Preferred Approach 1 - Location of new housing
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Supporting texts indicates new housing on greenfield site
will be built to high environmental standards where
possible. All housing will include affordable
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Locating housing in accessible location will enable easy
access to facilities and reduce the need to travel by
care, thereby encouraging healthy lifestyles
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will need to ensure there is good accessibility to large
greenfield release to prevent social exclusion - well
located to public transport and services
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Developing brownfield sites in accessible locations will
help this. Will need to improve access to these services
on large greenfield release.
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
Ensure good design in development
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged


Brownfield sites will be developed first, but may be a
need to release greenfield at a later date
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Explore measures to compensate any loss of biodiversity
on both brownfield and greenfield
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Potential of development in higher risk flooding areas.
Use SFRA/FRA to direct development to lower risk
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Focusing development in any location is likely to
increase congestion, but if accessible, it will reduce
the need to travel
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 2 - Re-use of previously developed
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Will help to ensure that brownfield sites are developed
first, before greenfield opportunities.
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Developing brownfield sites will enhance the townscape
-particularly on sites that are currently underused
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 3 - Employment locations
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Option is locating significant amounts of employment
floorspace in deprived areas
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Will provide more job opportunities in sustainable
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Option directs development to sites in accessible
locations and on land already allocated
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Explore measures to compensate any loss of biodiversity
on both brownfield and greenfield
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Some employment locations may be in areas at risk of
flooding. Need to incorporate SUDs or other measures to
reduce risk
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Focusing development in any location is likely to
increase congestion, but if accessible, it will reduce
the need to travel
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved



Approach focuses on economic revival in more deprived
areas e.g. Hastings town centre
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and


New development aimed at attracting inward investment,
particularly in longer term
Preferred Approach 4 - Location of retail development
- comparison goods
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities

Providing more retail contributes to improving
accessibility to services
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged

Directing new retail to town centre will ensure land is
used more efficiently
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Hastings town centre is susceptible to flooding. Would
need mitigation measures to minimise risk - use of
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Hastings town centre is an accessible location so will
reduce the need to travel by car. However, new
development is still likely to increase congestion
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
New retail development will help economic revival in the
town centre - one of the deprived areas
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Would need to have significant investment in new retail
for town centre
Preferred Approach 5 - Location of retail development
- retail warehousing
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Providing more retail will improve access to services
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Directing new retail as close to town centre as possible
will ensure land is used more efficiently
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Would need to consider risk of flooding depending on
location - use of SFRA/FRA
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
New development is still likely to increase congestion -
would need to provide alternatives to the car
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 6 - Town, local and district
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will help to concentrate development in the more deprived
areas, where centres are, contributing to their economic
revival over time.
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities

Will build on existing retail offer
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Rationalisation of centres that are not performing well
will make better use of the land available
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
Rationalisation of failing centres, and concentration of
development in others will contribute to economic revival
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 7 - Hastings Town Centre - overall
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
Part of the overall strategy for the town centre is to
improve education and skills through UCH and the new
College - although this is not specifically mentioned in
PA - refinement needed
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
The strategy will aim to increase numbers of people in
the town - incresed footfall has direct link to fear and
perception of crime. Ensure secure by design? principles
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Re-use of underused land in the town centre.
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
The approach is about the overall strategy, rather than
specific development sites, where flood risk may have a
negative effect
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Approach specifically looks at the town centre being
accessible by public transport.
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
Provision of further jobs and business opportunities in
the town centre - a deprived area
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 8 - Hastings Town Centre
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



New housing within Station Plaza built to higher
environmental standards - affordable housing also
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced



Improved housing has direct links to health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town



Improving skills, new and affordable housing etc all
contribute to reducing deprivation in the area
4. Education and skills of the population improve



Provision made through new College at Station Plaza and
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Increased footfall and new developments will reduce crime
and fear of crime. Include secure by design principles
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Making more effective use of land in the town centre.
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
New development will increase visitor/workers/
students travelling by car. However, the town centre is
an accessible location, accessible by alternative modes
of travel.
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
More cars will have an impact on climate change. Need to
ensure developments built to high environmental
standards, as is Station Plaza.
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
All new development is likely to result in an increase in
water consumption.
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
New development at Station Plaza incorporates high levels
of energy efficiency. Need to ensure remaining
developments do the same, and generate energy from
renewable resources.
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
All new development is likely to result in an increase in
waste generation
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
New development will increase visitor/workers/
students travelling by car. However, the town centre is
an accessible location, accessible by alternative modes
of travel.
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all



New office based developments will provide further job
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved



New businesses to aid economic revival
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration



