Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy

Ended on the 8 July 2008

Appendix B – Baseline Review

Indicator Current year/quantified data Comparators Trends Targets Data problems Data source
Hastings – Population Growth 86,120 (mid-2006 population estimates)
41,649 male
44,471 women
Average age – East Sussex 42.9. 39.1 South East & 38.7 England & Wales

Policy Based Projections – 84,541 in 2026

Trend Based Projections - 97,700 in 2029
Trend based predictions reveal a rise in population to 97,700 by 2029   Census collected every 10 years, other figures rely on estimates. ONS (2001 Census)
And population forecasts, ESCC

Hastings – Population Characteris-tics Almost 25% of Borough population is 19 or under.

Over 17% of the Borough Population is over 65 years old
Policy Based Projections – Population under 19, 20.4% in 2026, population over 65, 26.1% in 2026.
Trend Based Projections – Population under 19 21.3% in 2029, population over 65 24.1% in 2029
Economically active working age population 2006 Survey –
All people- 39,000 – 77.9% of the working population
Male working age – 20,600 (80.3%)
Females – working age 18,500 (75.7%)
80.8% East Sussex
82.0% South east
78.6% England
37,700 (75.7% of the working age population in 2005, in 1999 77% employment rate
Residents satisfaction % of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live
Citizen panel 2001 – 70.3%
Citizen panel 2003 – 75.2%
Citizen panel 2005/06 – 76.0%
Citizen panel 2006/07 – 76.0%
  Increase in satisfaction between 2001 % 2005 – better then the cs target of 73% C S target 2 Increase the % of local people satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live to 85%by 2013
73%- 2005 78% 2008
85% 2013
Young people March 2006/07
54.7% of young people surveyed considered Hastings a ‘good place’ to live in
Dec 05 54.9% There was a 6.1% increase in satisfaction – Hastings is a ‘good place’ to live Improved satisfaction C S target 4 Increase the proportion of young people who think the town is a good place for them to live in

58% - 2008
73% 2013
Dependant on youth citizens panels survey Young people Survey
Housing Tenure In 2001
Owner occupier 64%
Housing Assoc/Social landlord 15%
Private landlord/letting agency 21%
South east
Owner occupier 73.2%
Housing Assoc/Social landlord 6.61%%
Shared ownership 0.8%
Private landlord/letting agency 8.8%%
Other 3.31%
Hastings has very high proportion of privately rented properties     ONS (2001 Census)
Property values Average House Price - £155,646 between April – June 2007 East Sussex - £229,685
South east – £256,149 between April – June 2007
Between 1998 and 2003 average property price has more than doubled (an increase of 121%) Average £155,224 between April-June 2006   HM Land registry
Property affordability – ratio of average house prices to average local earnings Average property cost the equivalent of 7.3 times salaries in 2006
Average house price Hastings £158,127 between Oct – Dec 2006
Average house prices
Rother £202,939 – 8.1 times salaries in 2005
East Sussex £200,870 – 7.5 times salaries in 2005
South East 215,128
UK £175,396
(Jan – march 2005) 6.7 times salaries in 2005
Property process in Hastings have risen by 94% since 2000   Overall affordability – average local property price divided by average local earnings
Annual information
Nomis, HM Land registry


East Sussex in figures
Housing stock 40,897 households in Hastings in 2005, of which 5,266 (12.9%) owned by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) 8% of stock in the South East is owned by RSLs, and 8.2% in England overall. There were 38,034 dwellings in 2001 – a 7% rise in stock. 15.7% was RSL stock
Number of households has risen in recent years and is likely to do so in the future
    Dwelling Stock by Tenure and Condition data provided by the ODPM from ONS website
Household size 2.19 persons per household South East = 2.38 persons per household       Housing Market Assessment 2006
Condition of housing stock 4,229 (10.3%) of dwellings are unfit in 2005 3.5% of dwellings in the South East were unfit, 4.8% were unfit overall for England, 2004 13.9% of stock was unfit in 2001,
The number if unfit dwellings is in decline
    Dwelling Stock by Tenure and Condition data provided by the ODPM from ONS website
Homeless-ness 2006/07
Hastings 241 households accepted as homeless
Hastings experiences highest levels of households accepted as homeless in the county
In 2005 10.43% of households were housed in Bed & Breakfast accomodation as an emergency measure – meeting the 2005 CS target
2005/06 – 273 households accepted as homeless

