Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy

Ended on the 8 July 2008


Links to other tiers of plans and programmes, and project levels

The current Hastings Local Development Scheme identifies the following documents to be produced over the next 3 years:

  • Site Specific Allocations DPD
  • Hastings Town Centre Area Action Plan
  • Guidance on the Provision of Affordable Housing SPD
  • Guidance on the Provision of Open Spaces and Children’s Play Areas SPD
  • Guidance on Development Contributions SPD

All of the above will directly link in to the Core Strategy, as it provides the policy framework from which they will be developed. Further documents may also be prepared, in response to current issues. These will be outlined in the revision to the Local Development Scheme during 2008.

Other plans and programmes with links to those mentioned above include

  • The draft South East Plan
  • The East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Structure Plan
  • East Sussex County Council Waste and Minerals Local Development Framework
  • County and district Sustainable Community Strategies

Proposals for monitoring

Monitoring allows us to assess the effects of the plan, and test them against the predictions. This ensures that problems that may arise during implementation are identified and future predications can be made more accurately. Effective monitoring will enable gaps in baseline data to be filled and provide further information for other plans and programmes.

The SEA directive requires us to monitor the significant environmental effects of the Core Strategy policies so that we can identify at the early stages any unforeseen adverse effects, and undertake any appropriate remedial action. This will be reported on in the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

The Core Strategy monitoring framework currently identifies indicators to monitor the delivery of the strategic objectives - specific indicators for each defined Core Strategy policy will be provided in the submission version of the document.

A number of key indicators proposed within the monitoring framework of the Core Strategy are listed in table 9 below

Strategic Objectives Indicator Critical Success Factors
2 Net housing completions – 203 completions in 2006/07 Provide for at least 4200 new dwellings between 2006 and 2026 in line with Draft South East Plan requirements (210 per annum).
3, 4 Total floorspace completed in 2006/07 within use classes
B1 (a): 6806.8m²
B1 (b): 148m²
B1 (c): up to 4497.2m²
B2: 11,093m²
B8: up to 2211m²
Provide for at least 60,500m² of modern, purpose-built industrial and warehouse floorspace on land outside of the town centre.
3, 4, 5, 7 Amount of retail floorspace completed
2004/05 – 0m²
2005/06 - 360.05m²
2006/07 - 238.93m²
A gross increase of 30,000m² comparison goods retail floorspace in the town centre by 2016.

An increase of 2,600m² of purpose-built retail/commercial floorspace in St Leonards District centre from the Crystal Square development.
2 Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process.
2004/05 - 27
2005/06 - 52
2006/07 - 72
Affordable housing provided on all suitable sites of 15 dwellings or more
1, 3, 4, 8 Total education floorspace completed Expansion of the education sector requiring 35,885m² of floorspace by delivering the college sites at Station Plaza, Ore Valley and Phase 2 UCH by 2011.
3, 12 Number of residential developments over 10 dwellings providing at 10% of their energy requirements from onsite renewable energy generation  
10, 11, 12, 13 Access to open space - Increase the percentage of households within 300m of an accessible open space that meets the Councils Quality standards – 66% in 2006/07 Increase the percentage of households within 300m of a multifunctional greenspace, which meet the Councils’ quality standard in all relevant respects by not less than 4% in each of the next five years and to at least 90% by 2013.
1, 3 Average earnings 2006–
Workplace based - £369
Residence based - £377
Improve our relative position on (workplace-based) wage rates in Hastings by closing the gap between Hastings and East Sussex median average.

Table 9: Core Strategy monitoring framework – key indicators

Next stages

The SEA Directive requires us to “Consult with responsible environmental bodies and the public on the draft plan and the environment report before it is adopted”

This report is now subject to public consultation accordance with the SEA Directive and the Town & Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004. Information on how to comment is detailed on page 17 of this report.

Following public participation, any significant changes to the report will be appraised, and the final Sustainability Appraisal Report will be published alongside the submission version of the Core Strategy, for a further period of public consultation.

The submission version of the Core Strategy will then go forward to Examination with the final Sustainability Appraisal Report as part of the evidence base.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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