21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Preferred Approach 9 - Central St Leonards - key
developments proposed
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
New developments at the old Hastings College and Alpha
Café site will contribute to this. Aim for high levels of
sustainable construction
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town



Central St Leonards is one of the most deprived areas in
the town - developments proposed aim to reduce levels of
poverty and exclusion
4. Education and skills of the population improve
No education facilities proposed
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Increase footfall will contribute. Ensure secure by
design? principles included
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
New developments may increase risk of flooding. Need to
provide mitigation measures if appropriate and use
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
New development will increase visitor/workers travelling
by car. However, CSL is an accessible location,
accessible by alternative modes of travel.
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
New development will have adverse effect. Need to design
buildings and spaces to mitigate and adapt to climate
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
New development will increase water consumption
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
New development will increase energy consumption
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
New development will increase waste production
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
New development will increase visitor/workers travelling
by car. However, CSL is an accessible location,
accessible by alternative modes of travel.
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all



Developments provide further employment opportunities
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved



20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration



21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Preferred Approach 10 - Central St Leonards -
Improving housing choice and conditions
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Improving housing conditions will contribute to this
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced



Improving housing conditions has a direct link to health
and well being
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will reduce number of unfit homes contributing to
deprivation and social exclusion
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Reduce opportunities for crime in the area
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Will improve townscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Uncertain how this will be done, but if improvements
increase energy efficiency and reduce consumption, this
will have a positive effect.
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Uncertain how this will be done, but if improvements
include ways to reduce water consumption, this will have
a positive effect.
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Uncertain how this will be done, but if improvements
increase energy efficiency and reduce consumption, this
will have a positive effect.
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 11 - Central St Leonards - creating
a sustainable community
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Widens the housing choice in the area - making it
accessible to all, including the provision of affordable
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Good living accommodation can help improve health and
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Provision of affordable housing to improve deprivation
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Providing a more permanent population can improve crime
and fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged


Providing a more stable community will contribute to
urban renaissance, increasing over time
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Further development may increase flood risk - will need
to mitigate against any increase
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Widening the housing choice may encourage more car use,
impacting on air quality. However, CSL is an accessible
location with alternative modes of transport.
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Uncertain impact - Need to ensure conversions/new
dwellings are sustainably constructed to reduce
consumption to have a positive effect.
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Uncertain impact - Need to ensure conversions/new
dwellings are sustainably constructed to reduce
consumption to have a positive effect.
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
Uncertain impact - Need to ensure conversions/new
dwellings are sustainably constructed to reduce
consumption to have a positive effect.
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Uncertain impact - may increase numbers of cars through
development of new units, but the area is in a central
location, accessible by other modes of transport.
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 12 - Central St Leonards -
Improving the physical environment
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Will improve the quality and appearance of housing
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Improvement of the physical environment can link with
healthier lifestyles and quality of life
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Provision of safer streets through lighting etc will
improve crime and fear of crime for residents - secure by
design principles?
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Will enhance the townscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
If improvements to homes are made in accordance with the
Code for Sustainable Homes/BREEAM standards, will have a
positive effect
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
As above
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
As above
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
Will not necessarily result in more people/more homes
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Likely to attract more cars to the area, although this is
in a sustainable location - ensure alternative modes of
travel available
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
Making the area more attractive to businesses
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 13 - Central St Leonards - Economic
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Outcome of CSL as a social and economic regeneration area
will help to reduce deprivation
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Approach will manage and improve such services
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Will result in increased footfall, which has links to
reducing crime and fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Making the best use of land in Central St Leonards
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Approach likely to attract more cars to the area.
However, CSL is a sustainable location with alternative
modes of travel available.
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Uncertain effect - if conversion of buildings take into
account climate 'proofing' principles, this will have a
positive effect
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
New businesses, increased numbers of people likely to
increase consumption
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Uncertain effect - if conversion of buildings take into
account climate 'proofing' principles, this will have a
positive effect
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Approach likely to attract more cars to the area.
However, CSL is a sustainable location with alternative
modes of travel available.
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Job opportunities provided across retail and employment
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved



20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration



Links closely with social aims of strategy for Central St
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Improvements likely to attract investment
Preferred Approach 14 - Pebsham Countryside Park
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Improving access to recreational opportunities has strong
links to quality of life and health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Approach widens choice of green space and employment
opportunities within the town
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
Will provide an important contribution to the town's
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced



New countryside park provides significant opportunities
for increasing biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



Increased protection for the landscape and countryside
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to