2004/05 – 378 households accepted as homeless

2003/04 – 439 households accepted as homeless
CS target 18a Achieve a 50% reduction in numbers accepted as homeless per 1000 households by 2010
28% per 1000 - 2005
6.92% per 1000 - 2008
3.12% per 11000 - 2013
  Housing Team – Hastings Borough Council
Number of housing completions 2006/2007 – 203 net new homes built
Southeast 28,000 new homes in 2004/05 2005/06 338 net new homes completed
2004/05 210 net new homes completed
C S target 16a CS target 16 Build 3300 new homes
600 new homes by 2005 1600 new homes 2008
3300 new homes 2013
Structure plan target - 3,300 homes to 2011 - South east plan target
4200 dwellings by 2026
Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process. 2006/07 - 72   2005/06 – 52
2004/05 - 27
75 units a year   Annual Monitoring Report – Forward Planning
Housing density 2006/07 –
Percentage of new homes completed at less than 30 dwellings per hectare – 5.7%
30-50 dwellings per hectare – 38.0%
above 50 dwellings per hectare 56.3%
  2005/06 –
Percentage of new homes completed at less than 30 dwellings per hectare – 6.4%
30-50 dwellings per hectare – 41.3%
above 50 dwellings per hectare – 52.3%
2004/05 – less than 30 dwellings per hectare - 4.2%, 30-50 dwellings per hectare – 32.1%, above 50 dwellings per hectare – 63.8%
    Annual Monitoring Report – Forward Planning.
Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, employment and a major health centre. 2006/07 –

GP = 100%
Hospital = 100%
Schools = 100%
Employment = 100%
Major Retail Centre = 100%
  2005/2006 –
GP = 100%
Hospital = 81%
Schools = 100%
Employment = 100%
Major Retail Centre = 78%
2004/05 – no comparable data for this period
    Annual Monitoring Report – Forward Planning
Number of empty homes brought back into use – BVPI 64 2006/07 – 78 Properties brought back into use.   2005/2006 – 82 Properties brought back into use.     Empty Homes officer – Hastings Borough Council.
Social Inclusiveness
Child Poverty 8 Super Output Areas (SOAs) are in the worst 10% of the country for Child Poverty (with 3 being in the worst 5%) – Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 29% of children under 16 years in Hastings are living in income deprived households
Target to reduce the gap by 6% was narrowly missed in 2005 – actual 6.12% - target 6%
  CS Target 3
Narrow the gap between child poverty rates for Hastings and East Sussex as a whole. (Measured as the proportion of children aged under 16 living in households in receipt of Income Support)
2005: 44 (6% gap)
2008: 42% (5.5% gap)
2013: 37% (4.5% gap)
  IMD 2007 – income deprivation affecting children index

