Sustainability Appraisal of the Revised Proposed Submission Development Management Plan

Ended on the 22 April 2014

Appendix C – Appraisal of Significant Changes to the Development Management Plan

Sustainability Objectives



Commentary/proposed mitigation

Short term

Medium term

Long term


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town




Existing guidance and policy

The new policy seeks to ensure that good quality schemes are submitted that take account of other policies in the Plan. This should help to minimise any delay in decision making process. In theory therefore, more opportunities for house building should be provided although the actual effects from this policy alone cannot be certain

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings




Existing guidance and policy

Enabling new development will help to address employment and housing need although it is not possible to be certain where this development will take place or whether it will be in the more deprived areas of the town

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve




Existing guidance and policy

New policy specifically mentioned the need to assess and mitigate against transport impacts. This will help ensure development is permitted that would impact negatively on this objectives without mitigation measures to offset any harm

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)




Existing guidance and policy

New policy specifically mentioned the need to assess and mitigate against transport impacts. This will help ensure development is permitted that would impact negatively on this objective, without mitigation measures to offset any harm

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice




Existing guidance and policy

New policy specifically mentioned the need to assess and mitigate against transport impacts. This will help ensure development is permitted that would impact negatively on this objective, without mitigation measures to offset any harm

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

This assessment has resulted in positive sustainability effects on the transport related objectives, together with some uncertain effects in terms of whether the new policy will result in additional development coming forward. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded. As this is a new policy, the alternative to it would be to rely on existing policy and legislation. Including new Policy LP1 will help however, to ensure that comprehensive applications are submitted at the outset, minimising any delays later on. Including the policy is therefore the preferred alternative in sustainability terms. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no negative cumulative or synergistic impacts as a result of the additional text proposed. However, it is important to note that this policy provides a specific reference to ensure that development proposals show careful consideration of the traffic impact on and off locally important routes, particularly The Ridge. This impact needs to be taken into account in the selection of sites for development in such locations, although the requirements for transport assessments as required by this policy, and resultant mitigation measures will help to address specific impacts that may arise


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





The proposed amendments to policy specifically refer to the need to protect areas of heritage, landscape and visual amenity, which will have a positive effect on this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy DM1 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored only positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments further improve on the existing policy by providing specific reference to protecting areas of heritage, landscape and visual amenity, contributing positively to that sustainability objective. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no negative cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





The amendments to policy and supporting text provide specific reference to the need to make the most efficient use of existing buildings where possible, therefore having a positive effect on this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





The proposed amendments give further weight to landscape protection, minimising impacts on areas of ecological importance, archaeological sites, conservation and heritage, which were previously absent. This will therefore, impact positively on this sustainability objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy DM2 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored just 1 positive sustainability effect in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments provide further positive sustainability effects in terms of using land and buildings more efficiently, and protecting green spaces, the historic environment/townscape and landscape. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded.

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





The amendments give specific protection to the amenity of residents in situations such as the location of wastewater treatment works etc. Ensuring such protection will positively affect the health and well being of nearby residents, as well as the community as a whole

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





The additional criteria ensures that development will not result in any safety risk to the public, and helps to ensure that safe and secure environments are created. This will positively contribute to this objective, relating to all forms of development

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy DM3 in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored mostly neutral, with some positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments further improve on the existing policy by specifically referencing the need to ensure no safety risk to the public, and protecting people’s amenity in respect of the location of some types of development that could otherwise impact negatively. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





Provision for the pedestrian and cycle network in new development schemes will help to encourage walking and cycling, therefore for improving people’s health and well being. This is likely to be more of a medium – long term positive effect

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





Provision for the pedestrian and cycle network in new development schemes will help to ensure that more people have access to key services via these routes. This is likely to be more of a medium – long term positive effect

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





The new policy criteria specifically refer to safe access in new development. The effective implementation of the new parking standards will also help to preserve vehicle and pedestrian safety, therefore positively affecting this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





The policy requirements for Transport Assessments and the provision of pedestrian and cycle routes could have a positive effect in terms of reducing reliance on the car, therefore reducing air pollution

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





The policy requirements for Transport Assessments and the provision of pedestrian and cycle routes could have a positive effect in terms of reducing reliance on the car, therefore reducing air pollution and emissions from road users

