Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Ended on the 8 July 2008


Hastings Borough Council has prepared this Core Strategy Preferred Approaches document for consultation as part of the Hastings Local Development Framework (LDF). You can find out more about the Hastings LDF in the Introduction on page 10.

The consultation period for this document will run from Monday 12 May 2008 to Tuesday 8 July 2008. The first two weeks will be for informal consultation and publicity; the remaining six weeks from Tuesday 27 May to Tuesday 8 July are the statutory consultation period, and it is only during this time that we are able to accept comments.

The Core Strategy is just one document that will form part of the Hastings LDF. When completed, the Core Strategy will be the first key document that has been prepared. It will set out the vision, spatial objectives and core policies for the town’s future development. The Core Strategy will be the foundation for the other documents that will form the Hastings LDF.

There are three stages to producing a Core Strategy. We consulted on stage one – Issues and Options towards the end of 2006. This “Preferred Approaches” document is the second stage. A third and final stage – “Submission Version” – is timetabled for the end of 2008.

You can find out how to make your comments on page 9.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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