% of households in fuel poverty Defined as households who have to spend 10% or more of their income to heat their homes
6.59% of households are living in fuel poverty (2486 households
NB data based on 1991 Census and 1996 Housing Condition Survey
Wealden 17%, Rother 22%, Lewes 20%, Eastbourne 25% Likely to increase if fuel prices continue to rise
UK estimates 2004- approx 2 million households in fuel poverty in the UK.
  Not sure if the report by CSE will be repeated. Based on 1991 census data & 1996 House Condition Survey
Review underway to link 1991 data to 2003 boundary reviews
Housing Condition Survey (1996)
Centre For Sustainable energy report – A Profile of Fuel Poverty in the South East
Community cohesion In 2006/07, 52% felt people from different backgrounds live harmoniously in the town
  In 2005 – 51.1% C S target 10 Increase the number residents who feel people from different backgrounds live harmoniously in the town
51% - 2008
59% - 2013
  Citizen Panel & C Strategy target
Indices of multiple deprivation The Index of Multiple Deprivation provides an insight into the social characteristics of the Borough. It provides an overall measure of how deprived a community is by scoring a wide range of issues, including employment, income, health, education, housing and crime. These 6 areas have 32 separate indicators, which together make up the overall indices of deprivation. Hastings is in the top 10% of most deprived Local Authority areas in England- and ranks 29 on the average ward scores, where 1=most deprived and 354 = least deprived district in England.
Comparative data
Eastbourne ranked 88
Rother 163
  C S target 1
Halve the number of neighbourhoods in the 10% most deprived nationally
12 – 2005
10 – 2008
6 - 2013
  IMD 2007
Location of most deprived Super Output Areas The Index also measures deprivation for small areas with a population of about 1500 people – these are known as Super Output Areas (SOA) and there are 53 such areas in Hastings and St Leonards, and 32,482 nationally.
37.7% of SOAs in Hastings fall within the most deprived 20% of SOAs in England – this is the highest proportion of any Local Authority in the South East. Approximately 22% of the town’s population live in an SOA, which are in the top 10% most deprived nationally.   CS target 1 Narrow the gap – halve the number of neighbourhoods in the 10% most deprived nationally. (A neighbourhood is defined as a Super Output Area.)
Baseline: 2004 12 in the worst 10%
  ONS (Census 2001)
Community Safety
Number of burglaries per 1000 households There were 14.6 domestic burglaries / 1,000 population in Hastings in 2006/07
Hastings was in the top 25% of councils in England and Wales for levels of domestic burglary (i.e. the quartile with the greatest numbers of burglaries). The 25% cut-off was 13.6. There were 23.6 domestic burglaries / 1,000 population in Hastings in 2003-04, 17.43/1,000 in 2005/06
Proportion of burglary’s is declining
C S target 5 Halve the gap between overall crime rates per 1000 for Hastings & St Leonards & the average for England & Wales
Number of Violent offences per 1000 population There were 36.9 / 1,000 population in Hastings in 2006/07
Hastings was in the top 25% of councils in England and Wales for levels of violent crime (i.e. the quartile with the greatest numbers of crimes). The 25% cut-off was 6.3. There were 34.8 violent crimes / 1,000 population in Hastings in 2006/07, 34.2 / 1000 in 2004/05
Fear of crime Fear of crime has reduced since 2001 – annual survey
2006 93%
(feel safe where you live during the day)
  Fear of crime is reducing 2001 84%
2004 89%
2005 91%
Human Health
Life expectancy Average life expectancy in Hastings
75.7 years males
80.1 years females

2004-2006 Averages
South East –
78.5 years males
82.4 years females

2004-2006 Averages
Average life expectancy in Hastings
75.7 years males
79.9 years females East Sussex
79.9 years males
82 years females

2003-2005 Averages
Community strategy target 13 Reduce death rates from circulatory disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) and cancer in people under 75, by at least 40% and 20% respectively by 2013

2003-2005 Averages
Reduce death rates from circulatory disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) in people under 75 88.1/100,000 (2003-2005 average) 147/100,000 (1996 Baseline)

103/100,000 (2002-2004 average)

Target for 2005/2006 down by 25%, 30% reduction achieved
Down by 30% in 2008/2009

Down by 40% 2013/2014
CS target 13a Reduce death rates from circulatory disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) in people under 75
Reduce death rates from cancer in people under 75 119.65/100,000 (2003-2005 average) 157/100,000 (1996 Baseline)

120/100,000 (2002-2004 average)

24% reduction achieved, Target for 2005/2006 down by 15%
  C S Target 13b
Reduce the death rates form cancer in people under 75, Down by 15% in 2008/2009

Down by 20% in 2013/2014
General Level of health In 2001 Census - 11.2% of population described their health as ‘not good’ 7.12% South East
9.22% England & Wales
% of Households with one or more persons with a limiting long term illness Hastings 36.7% or 18,419 – 2001 Rother 34%
Eastbourne 35%
Southeast 29%
England 33%
Road traffic accidents In 2006, 1 fatal crash, 33 serious, 201 slight – total of 235 crashes on Hastings roads.
In 2006, 1766 people were injured in 1666 crashes on the roads in East Sussex
Rother 324 crashes
Eastbourne 297
Lewes 309
Wealden 501