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





The use of Transport Assessment, and ensuring the impact on the existing road network is minimised will help protect against congestion. The provision of the walking and cycling network will provide for greater travel choice, therefore positively affecting this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy DM4 in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored several positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments further improve on the social and environmental sustainability objectives by helping to improve travel choice and reducing reliance on the car. It provides additional controls around safety and access, which were previously absent in the policy. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





The new text will help to ensure that development avoids adverse impacts to water quality, and states the information requirements that need to be submitted with applications. Text does not hold policy weight although, if implemented, will result in a positive effect on this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed text amendments, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

This supporting text is additional to that already proposed in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan. The policy it supports scored positively against several environmental objectives in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012), as well as contributing to improving health and well being. The proposed additional text provides for further positive effects in respect of minimising the impact on water pollution, although an uncertain effect has also been recorded due to the lack of policy weight afforded to the additional requirements. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





The amendments to the policy and its supporting text provide greater clarity and weight to ensuring a good standard of accommodation is provided, contributing positively to this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





The changes to this policy clarify that achieving an appropriate housing mix is important in considering applications for development. Whilst such a suitable mix in itself would contribute positively to social inclusion and reducing deprivation in particular areas, the effect of the changes as proposed in isolation are uncertain. The policy on the whole however, has been improved to positively impact on this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





The proposed supporting text highlights the importance of creating a good living environment, which will in turn, impact positively in terms of creating vibrant and locally distinctive communities

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





The significance of preserving gardens and landscape features, particularly in Conservation Areas is further highlighted by these amendments

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy HC1 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored some positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments provide further positive sustainability effects in terms of recognising the importance of heritage assets and providing a suitable housing mix, although there is some uncertainty about the direct effect of the latter. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





The proposed change refers to achieving an acceptable mix of development uses, which could in turn, impact positively in terms of creating vibrant and locally distinctive communities. The effect is however, also uncertain as purpose built halls of residence are unlikely to form a significant part of the housing stock in all areas of the town

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy HC2 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored mostly positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments relate mostly to the clarification of terminology, but could provide some further positive effects in terms of controlling the mix of student accommodation (halls of residence) in particular locations – although this is unlikely to be significant and the effects are uncertain. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





Strengthening the policy to include roofs as well as doors and windows will impact positively on the townscape, helping to create vibrant and locally distinctive communities

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





Strengthening the policy to include roofs as well as doors and windows will impact positively on the townscape and particularly protect the historic environment

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy HN2 in Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored the same sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments strengthen the policy, but do not add any additional positive sustainability effects in terms of the remaining objectives. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





The new policy explains how contributions to the green infrastructure network should be considered in all applications for development. The implementation of this network will have a direct positive effect on health and well-being

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





Provision of a green infrastructure network, which includes accessible green spaces and walking and cycling routes will help improve accessibility for all, positively contributing to this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





The effective implementation of a green infrastructure network will make a positive contribution to the creation of vibrant and locally distinctive communities

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





The amendments provide further explanation and protection to green spaces in and around the Borough, as well as ensuring that additional biodiversity results from new development as far as possible. This will therefore have a significant positive effect on this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





Provision of green infrastructure can help to reduce flooding by providing areas for sustainable drainage. It also includes waterways, therefore positively effecting this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





The amendments provide further explanation and protection to green spaces in and around the Borough, as well as ensuring that additional spaces result from new development as far as possible. This will therefore have a significant positive effect on this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





The provision of an effective green infrastructure network and providing for its implementation in development schemes will help improve accessibility, therefore reducing the reliance on the car. This will in turn, help protect against air pollution, resulting in a positive effect on this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





The provision of an effective green infrastructure network and providing for its implementation in development schemes will help improve accessibility, therefore reducing the reliance on the car. This will in turn, help reduce carbon emissions, resulting in a positive effect on this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





Good design of green infrastructure in development schemes can have a positive effect on this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





The provision of an effective green infrastructure network and providing for its implementation in development schemes will help improve accessibility, therefore reducing the reliance on the car. This will in turn, help protect against air pollution, resulting in a positive effect on this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy HN9 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments provide further clarity and guidance to providing green infrastructure in new developments, and make clear importance of this. It builds on the earlier policy by providing significant positive effects in terms of biodiversity and other environmental objectives, and brings in the benefits of a walking and cycling and waterways as part of the wider green infrastructure network. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