Improvements to air quality- site will no longer be used
for landfill
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Provision of new park and associated works will improve
on current use of site, but will still attract increased
numbers of visitors which could cause some negative
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Uncertain effect - open land as part of the countryside
park will be allowed to flood, but more visitors could
impact on water quality. Water quality may also be
affected by existing soil contamination.
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Will need to provide improvements to public transport
services to cancel out the negative effect
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
Uncertain of outcome of proposal in terms of economic
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 15 - Ore Valley Millennium
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Provides homes to high standards of environmental design
- Eco-homes excellent
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
High quality homes, provision of open spaces etc will
improve health and well-being and encourage healthier
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Development provides economic opportunities as well as
improved housing conditions
4. Education and skills of the population improve



New construction skills college is being provided within
the site
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Majority of these services provided within the scheme
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Built to design codes standard - incorporates crime
prevention principles
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained



8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Re-use of previously developed land
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
New green space being provided - design codes taken into
account need to enhance biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Quantity of new homes will mean that there will be
increase in number of cars in the area,. However,
improvements are being made to the public transport
available and through the design of the scheme
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts



Development built to high standards of sustainable design
and construction
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
Additional homes will increase waste arisings, although
recycling facilities part of design codes
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Designed to provide greater travel choice, including the
cycling storage facilities and improvements to Ore
Station. However additional homes will still increase
road congestion
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Job opportunities will be provided through commercial
elements of the scheme
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Investment already provided, and likely to encourage more
in the future
Preferred Approach 16 - Enviro Enterprise Corridor
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Provide access to further job opportunities, which has
direct links with improving health and quality of life
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Greenfield sites
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Development of greenfield sites likely to lead to loss of
biodiversity - would need mitigation measures to provide
enhancement within the site, or elsewhere.
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Replacement of greenfield land with employment
development likely to result in significant increase in
runoff. Would need to explore risks of flooding and
incorporate SUDs into development
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Increased levels of traffic likely to be generated by the
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Development is being built to high standards of
sustainable design
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
May increase consumption - units are likely to
incorporate minimisation measures
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Development looking to generate energy through wind
turbine, and buildings built to high standards of
sustainable design
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Increase traffic generated by development
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all



19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Preferred Approach 17 - The Seafront
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home

If taken forward as developments, Pelham Place, West
Marina and Seaport Village likely to be longer term
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Leisure activities will help to promote healthier
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities


Seafront strategy proposes various improvements to
accessibility, particularly connectivity along the
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Increase footfall likely to have a positive effect on
crime and fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained



8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Potential impact on coast from increased visitor numbers.
New development on Seafront will have to take account of
existing flood zones and climate change impacts - refer
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Developments will enhance the townscape and coast
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Increased visitor numbers and associated cars may
adversely impact, but improved cycle routes and access to
Seafront could help this
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
May impact on consumption and coastline water quality -
increase numbers of people
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Increased visitor numbers travelling to the town by
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Will provide additional job opportunities
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved


20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 18 - Bulverhythe
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Housing will be provided on the site. If built to higher
environmental standards, will maximise beneficial effects
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
New housing has links to health and well being
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will help to reduce deprivation on this site to the west
of the town by providing new housing, including
affordable, and employment opportunities
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Improved access to jobs
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Increased footfall in the area - increase beneficial
effects if incorporate 'Secure by design' principles into
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged

Make more effective use of the land available
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Potential for negative effects, would need to mitigate
against any loss of biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
This is in a high-risk flood zone - Sequential test needs
to be applied in allocation process. Initial SFRA (Level
2) indicates development would be appropriate in this
location, although would have to carry out detailed FRA
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Uncertain effect - new development likely to result in
increase in car use, however, site is located in an
accessible location. Design of development to discourage
car use associated with both housing and employment
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Uncertain impact - development would need to be designed
sustainably, and take account of 'climate proofing'
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Water consumption likely to increase. Development would
need to provide water minimisation measures
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Development would need to be built to high environmental
standards, to increase energy efficiency and provide on
site renewables where appropriate
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
Waste arisings likely to increase. Waste Management plan
needs to be provided and storage for recycling
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Likely to result in increased traffic - need to consider
improvements to current public transport infrastructure
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all