In 2005, 2342 people were injured in 1703 crashes on the roads in East Sussex
In 2004 – 2 fatal crashes
38 serious and 212 slight – total of 322 crashes on Hastings roads, In 2005, 6 fatal crashes, 49 serious, 222 slight – total of 277 crashes on Hastings roads.
UK govt by 2010 to reduce the numbers of people killed or seriously injured by 40%
Number of cyclist road accident casualties 2006- 22 causalities involving pedal cyclists in Hastings

Eastbourne 32
Rother 7
Lewes 18
Wealden 23
East Sussex 102
2005 – 18, 2004 -19 causalities involving pedal cyclists in Hastings
GCSE qualifications – 15 year old young people (A*-C) 43.48% achieved in 2006/07 42.1% achieved in 2005/06
42% baseline (Sep 03 –Aug 04)
41% 02-03
43% 01-02

South east 55%
GCSE pass rates in Hastings are lower then other LA’s in east Sussex CS target 9a Increase the % of 15 year olds achieving 5 or more GCSE’s A*-C grades or equivalent
46% by 2008
51% by 2013
  Community Strategy Target 9a
% of working age population with NVQ level 3 or above Hastings – 42.2% - Jan-Dec 2006 APS England – 44%
South East – 49.4%
East Sussex –47.4%
Hastings – 42.2% - Jan-Dec 2005 APS   Sample Survey –some issues with data accuracy - Annual Population Survey
% school leavers pursuing further education For Hastings 14% of 16-74 year olds classed themselves as level 4/5 educational attainment in the 2001 census (1st or higher degree, NVQ 4/5, or equivalent health qualification). 7% classed themselves as level 3 (2+ A-levels, NVQ 3). 20% as level 2 (5+ GCSE’s at A-C, NVQ 2). 19% as level 1 (1+ GCSE, any grade, NVQ 1). 32% with no formal qualifications. For East Sussex 18% classed themselves at level 4/5, 8% at level 3, 21% at level 2, 18% at level 1, and 27% without qualifications. For England and Wales 18% level 4/5, 8% level 3, 19% level 2, 17% level 1 and 29% with no qualifications.   C S target 9 Increase the % of 15 year-olds achieving 5 or more GCSE’s at grades A* - C or equivalent to 55% in 2013
46% - 2008
51% - 2013
Working age population with NVQ4 or above Hastings – 19.9% - Jan-Dec 2006 APS England – 27.1%
South East – 30.5%
East Sussex –26.1%
Hastings – 16.8% - Jan-Dec 2005 APS   Sample Survey –some issues with data accuracy - Annual Population Survey

% of adults with poor literacy 25% of Adults had poor literacy skills in a 1996/7 survey
10% adults had literacy skills below entry level 3 in 2003
24% of adults in East Sussex and 24% in England and Wales had poor literacy skills in 2003     Survey will be updated shortly but no confirmed date
% of adults with poor basic numeracy skills 25% of adults had poor basic numeracy skills in a 1996/7 survey
61% of adults had basic skills below entry level 3 in 2003
22% of adults in East Sussex and 24% in England and Wales had poor basic numeracy skills in 2003     Survey will be updated shortly but no confirmed date Dept Education & Skills
% car ownership There were 37,433 private licensed vehicles in Hastings in 2004 (0.44 / person)

In 2001 34% of households had no car (of these 43% were pensioners, 12% lone parents and 7% were households with dependant children)
Households without a car in East Sussex in 2001:
Eastbourne 31%
Lewes 21%
Rother 21%
Wealden 14%
East Sussex 23%
There were 4,237,176 private vehicles licensed in the South East (0.52 / person) and 24,270,519 in England and Wales (0.46 / person).
A 14% rise from 2001- 2004. There were 32,962 private licensed vehicles in Hastings in 2001. The South East showed an 8% rise, and 9% for England and Wales.
Road traffic growth – traffic flow Road traffic growth for period 1998 onwards –
Hastings & Bexhill 12% (05/06)
Road traffic growth in Hastings is more than in other area in East Sussex, from 1998 onwards growth equals:
Eastbourne 3.6%
Lewes 0.6%
South Coastal towns 3.4%
For England there has been a 21.1% increase in traffic since 1993. The number of vehicle km travelled has continued to increase In East Sussex
2000 4029 million km
2004 4367 million km travelled

