Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy
Appendix D - Detailed Assessment of Core Strategy Issues and Options Objectives and Sustainability Objectives
Plan Objective 1
Performs negatively against, or is unclear about:
- SA Obj 8 – not specific about the areas to be developed. Will it make full and efficient use of land?
- SA Obj 9 – uncertain impact on biodiversity and natural space etc, dependent on location of developments
- SA Obj 11 – uncertain impact on protecting and enhancing the natural/historic environment
- SA Obj 12 – infrastructure – include sustainable transport options to provide alternatives – will it provide safe and sustainable means of access to and across the borough
- SA Obj 13 – uncertain effect on sustainable economic development and sustainable led-regeneration. For example what will be impact on climate change? Will sustainable design principles be used, will it provide sustainable transport choices and is wealth creation sustainable? (For who and how?)
- SA Obj 15 – Would need development to be sustainbly designed and constructed
- SA Obj 17 – will it provide greater travel choice/less car dependency and wealth creation? This could increase car ownership.
Plan Objective 5
Performs negatively against or is unclear about:
- SA Obj 1 – uncertain impact on whether the new housing would ensure access to good quality and affordable housing. Could create more employment but may be unsustainable – low paid, low skilled etc
- SA Obj 12 – development could impact on air quality – accessible employment opportunities
- SA Obj 13 – development could increase CO2 emissions
- SA Obj 14 – would need to support water minimisation – reduced water consumption
- SA Obj 15 – design would need to make a contribution to renewable energy production, reduction in consumption
- SA Obj 16 – increase contribution to waste arisings. Would need to support waste minimisation
- SA Obj 17 - development would have to provide greater travel choices, and reduce car dependency, which is likely to increase.
Plan Objective 6
Performs negatively against or is unclear about:
- SA Obj 1 – objective refers to total number of homes only – affordability and sustainable design not referred to.
- SA Obj 9 – potential conflict with biodiversity, dependent on location of development. Need to protect and conserve biodiversity etc
- SA Obj 12 – impact on air quality. Will the new development be accessible by sustainable transport options
- SA Obj 13 – will the housing be built to take account of climate change? Increase CO2 emissions?
- SA Obj 14 – will water minimisation or grey water recycling be included?
- SA Obj 15 – will it be energy efficient and include renewable energy generation?
- SA Obj 16 – will it support waste minimisation?
- SA Obj 17 – will it provide travel choices?
Plan Objective 7
Performs negatively against or is unclear about:
- SA Obj 7 – potential conflict in the need to attract new skilled workers, whilst still providing for local residents
- SA Obj 12 – will there be support for sustainable transport options?
- SA Obj 13 – Impact of new housing on climate change – sustainable design and construction needs to be included
- SA Obj 14 – will the developments support water minimisation?
- SA Obj 15 – will it be energy efficient?
- SA Obj 16 – will it support waste minimisation?
- SA Obj 17 – will it provide travel choices?
- SA Obj 20 – will this provide local jobs for local people and therefore support social regeneration?
Plan Objective 9
Performs negatively against or is unclear about:
- SA Obj 12 – potential impact on air pollution due to the increase in car use. Will the HUB support sustainable transport options, or will the focus be on creating more roads?
- SA Obj 13 – potential of development to impact on climate change
- SA Obj 17 – will need to ensure that car dependency is reduced and sustainable transport options are provided. Potential to increase road traffic
Plan Objective 12
Performs negatively against:
- SA Obj 9 – doesn’t mention protecting biodiversity. The impact of increased visitors and usage has potential for negative effect on biodiversity
Plan Objective 13
What is social infrastructure? Performs negatively against:
- SA Obj 9 – new physical infrastructure has potential negative impact on biodiversity dependent on location
Plan Objective 14
Process rather than objective – ‘work with partners’ – the objective could be ‘reduce poverty …’
Plan Objective 18
Performs negatively against: – what is beneficial use?
- SA Obj 9 – impact on biodiversity
Plan Objective 19
No positive or negative effects have been recorded in the appraisal of this plan objective. It is a process that can’t be appraised