This re-drafted policy, taken together with other greenspace protection policies within the Natural Environment section of the Development Management Plan will result in positive cumulative effects in terms of environmental objectives. It seeks to further strengthen the green infrastructure network by requiring new development to make provision as necessary, increase biodiversity and green space provision.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There are strong links between the provision of greenspace and health and well-being

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment




Existing guidance and policy

The provision of further green space where appropriate and ensuring no net loss of biodiversity will help ensure access is available to the countryside and other recreational opportunities

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained




Existing guidance and policy

Retention of biodiversity and greenspace will have a positive effect in terms of creating and sustaining vibrant and locally distinctive communities

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced




Existing guidance and policy

The policy specifically requires the protection, conservation and enhancement of biodiversity, resulting in a significant positive effect on this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible




Existing guidance and policy

Preservation and enhancement of greenspace will positively impact on this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)




Existing guidance and policy

Provision of greenspace and the protection of biodiversity has clear links with mitigating and adapting to climate change

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

This is a new policy, which means that the alternative would be to rely on existing Planning Strategy policies, guidance in the NPPF and from organisations such as Natural England. The assessment shows that including such a policy results in some additional positive effects in terms of both the social and environmental sustainability objectives. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded. Inclusion of a new policy is therefore the preferred approach

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

This new policy, taken together with other greenspace protection policies within the Natural Environment section of the Development Management Plan will result in positive cumulative effects in terms of environmental objectives. It seeks to increase biodiversity and green space provision, providing adequate levels of protection for all types of green space


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained




Existing guidance and policy

Effective protection of the town’s landscape, particularly in terms of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Combe Valley Countryside Park will impact positively on this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible




Existing guidance and policy

The new policy provides additional protection to the character, scenic quality and visual benefits in terms of areas of landscape value. This in tern will ensure that the landscape is protect and enhanced, resulting in a positive effect on this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated




Existing guidance and policy

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

This is a new policy, which means that the alternative would be to rely on existing Planning Strategy policies, guidance in the NPPF and from organisations such as Natural England. The assessment shows that including such a policy results in some additional positive effects in terms of creating vibrant and locally distinctive communities and ensuring access to, and enhancement of green space and landscape. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded. Inclusion of a new policy is therefore the preferred approach

This new policy, taken together with other greenspace protection policies and changes to DM1: Design Principles will result in positive cumulative effects in terms of environmental objectives. It seeks to provide additional protection to areas of landscape value and will help enhance visual amenity


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced




tick, tick, tick

This combined, more comprehensive policy, provides for additional protection for green spaces at a local level, which has direct links to improving health and well being

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment




-, tick, tick

This combined, more comprehensive policy, provides for additional protection for green spaces at a local level, contributing positively to the creation of recreational opportunities in the form of allotments for example, and access to other open space

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained




-, tick, tick

The combined policies provides additional positive effects in terms of protecting local green spaces which have a significant impact on the local community

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced




tick, tick, tick

This combined, more comprehensive policy, provides for additional protection for green spaces at a local level, contributing positively to the enhancement of biodiversity where possible

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future




tick, -, tick

The protection of green spaces reduces the risk of flooding due to their impact in terms of sustainable drainage

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible




-, -, tick

This combined, more comprehensive policy, provides for additional protection for green spaces at a local level, also contributing positively to the in terms of access to green space

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve




tick, -, tick

The provision and protection of greenspace including flora and fauna helps to preserve air quality

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)




tick, -, tick

Provision of greenspace and the protection of biodiversity has clear links with mitigating and adapting to climate change

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced




tick, -, tick

The provision and protection of local green spaces can have a positive effect on this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated




-, -, -

There is no direct link between the proposed policy and supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policies HN7 and HN8 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments provide further clarity and guidance to protecting all local green spaces, not just focusing in on a few individual sites. The new single policy results in positive environmental and social sustainability effects, although doesn’t improve significantly on that originally proposed. It does however, provide greater clarity and can be applied in all circumstances, therefore likely to have more of a positive effect in terms of achieving sustainable development. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded.