Rail Links Hastings is linked by rail to London to the North (Connex services), Brighton to the West (South Central) and via Ashford to the Eurostar. Rail links to London are considered poor with 1 ½ hour journey times compared with 1 hour from Brighton.
Average distance travelled to work (km) 13.33km in 2001 15.98km for East Sussex, 13.39km for England and Wales
% People 16-74 who travel to work by private motor vehicle In 2001 Census:

54% driving and 8.34% as passengers

3075 people worked mainly from home
58.3% driving and 6.14% as passengers in East Sussex, 55.23% driving and 6.25% as passengers for England and Wales
% People aged 16-74 who travel to work on foot or cycle In 2001 Census:

5,640 people or 15.89% for Hastings
12.60% in East Sussex, 12.82% for England
Bus Passenger journeys 18%
(There has also been a 68% increase in the number of concessionary fare journeys made since 2005/6 due to the introduction of free travel for residents who are disabled or over 60)
  2003 baseline – 3.5 million
6.75% increase in bus passenger journeys 2005/06
C S target increase the total no of bus passenger journeys
2005 4%
2008 9%
2013 15%
Listed Buildings
And scheduled monuments
As at January 2008:
916 Grade II
38 Grade II*
1 Grade I
8 scheduled ancient monuments.
Over 600 archaeological sites in the county

Rother DC 2114 listed buildings and conservation areas including villages and urban areas
Buildings at risk There are 3 buildings at risk in January 2008, 1 is a Grade II*, 1 is Scheduled Ancient Monument and
1 is II and Scheduled Ancient Monument
  Hastings Castle has fallen out of this category and it no longer a building at risk.
Conservation areas There are 17 conservation areas in the town – There is approximately 10% of housing stock within a conservation area.
Access to open space 2006/07 66% of households were within 300m of an accessible open space   2005/06 60% of households were within 300m of an accessible open space CS target 20 Increase % of households within 300m of an accessible open space that meets the Council’s quality standard
72% - 2008
90% - 2013
Percentage of eligible open spaces to Green Flag Award Standard 38.4% eligible open spaces managed to Green Flag Award Standard in 2006/07   37.97% eligible open spaces managed to Green Flag Award Standard in 2005/06     Hastings Local Development Framework – Annual Monitoring Report
Change in areas designated for their intrinsic environmental value including sites of international, national, regional, sub-regional or local significance No Change in 2006/07

1178.71 Hectares
  Baseline 05/06 - 1178.71 Hectares     Hastings Local Development Framework – Annual Monitoring Report
Biodiversity, Flora & Fauna
Total number of nature conservation designations and extent of coverage As at July 2007,
Hastings Cliffs Special Area of Conservation (SAC) – 182.74ha
3 Special Sites of Scientific Interest SSSI @ Combe haven (56.14ha), Marline Valley Woods (54.48ha) and Hastings Cliff to Pett beach (190.54). There are 7 local nature reserves (492.67) and 32 Sites of Nature Conservation interest (192.8ha).
Condition of SSSI’s The 3 SSSI are in favourable condition as at Dec 2007 In East Sussex 37% of SSSI are in favourable condition and 38% are in unfavourable condition recovering The 3 SSSI are in favourable condition as at July 2006 To maintain the SSSI in favourable condition   English nature
Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance No Change in 2006/07

729.29 Hectares and 20 different types of priority species
  In 2005/2006 Priority Habitats cover 727.29 hectares within the Borough.
Habitats in Hastings Hastings has a wealth of habitats:
Grassland & heath
729.29 ha of Priority Habitats.
        Wild Hastings
Wild bird populations In 2004 for the first time in 10 years – barn owls bred at Fairlight place farm Woodland bird populations in the south east fell by 15% between 1994 & 1997 and in 2003 were 10% below 1994 levels
The region's farmland bird populations decreased to 17 per cent below 1994 levels by 1999, and in 2003 were 12 per cent below 1994 levels.