Providing significant employment opportunities in the
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
Contribute to the overall regeneration strategy for the
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 19 - Wilting
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Housing provided as part of the scheme - will need to
provide affordable/good standard of sustainable design
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Station provided as part of the development - will
improve accessibility
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Uncertain effect - would need to take account of crime
prevention/secure by design principles
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Greenfield site - could contribute to urban renaissance
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Greenfield site - would need to mitigate against the loss
of biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Site located near Hollington Stream and Coombe Haven. No
obvious flooding issues in SFRA although careful
consideration to increasing run-off - detailed FRA
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Would involve development of existing countryside and
possible effects on landscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Development and increased users of the area/cars would
result in increase in air pollution
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
New development will impact on climate change. Would need
to ensure climate proofing taken fully on board with this
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Consider impact of run off in the coombe have and effect
of new development in terms of water quality and
increased levels of consumption
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
Uncertain - would need to incorporate energy efficiency
measures/renewables in development to ensure positive
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
More housing will increase waste arisings - development
will need to consider waste minimisation and recycling
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Development will increase road users, although
incorporation of new station provides greater travel
choice. Development would need to consider reducing car
dependency within design
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Employment opportunities will be provided as part of
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Preferred Approach 20 - Housing mix
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Widening the housing choice will provide more
opportunities for more people
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced



3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town



Specifically looks at improving conditions in deprived
areas, namely MC sites
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Securing a mix of housing sizes and types should increase
perception of safety and reduce fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 21 - Density
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Increasing densities may increase the risk of flooding,
depending on location and increase in run off. Ensure
minimisation measures are incorporated into design, and
use of SFRA/FRA
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Increasing densities will increase congestion. High
density developments should be sustainably located
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 22 - Gypsies and travellers
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Helping to ensure that all members of the community have
access to somewhere to live
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Uncertain effect - will depend on the location/type of
the site(s) selected
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 23 - Overall target for affordable
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Provision of affordable housing has links to improving
health and well-being
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Help social inclusion by making housing more accessible
to more people
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 24 - Types of affordable housing
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Provides flexibility to ensure different types of
affordable housing are accessible
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Help social inclusion and work to reduce deprivation by
making housing more accessible to more people
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 25 - Specifying the size and form
of affordable housing
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Integrating affordable housing within developments will
reduce fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 26 - The local economy - land
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Jobs provided through the provision of employment land at
these locations will contribute to the economic
indicators of deprivation
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Improve accessibility to jobs
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Would need to ensure appropriate mitigation provided for
any loss of biodiversity on either brownfield/greenfield
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
Replacement of greenfield land with employment
development likely to result in significant increase in
runoff. Would need to explore risks of flooding and
incorporate SUDs into development. Town centre also has
history of flooding that would need to be taken into
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Additional employment development likely to have a
negative impact on air quality
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Will increase no of people travelling to work by car, and
traffic generated by the employment uses. Consider travel
plans and improvements to public transport network to
support developments
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all



19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved



20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration



21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and



Preferred Approach 27 - Skills and training
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve



New college and university will have a significant effect
on improving skills in the town
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Increased footfall in the town centre will help to reduce
crime and fear and crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Will attract more people to the town centre, impacting on
congestion, although developments are in an accessible
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Will provide some employment opportunities in the town
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 28 - Tourism
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
Will continue to support the towns tourist offer,
contributing to a distinctive community
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Uncertain effect, may increase visitors to the town,
which will have subsequent impact on cars and level of
air pollution - need to ensure good sustainable transport
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
As above
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Likely to increase consumption of resources
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Uncertain effect, may increase visitors to the town,
which will have subsequent impact on cars and level of
air pollution - need to ensure good sustainable transport
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all



Will provide employment opportunities in tourism sector
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 29 - Language schools
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
Ensure the continued use of buildings for language
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Uncertain effect - need to ensure buildings are climate
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
May increase consumption
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
Language schools make a recognised contribution to the
local economy
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
As above
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 30 - Transport and accessibility -
strategic road and rail schemes
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Will help to reduce travel times and ease access to
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Link Road likely to have the most positive effect, will
not be built until medium-long term if accepted
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Impacts on biodiversity need to be mitigated
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
May increase risk of flooding - will need to consider
through FRA
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Will increase accessibility, although the building of
more roads could have a negative impact
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Improvements to public transport services will have a
positive effect, although provision of new roads may
increase car use, which will have a subsequent effect on
air quality. However, likely to withdraw cars from
existing areas of poor air quality
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Increased emissions from cars likely to have negative
effect on climate change
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Approach provides greater travel choice and expected to
reduce congestion on existing roads
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
Will support planned growth for the town, helping to aid
economic growth and revival
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 31 - Local road improvements
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Dependent on whether improvements are implemented - if
scheme is taken forward, will seek to direct traffic away
from areas with high levels of pollution and poor air
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
As above
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 32 - Transport and accessibility -
more sustainable transport options
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Provision of sustainable transport options will help to
improve health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Improving access for those in deprived areas
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Approach focuses significantly on improving accessibility
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Sustainable transport options will help to reduce air
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
As above
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice



