Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy

Ended on the 8 July 2008
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.

(1) Appendix C – The Sustainability Appraisal Framework

Objective   Headline Indicator Decision making criteria – does the plan/option… Indicator
1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home Property affordability – ratio of average house price to average local earnings Increase access to good quality and affordable housing for all? Affordable housing completions completed through the planning process.
Number of new homes delivered through the planning system as a percentage of those capable of being delivered.
Net housing completions.
Property affordability.
Improve the quality of the housing stock and reduce the number of unfit/un-decent homes? Condition of housing stock (unfit dwellings)
Number of empty homes brought back into use.
Reduce homelessness and ensure the provision of housing for the homeless? Number of households accepted as homeless
Promote the adoption of sustainable design and construction practices in housing (energy/water/land/materials efficiency/incorporation of biodiversity etc)? Number (or %) of new homes built to Code for Sustainable Homes level 3
Number of residential developments over 10 dwellings providing 10% of the energy requirements from onsite renewable energy generation.
Number of qualifying developments/properties installing SUDs
Housing density – percentage of new homes completed at less than 30 dwellings per hectare, 30-50 dwellings per hectare, above 50 dwellings per hectare.
Encourage mixed use and a range of housing tenure? Housing tenure
Property values
Household size
2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced Life expectancy (from birth) Reduce death rates? Death rates from circulatory disease and cancer
Life expectancy
Reduce health inequalities?

Improve access to high quality health facilities?
% of households with limiting long-term illness
General level of health - % of population describe their health as ‘not good’
Death rates from circulatory disease and cancer
Encourage healthy, active lifestyles and provide opportunities for sport and recreation (formal and informal) Number of cyclist traffic accidents.
Number of participants engaged and registered on Active Hastings interventions.
Number of participants engaged and registered on Active Hastings interventions within 20% most deprived SOAs.
Attendance figures at Leisure Centres
3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings and the rest of the town Narrow the gap – Proportion of the population who live in areas that rank within the most deprived 10% and 20% areas nationally Reduce poverty and social exclusion in those areas and communities most affected?
Proportion of population who live in areas that rank within the most deprived 10-20% areas in the country.
Child poverty - Proportion of children under 16 who live-in low-income households
% of households in fuel poverty
4. Education and skills of the population improve Qualifications of young people Improve the qualifications and skills of adults?
Will it address the skills gap and enable skills progression?

Improve the qualifications and skills of young people?
GCSE qualifications age 15
Qualifications at age 19
% of school leavers pursuing further education
% of working age population with NVQ level 3 or above
% or working age population with NVQ level 4 or above (or equivalent)
Contribute to meeting identified skills shortages?  
Improve access to high quality educational/training opportunities + facilities? (e.g. by non-car means, for the most deprived communities)  
5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities Amount of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, employment and a major retail centre. Improve accessibility and affordability to essential local services (employment, public transport, education, open space, health services and shops) % of households within 300m of an accessible open space
Promote compact, mixed-use development with good accessibility to local facilities and services

Make access easier for those without access to a car?
Residents satisfaction - % of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live

Percentage of new residential development within 30 minutes public transport time of a GP, hospital, primary and secondary school, employment and a major health centre.
6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime Recorded crime per 1000 population
Reduce actual levels of crime?
Domestic burglaries per 1000 popltn
Violent offences committed per 1000 popltn
Recorded crime per 1000 popltn
Reduce the fear of crime? Fear of crime – annual survey results
(% People who feel safe in their local area in the daytime + at night time)
7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained   Encourage the involvement of communities in the planning and management of their neighbourhoods?

Improve residential amenity and sense of place?
% of people satisfied with their local area as a place to live
% of people who feel their area is a place where people form other backgrounds can live harmoniously
8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and urban renaissance encouraged
Development on previously develop land Reduce the amount of derelict and underused land? % of residential development completed on brownfield land
% of employment development completed on brownfield land
Number of empty homes brought back into use
Encourage re-use of existing buildings and the reuse of materials in construction? Number of empty homes brought back into use.
Promote the adoption of sustainable design and construction practices in non-housing developments (e.g. energy/land/water/renewable energy/materials/biodiversity)/ Number of qualifying developments/properties installing SUDs.
Number of commercial buildings over 1000m² providing at least 10% of their energy requirements from onsite renewable energy generation.
Ensure that the historic urban environment and character of urban areas is protected as part of urban renaissance?  
9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced
  Maintain, protect and enhance the Borough’s sites designated for their nature conservation interests? Condition of SSSI’s (PSA set by Govt requires that 95% of SSSI’s be in a favourable (unfavourable recovering) condition by 2010
Protect, conserve and enhance the Borough’s priority species and habitats, and ensure achievement of local biodiversity targets? Achievement of Local biodiversity action plan targets
% of open spaces managed to green flag award standard
Change in areas and populations of biodiversity importance:
-Priority habitats & species by type
-Change in areas designated for their intrinsic environmental value including sites of international, national, regional, sub-regional or local significance
Encourage the development of new biodiversity assets within/alongside developments?  
10. The risk of flooding (fluvial & tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced now and in the future
  Minimise the risk of flooding from rivers, watercourses and the coast to people and flooding? Number of properties at risk of flooding
Number of planning applications submitting Flood Risk Assessments
Make use of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUD) ?