Soil & Land
% of homes built on previously developed land (PDL) In 2006/07 86% of new dwellings were built on previously developed land in the borough

Rother - 90% Eastbourne- 100%
Lewes – 94%
Wealden – 87%
Brighton – 100%
04/05 - 91% build on PDL

05/06 – 67% build on PDL
CS target 13b
Ensure 60% of new homes are built on previously developed land
  HBC – BVPI 106
Area under agri-environmental schemes Countryside stewardship schemes operating at Hastings Countryside Park Local Nature reserve
And Wilting
    Draft target in biodiversity strategy: Ensure all applicable public land is brought under the most beneficial environmental agreement by 2010
Housing density Percentage of new dwellings completed In 2006/07

Less than 30 dwellings per hectare – 5.7%

Between 30-50 dwellings per hectare – 38.0%

Above 50 dwellings per hectare – 56.3%
In 2004/2005

Less than 30 dwellings per hectare – 4.2%

Between 30-50 dwellings per hectare – 32.1%

Above 50 dwellings per hectare – 63.8%

In 2005/2006

Less than 30 dwellings per hectare – 6.4%

Between 30-50 dwellings per hectare – 41.3%

Above 50 dwellings per hectare – 52.3%
1994 to 2004 dwelling density in the South East increased from 22 to 44 dwellings.
Average density is now above the average for England of 39 dwellings per hectare.
50-60 dws/ha in urban areas
Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type 2006/07
B1a – 6,806.8m²
B1b - 148m²
B1c - up to 4,497m²
B2 – 11,093m²
B8 – up to 2,211m²
B1a – 0m²
B1b - 0m²
B1c - 199m²
B2 – 0m²
B8 – up to 1812m²
    Hastings Local Development Framework – Annual Monitoring Report
Increase the amount of household waste recycled and composted to 30% by 2013. 18% (forecast only – figures currently being audited) Rother 14.1% 2004/05
Eastbourne 16.43%

Across East Sussex 14% of waste was recycled
South east average 19%
In 2004/05 10.92% of household waste was recycled
2001/02 9.7%
2002/03 10.8%
2003/04 11.0%
CS target 21 Increase the amount of waste recycled and composted to 22% by 2008 and 30% by 2013
Tonnage (KG) of waste collected per household In 2005/06 383 kg of household waste was collected per household.
2005/06 379kg
2003/04 375kg
2002/03 372 kg
2001/02 370 kg
Rother 407kg 2005/06
Eastbourne 375kg 2004/05
In East Sussex during 2005/06 520kg of waste per person was collected
Waste from households continues to rise annually by 2% CS target 21 Increase the amount of waste recycled and composted to 22% by 2008 and 30% by 2013   HBC
% of population served by kerbside collection or within 1km of recycling centre (%) 2005/06 93%
90.0% 2004/05
87.7% 2003/04
65% 2004/05
65% 2004/05
2004/05 98.5%
2003/04 62%
HBC targets 96% 2006/07
98% 2007/08
99% 2008/09
% of the total tonnage of household waste arisings that have been composted 2005/06 0% Eastbourne – 3.30%
Rother – 0%
Lewes – 0%
Wealden – 16.34%
2004/05 0%
2003/04 0%
New homes provided with recycling/waste prevention facilities (EA) No data available as yet, waiting for advice from Environment Agency          
Fly tipping (EA) No data available as yet, waiting for advice from Environment Agency          
Average domestic water consumption (litres per day per capita) 2004/05