18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
Approach recognises the need to promote regeneration
through the LATS
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 33 - Transport and accessibility -
car parking
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Promotion of public transport to access the town centre
has links to improving health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Approach looks at improving access to the town centre
first, which has positive effects
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Improving access by means other than the car will help to
reduce air pollution
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 34 - Transport and accessibility -
residential parking
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Will reduce the likelihood of congestion on roads due to
existing levels of on-street parking
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 35 - Transport and accessibility -
location of development
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Promotes sustainable modes of travel, links to health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Enables people to access major development areas e.g.
employment and housing which will help to alleviate
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
Will help to reduce the need to travel by car, reducing
air pollution
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice



18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 38 - Nature conservation and
improvement of biodiversity
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Improving quality of spaces has positive link to health
and well being
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
Specifically looks at increasing accessibility to spaces
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced



10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
Positive effects for the marine environment
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Increasing accessibility, and development of network will
encourage use, without need to travel by car
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 39 - Landscape protection
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced



Safeguarding these areas will help protect and enhance
existing biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 40 - Open spaces
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced



Enhancing open space, and provision of new has direct
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Well designed open spaces, and increased use can
contribute to reducing crime, and fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained



8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced



10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Pedestrian and cycle links between the town wide open
spaces provide greater travel choice, and reduce the need
to travel by car
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 41 - Open spaces - strategic
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Strategic network will encourage walking/cycling between
spaces - positive impact on health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Parks and gardens, landscape, countryside will be made
more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Will reduce the need to travel by car
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 42 - Sports and leisure
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced



Provision of new sporting and leisure facilities will
promote healthier lifestyles
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Approach reflects that such facilities must be centrally
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
If centrally located, may reduce the need to travel by
car. However, increased nos of visitors still could have
negative impact
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
Will provide further job opportunities if a major
facility was provided
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 43 - Childrens' play provision
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Encouraging play will improve health
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Spaces must be well designed.
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Approach looks at providing informal spaces as well as
equipped play areas - can enhance biodiversity
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 44 - Sustainability and design
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Approach encourages sustainable designed and constructed
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will minimise running costs, helping to alleviate fuel
poverty and barriers to housing
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
Encourages good design, helping to create safer
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained



8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Makes the best use of land
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future



Specifically looks at the threat from flooding
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to



Protects against air pollution
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts



Strategic policy is aimed at minimise emissions
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced



Promotes water efficiency
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased



Promotes energy efficiency and use of renewables
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced



17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
Doesn't specify the need to locate developments in
accessible locations
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 45 - Renewable energy - stand alone
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Policy protects any effect of standalone schemes on
townscape or landscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased



16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 46 - Renewable energy - on site
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home



Will ensure that renewables are incorporated into larger
schemes improving the efficiency of dwellings. However,
would be more beneficial if applied to all new homes
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
Will help to reduce fuel and running costs
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



Provision of renewables will help to make the most
efficient use of land
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to



13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts



Generating energy will reduce demand and adverse impacts
on climate change
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased



16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 47 - Flood risk
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
This will direct new housing away from high risk areas
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
Positive effect on health by not building in high risk
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
Including marine life
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future



11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible
Will protect the existing townscape and landscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts



SFRA takes into account climate change impacts - FRA will
build on this information
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced



15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 48 - Sense of place and local
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
Improve design quality of residential developments and
standards seek to improve on building regulations in
terms of efficiency. Refers to space for adaptation in
the future
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities



Requires development to be located so it is accessible to
these services and facilities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime



7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained



Specifically refers to distinctive character of the
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged



9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



Will protect and enhance the townscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
Seeks to promote high levels of sustainable design and
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice



Aims to ensure highways do not dominate and there are
links to alternative methods of travel, other than the
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and
Preferred Approach 49 - Built and historic
Sustainability Objective
Short term
Medium term
Long term
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live
in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home
2. The health and well-being of the population is
improved and inequalities in health are reduced
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and
the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived
areas in Hastings and the rest of the town
4. Education and skills of the population improve
5. All sectors of the community have improved
accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social,
cultural and recreational opportunities
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is
a reduction in crime and the fear of crime
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are
created and sustained
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban
renaissance encouraged
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal
erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the
historic environment/ townscape and landscape are
protected, enhanced and made more accessible



Approach specifically looks at preserving the historic
environment and townscape
12. Air pollution is reduced, air quality continues to
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and
ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the
marine environment is maintained and improved and water
consumption is reduced
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is
reduced and the proportion of energy generated from
renewable resources is increased
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the
amount of waste for disposal is reduced
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and
there is less car dependency and greater travel choice
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and
rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the
town is stimulated and successfully achieved
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is
achieved and linked closely to social regeneration
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and