Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy

Ended on the 8 July 2008

Appendix A – Plans, policies, programmes and Sustainability Objectives

The following list comprises the most relevant policies, plans, programmes and sustainable development objectives (PPPs) that may affect or influence the DPD and SEA/SA process.


  • EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora
  • EC Council Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds
  • The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development
  • European Spatial Planning Perspective
  • The Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC)
  • The Air Quality Directive Framework Directive (96/62/EC) and daughter directives
  • Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
  • Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change


  • Securing the Future – Delivering the UK Sustainable Development Strategy
  • UK Climate Change Programme
  • Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006
  • UK Air Quality Strategy for England Wales and Northern Ireland
  • The Historic Environment: A Force for our Future 2001.
  • Streets for All – English Heritage
  • A Biodiversity Strategy for England Working with the Grain of Nature
  • PPS 1 Creating Sustainable Communities
  • PPS Planning and Climate Change – Supplement to PPS 1
  • PPS 3 Housing
  • PPG 4 Industrial Commercial Development and Small Firms
  • PPS 6 Planning for Town Centres
  • PPS 9 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
  • PPS 10 Planning for Sustainable Waste management
  • PPG 13 Transport
  • PPG 15 Planning and the Historic Environment
  • PPG 16 Planning and Archaeology
  • PPG 17 Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation
  • PPG 21 Tourism
  • PPS 22 Renewable Energy
  • PPS 23 Planning and Pollution Control
  • PPG 24 Planning and Noise
  • PPS 25 Development and Flood Risk


  • South East Regional Spatial Strategy – South East Plan RPG9- draft
  • Integrated Regional Framework ‘A better quality if life in the South East’
  • Sustainable communities in the South East
  • Action for Biodiversity in the South East
  • Seeing the Woods for the Trees – Regional Forestry Framework
  • No time to waste – Regional waste management strategy
  • Cuckmere and Pevensey Levels Catchment Abstraction Management Strategies
  • Harnessing the elements. Energy efficiency and renewable energy– regional planning guidance
  • Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change
  • South East Regional Housing Strategy
  • From Crisis to Cutting Edge – regional transport strategy
  • Regional Economic Strategy
  • Regional Tourism Strategy Destination South East – tourism and related sport and recreation
  • Framework for Employment and Skills Action South East (FRESA)
  • Sussex Learning & Skills Council Strategic Plan 2001-2006
  • South East Region Social Inclusion Statement
  • English Heritage Streets for all – South East Region

County (sub regional) 

  • East Sussex & Brighton & Hove Structure Plan 1991-2011
  • East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Waste Local Plan
  • Health Improvement Plan
  • Environment Agency – indicative flood risk mapping
  • Environment Agency – Catchment flood management plans
  • East Sussex Local Transport Plan (LTP2)
  • East Sussex County Landscape Assessment
  • Sussex Biodiversity Action Plan

Borough (local)

  • Hastings Urban Nature Conservation Strategy
  • Hastings and St Leonards Community Strategy
  • Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy
  • Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy 2005-2008
  • Health Improvement Plan
  • Youthink: Hastings & St Leonards Youth Strategy 2004-2014 making Hastings a better place for all young people
  • Local Air quality management – detailed assessment of air quality
  • Housing Strategy 2004 – 2009
  • Empty Homes Strategy
  • Homelessness Strategy
  • Hastings & St Leonards Cultural Strategy ‘A Town that’s Good to live in’
  • Parks and Open Spaces Strategy Draft
  • Air Quality Management Plan
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