Metered household 156 litres per day

non-metered household 168 litres per day
Water consumption in the southeast 150-170 litres per person per day Household per capita consumption has grown by 7-10% in the last 10 years
South east has the highest consumption figures in the UK
% of river length assessed as good biological quality for Hastings 2004 100%
2003 100%
For 2002-2004, approximately 94 percent of assessed river length in the South East was of good quality (includes very good, good, and fairly good categories), 5 per cent was classified as fair, and only 1 per cent as poor or bad. River water quality information is used to prioritise areas requiring improvement and to assess the performance of water quality management strategies
% of river length assessed as good chemical quality 2004 0% For 2002-2004, approximately 81 per cent of assessed river length in the South East was of good quality (includes very good, good, and fairly good categories), 12 per cent was classified as fair, and 7 per cent as poor or bad; River water quality information is used to prioritise areas requiring improvement and to assess the performance of water quality management strategies
Bathing water quality Bathing water quality is monitored on Hastings beach and St Leonards beach between May and September
Since 2003 – all samples have been either good or excellent quality
The South East has 80 designated bathing waters. The EC Bathing Water Directive sets water quality standards to protect the health of bathers and to maintain and improve overall water quality
No. of Planning Permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on Flood Protection & Water Quality Grounds In 2006/07:

0 Relating to Flood Protection

0 Relating to Water Quality
In 2004/05 and 2005/06:

0 Relating to Flood Protection and Water Quality

South east
More than 235000 properties in the south east have been identified as being at risk of flooding
Flood risk areas make up 11% of land in the south east
This is the first year that this statistic has been collected and therefore there is not trend at present.
Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flood defence and water quality grounds 2006/07 –

0 relating to Flood defence grounds

0 relating to water quality grounds
  2005/06 –

0 relating to Flood defence grounds and water quality grounds

2004/05 –

0 relating to Flood defence grounds and water quality grounds
0 planning permission granted contrary to Environment Agency advice   Hastings Local Development Framework – Annual Monitoring Report
Number of qualifying* developments installing SUDs New indicator – no data available. This will be monitored over the next year         *Data derived from major planning applications (housing applications which contain 10 or more dwellings or are over 1ha, other applications over 1,000m²)
Air & Climatic Factors
Number of Air Quality Management Zones Hastings Council has declared one Air Quality Management Area along a section of Bexhill Road for exceeding PM10 (particulate matter) national levels Other AQMA have been declared in B+H, Lewes and Adur District councils – all of the have been declared for exceeding NO2 (nitrogen dioxide levels) This is new data and therefore there is no trend to compare, Particles (PM10)
50 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 7 (10) times a year (24 hour mean) by
December 2010and 20 (23) mg/m3 Annual mean by 2010
Number of days when air pollution is moderate or higher No local data The number of days in which pollution is moderate or higher is measured for five pollutants: ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Carbon dioxide emissions CO2 emissions kt (CO2) 2005
Industrial & commercial 149
Domestic 162
Road transport 70
Land use change -1
Total 381 kt (CO2)
In the south east region 44% of Co2 emissions are from industrial & commercial sources, 29% domestic sector & 23% transport
Rother CO2 emissions kt (CO2)
Industrial & commercial 209
Domestic 242
Transport 228
Land use change -24
Total 655
Total kt CO2
Eastbourne total 576
Lewes total 655
Wealden 1052
Brighton & hove 1348
CO2 emissions kt (CO2) 2003
Industrial & commercial 171
Domestic 210
Road transport 57
Land use change 1
Total 439 kt (CO2)
Reduce CO2 emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2010 and by 60% by 2050 Experimental statistics under development. Estimates for 2003 – providing nationally consistent Co2 emission estimates at a local authority and regional level. Netcen & DEFRA
Local estimates of CO2 emissions (ktCO2) - Total emissions per capita In 2005 Total emissions per capita in Hastings 4.9 kt CO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide per resident) Rother 7.8
Eastbourne 5.5
Lewes 6.6
Wealden 7.1
Local estimates of CO2 emissions (kt CO2) - Domestic emissions per capita In 2005 Domestic emissions per capita 2.3kt CO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide per resident) - 2004 Rother 2.8
Eastbourne 2.3
Lewes 2.5
Wealden 2.7
Domestic emissions per capita 2.5kt CO2 (tonnes of carbon dioxide per resident - 2003
Number and Renewable energy capacity schemes installed in the Borough 288,500KwH/400.69KwH/288.54 Megawatts through 1 permission – The Bridge Centre, Ore in 2005/06     Sub regional for Sussex
Install Renewable technology (land based only)
To deliver
57MW 2010
68MW 2016
Data through Seestats cannot draw down to the local level and therefore we can only monitor those applications that come through the planning process.
Average annual domestic consumption of electricity in KWH for Hastings
2006 4,197 kWh
2006 - kWh
Rother, 4978
Eastbourne 3,970
Wealden 5,428
Lewes 4,767
2005 4,251 kWh
2004 4331 kWh
  Experimental Statistics
Average annual domestic consumption of gas in KWh for Hastings 2006 15,939 kWh 2006 kWh
Rother 18,863
Eastbourne 15,577
Wealden 19,206
Lewes 17,508
2004 18870 kWh
2003 18328 kWh
2002 18270 kWh
2001 18231 kWh
  Experimental Statistics
Average industrial & commercial consumption of electricity kWh 2006 42,281 kWh 2005 kWh
Rother 36,555
Eastbourne 45,709
Wealden 31,951
Lewes 46,333
2004 34,500 kWh
2005 38,707 kWh
Average industrial & commercial consumption of gas in kWh 2006 284,043 kWh 2006 kWh
Rother 818,374
Eastbourne 331,566
Wealden 197,100
Lewes 322,379
2004 377,963 KWh
2005 299,399 Kwh

