16c
  • PPGs/PPSs/Circulars – PPS1, PPS3, PPS9, PPG13, PPS 25

Measuring success

  • Total employment floorspace completed
  • Net housing completions
  • Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process
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