Ensure that development does not increase flood risk to others?
Number of developments/properties installing SUDs

Planning permissions granted contrary to advice of the Environment Agency on either flood defence grounds or water quality
Prevent inappropriate development in the flood plain? Planning permissions granted contrary to advice of the Environment Agency on either flood defence grounds or water quality
11. Parks and gardens, countryside, coast and the historic environment/townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible
  Protect, enhance and restore the Borough’s natural environmental assets (e.g. parks and greens spaces, woodland etc)?

Protect, enhance and resort the Borough’s cultural and heritage assets (e.g. listed buildings, conservation areas, historic parks etc)?
Number and % of listed buildings (Grade I and II)
% of open spaces managed to green flag award standard

The number of buildings at risk
Will it enhance and increase access to the natural environment, parks and open spaces and the coast? % of households within 300m of an accessible and open space
12. Air pollution is reduced and air quality continues to improve Number of days when air pollution is moderate or high Improve and maintain air quality? Number of designated air quality management areas
Promote more sustainable transport patterns including walking, cycling and public transport? Road traffic growth
% Car ownership
13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (mitigation) and ensuring the Borough is prepared for its impacts (adaptation) Emissions of COby sector Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing energy consumption?

Contribute to a reduction of CO(to ensure a 20% reduction in COemissions of 20% by 2010 based on 1990 levels)

Ensure that development proposals take account of ‘climate proofing’ principles?
Number (or %) of new homes built to Code for Sustainable Homes level 3

% of commercial buildings meeting BREEAM v good & excellent standards

Emissions of COby sector
14. Water quality of freshwater bodies, waterways and the marine environment is maintained and improved and water consumption is reduced Per capita consumption of water Reduce water consumption?
Ensure water demand does not outstrip available supply?
Number of qualifying developments/properties installing SUDs
Per capita consumption of water
Improve the quality of inland water? Rivers of good or fair chemical and biological water quality
Improve the quality of coastal waters? Compliance with European Bathing Water Directive
15. Energy efficiency is increased, fuel poverty is reduced and the proportion of energy generated from renewable resources is increased Household energy use per capita Promote the incorporation of energy efficiency measures in existing buildings and in new development? Household energy use per capita (Gas and Electricity)
Promote the incorporation of small-scale renewables in developments? Renewable energy capacity (MW) installed by type
16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation the amount of waste for disposal is reduced
Household waste and recycling Will it minimise the production of household waste? Household waste arisings (tonnes)
% Recycling rates of household waste
% of the total tonnage of household waste arisings that have been composted
New homes provided with recycling/waste prevention facilities (EA)
Fly tipping (EA)
Will it reduce waste in the construction industry?  
17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice Average journey length by purpose Reduce the need to travel by private car?
Promote public transport, walking and cycling?
Bus passenger journeys
% household car ownership
Journeys to work by modes, cycling and walking
Reduce traffic volumes? Road traffic growth
Average distance travelled to work
18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all Unemployment rate Help to improve earnings? Average (median) workplace based earnings
Provide employment opportunities for local people and those most in need of employment?
Support economic growth in years to come?
% employment rates for various sectors (manufacturing, construction, hotels & restaurants etc)
Reduce short and long-term unemployment? Job seeker allowance claimants
Economically active working age population
Unemployment rate
19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved Business survival rates after 3 years Will it improve economic performance in advantaged and disadvantaged areas? Business survival rates after 3 years
20. The sustained economic growth of the borough is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration Business start ups and closures Will it encourage investment including inward investment? Business start ups and closures
21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated % increase/
decrease in the number of VAT registered businesses (VAT registration and deregistration)
Will it make land and property available for business development? Employment land availability
Employment land (B use classes) applications granted planning consent
% increase/decrease in the number of VAT registered businesses (VAT registration and deregistration)
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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