Unemployment rate 4.8% of the economically active population unemployed (Apr06 – Mar 07), 4.5% for the South East, 5.5% for the whole country 5.9% of the economically active population unemployed (mar04 – Feb 05), 1.9% mar03 – Feb 04 CS target 7 Reduce average unemployment in the town to the East Sussex level by 2013 Data quality issues for Hastings due to sample size Annual Population Survey
Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) Claimants 3.3% of the residence based working age population of Hastings claimed JSA in Dec 2007
1.3% of the working age population for the South East, and 2.1% for the whole country 4.8% for Hastings in July 1999, 3.5% in July 2002, 3.0% in July 2005, 3.7% in April 2006     JSA claimant count published on Nomis website
Average earnings Average median weekly income for full time employees - £393.3 / week (by workplace) Average weekly income for South East £480.7, for whole country £462.0 Average median weekly income for full time employees - £371.6 / week (by workplace) C S target 8 Increase median weekly earnings to national levels by 2013
2008 East Sussex average
2013 UK average
Results from 2006 incorporate a small number of methodological changes that were made in 2007. The changes introduce a small discontinuity with results from previous years. New Earnings Survey (2006) published on Nomis website
Vacant commercial floor space 14,563m² vacant floorspace – 5.04% - Feb 2007   11,491m² vacant floorspace (5% of stock) – Nov 2005     Industrial and Employment Survey – Planning Policy Hastings Borough Council
No of VAT Registered Businesses March 2007 – 1665 VAT registered businesses. 263,125 in south east March 2005
1695 VAT registered business
Number of registered VAT registrations 190 in 2006 Rother - 250
Wealden - 570
Eastbourne - 240
Lewes - 255
185 - 2005
175- 2004
Number of deregistered VAT businesses 135 in 2006 Rother – 240
Wealden - 465
Eastbourne - 205
Lewes - 210
170 - 2005
175- 2004
% Employed in manufactu-ring 11.6% in 2006 8.8% in the South East, and 10.9% for the whole country 11.0% of total employee jobs are in manufacturing in Hastings - 2005     Annual business inquiry employee analysis
% Employed in construction 3.2% in 2006 4.5% in the South East, and 4.6% for the whole country 2.7% of total employee jobs are in construction in Hastings – in 2005
    Annual business inquiry employee analysis
% Employed in hotels and restaurants 5.5% in 2006 6.6% in the South East, and 6.7% for the whole country
    Annual business inquiry employee analysis
% Employed in transport , storage and communica-tion 3.3% in 2005 6.0% in the South East, and 6.1% for the whole country 2.7% of total employee jobs are in transport and communication in Hastings     Annual business inquiry employee analysis
% Employed in Financial intermediation 2.4% in 2006 3.5% in the South East, and 4.0% for the whole country       Annual business inquiry employee analysis
% Employed in public administration education and health 43.6% in 2006 25.4% in the South East, and 26.3% for the whole country 42.9% of total employee jobs are in public administration, education & health in Hastings
43.5% in 2003
    Annual business inquiry employee analysis
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