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no specific cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed, although taken together with other policies in the Natural Environment chapter of the Development Management Plan it will result in a positive cumulative effect on the environmental objectives. The content of the policy is essentially the same as what was previously appraised separately in the earlier Sustainability Appraisal.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained




Existing guidance and policy

Street trading and markets can contribute positively to vibrant town centres

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land




Existing guidance and policy

The provision of markets will help to ensure more efficient use of land in designated areas

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved




Existing guidance and policy

Clarification as proposed by the additional supporting text does not affect this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration




Existing guidance and policy

Enabling street trading and markets will help the local economy although the effect is unlikely to be significant. It will provide opportunities for small and start up businesses without long term premises

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated




Existing guidance and policy

A successful market could encourage inward investment although the effects are uncertain, particularly given that this is supporting text only and does not carry policy weight

Summary and alternatives:

This assessment has resulted in some positive sustainability effects in terms of creating vibrant and locally distinctive communities and making the most efficient use of land. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded. As this is a new supporting text, the alternative to it would be to rely on existing policies in the economic chapter only, as well as the licensing rules and legislation that apply. Including this text does however, give a more comprehensive view on how town centres can be developed to help the local economy and how the Council will approach this.

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

There are no cumulative or synergistic effects in relation to the additional text as proposed.


1. More opportunities are provided for everyone to live in a decent, sustainably constructed and affordable home suitable to their need and the rest of the town





Whilst the removal of the clause that restricts occupancy suggests that opportunities for more year-round homes will increase, this is not the case. The removal is based on recent case law and guidance and will still be controlled by condition, which is why no direct link has been recorded here

2. The health and well-being of the population is improved and inequalities in health are reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

3. Levels of poverty and social exclusion are reduced and the deprivation gap is closed between the more deprived areas in Hastings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

4. Opportunities are available for everyone to acquire new skills, and the education and skills of the population improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

5. All sectors of the community have improved accessibility to services, facilities, jobs, and social, cultural and recreational opportunities, including access to the countryside and the historic environment





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

6. Safe and secure environments are created and there is a reduction in crime and the fear of crime





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

7. Vibrant and locally distinctive communities are created and sustained





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

8. Land and buildings are used more efficiently and the best use is made of previously developed land





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

9. Biodiversity is protected, conserved and enhanced





The insertion of policy text that enforces the protection of accessible green space contributes positively to this objective

10. The risk of flooding (fluvial and tidal) and coastal erosion is managed and reduced, now and in the future





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

11. Parks and gardens, countryside, and the historic environment/ townscape and landscape are protected, enhanced and made more accessible





The insertion of policy text that enforces the protection of accessible green space contributes positively to this objective

12. Air pollution from transport and land use planning is reduced, and air quality continues to improve





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

13. The causes of climate change are addressed through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through zero/low carbon development (mitigation) and ensure the town is prepared for its impacts (adaptation)





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

14. The risk of pollution to all water resources is reduced, water quality is improved and water consumption is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

15. The use of sustainable energy and renewable energy technologies is maximised in new development, and in existing buildings





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

16. Through waste re-use, recycling and minimisation, the amount of waste for disposal is reduced





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

17. Road congestion and pollution levels are reduced, and there is less car dependency and greater travel choice





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

18. There are high and stable levels of employment and rewarding and satisfying employment opportunities for all





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

19. Economic revival in the more deprived areas of the town is stimulated and successfully achieved





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

20. The sustained economic growth of the town is achieved and linked closely to social regeneration





The policy amendments make the policy less strict in terms of the proportion of pitches to be retained for touring caravans or campervans, providing more flexibility. However, it is unlikely that this is going to have a significant effect given the low number of such places in the Borough

21. Indigenous and inward investment is encouraged and accommodated





There is no direct link between the proposed policy amendments and amendments to supporting text, and this objective

Summary and alternatives:

The alternative to this policy is the existing Policy CC1 and supporting text in the Proposed Submission version of the Development Management Plan, which scored positive sustainability effects in the previous Sustainability Appraisal Report (November 2012). The proposed amendments provide further protection to accessible green spaces when considering new or extensions to caravan, camping and chalet sites which results in additional positive sustainability effects in terms of environmental objectives. There is also potential for more economic sustainability effects in respect of being more flexible when it comes to the proportion of pitches that must be used for specific types of accommodation. No negative sustainability effects have been recorded

Cumulative or synergistic effects:

The additional text as proposed will result in a positive cumulative impact in terms of the environmental objectives. It will ensure that no unreasonable development takes place in areas of protected greenspace

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