Sustainability Appraisal of the Revised Proposed Submission Development Management Plan

Ended on the 22 April 2014

Appendix B – Sustainability Implications of Changes to the Development Management Plan



Policy/ paragraph number (new)

Change to Development Management Plan

Sustainability Implications


Section 1: Introduction

1.2, 1.8 – 1.12, 1.15, 1.19 1.23 - end

Factual text updates providing clarification on the process, dates for consultation, how representations will be dealt with, and how the document is set out (taking account of the changes to the document)

None – these are factual update describing process in preparing the Development Management Plan, and the layout of the document itself

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Overall approach

Policy LP1: Considering Planning Applications and supporting text (paras 2.1 – 2.4)

A new policy that describes how planning applications will be assessed, referring to national and local policy. It sets out the key issues to be considered, and how the Council will work with partners to ensure an acceptable standard of development. Supporting text provides further detail to this, introduces the validation checklist, and identifies the procedures that should be followed

This is a new policy that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at early stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM1: Design Principles and supporting text (para 2.17)

Amendments to the supporting text to highlight importance of the town’s heritage, ecology, topography, townscape and landscape. Also specifically references that the impact on protected areas of countryside must also be considered in the determination of planning applications

Policy DM1 is amended to refer to the potential impacts on areas of heritage and landscape, and the need for landscape assessments as appropriate. It also now refers to existing Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) that provide further guidance to support this policy, and criteria relating to the protection and enhancement of local character, and the surrounding neighbourhood is split into two, instead of being combined

This includes changes to policy and supporting text that have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM2: Telecommunicat-ions Technology and supporting text (para 2.19)

Supporting text provides further detail about telecommunications installations and the need to plan effectively for them. Revised policy sets out criteria detailing the specific requirements for the siting of these technologies

This includes changes to policy and supporting text that have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Old paragraph number 2.18

Deletion of paragraph explaining that policy DM3 will be used in the determination of planning applications

None – this relates to process and is duplicated by new Policy LP1, which will be subject its own sustainability appraisal (see RSD/2 above)

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM3: General Amenity

New criteria h) that requires highlighting issues of safety and the need to consider other risks to amenity in the vicinity of the proposed development

This is new policy that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at early stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Paras 2.30 and 2.31

Amendments to references – updated Supplementary Planning Document

None – this relates to a change in name of the document , not the principle of having Parking Standards guidance

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM4: General Access

New criteria relating to the consideration of safety in terms of access, as well as introducing the requirement for transport assessments as necessary in new development. Amendment to policy text to refer to the potential for pedestrian and cycle routes and the consideration of the Parking Standards SPD

This includes changes to policy that have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM5: Ground Conditions

Amendment to policy text clarifying reason for policy

None – this does not change the outcome of the policy, merely adds clarity.

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Para 2.37

New paragraph highlighting the importance of considering water quality in new development, and stating that applications will be expected to be accompanied by surveys and mitigation measures as appropriate

This is new supporting text that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM6: Pollution and Hazards and supporting text (para 2.36)

Minor amendment to policy and supporting text to change “smell” to “odour”. Amendment to clarify reason for policy

None – this is clarification of terminology and reasoning for policy, and doesn’t affect the outcome of the appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: General Guidance Policies

Policy DM7: Water Resource Availability and supporting text (paras 2.42 – 2.43)

Amendment to policy title, removal of reference to Marine Conservation Zones in policy and further detail in supporting text regarding water resources, potential impacts on them and the required licenses and sources of data

None – these are minor amendments that do not represent significant changes, nor do they affect the outcome of the policy. Further detail provides clarification only

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Housing and the Community

Policy HC1: Conversion of Existing Dwellings and supporting text (paras 3.1 – 3.3)

Amendments to supporting text to include additional explanation regarding the purpose and implementation of the policy in terms of protection and supply of family homes

Amendment to policy to refer to changing a dwelling to another use, as well as into multiple dwellings, and the insertion of an additional criteria resisting extensions and significant changes to room layouts as part of conversion

This is new policy and supporting text that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Housing and the Community

Policy HC2: Residential Institutions and Halls of Residence and supporting text (paras 3.4 – 3.9)

Amendments to policy and supporting text to clarify that the policy is to be applied to Halls of Residence only as opposed to other forms of accommodation for students. Policy also amended to make clear that proposals need to ensure adequate residential mix in the locality

This is new policy and supporting text that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Paras 4.2 and 4.4

Insertion of list of Conservation Areas and amendment to supporting text to remove reference to separate Conservation Area Consent

None – This is to provide further clarity in the Development Management Plan and consistency with the Policies Map, and is reflective of changes in national policy. The changes do not therefore, require further appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN2: Changing doors, windows and roofs in Conservation areas and supporting text (paras 4.13 and 4.14)

Amendments to policy and supporting text to include reference to roofs and roofing materials

This widens the scope of the policy, which has not been subject ot sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN3: Demolition involving Heritage Assets and supporting text (para 4.15)

Clarity in policy to make clear that demolition in a Conservation Area is still a material consideration, despite removal of requirement for Conservation Area Consent

None – This is reflective of changes in national policy and does not require further appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN6: Former Convent of Holy Jesus Child, Magdalen Road and supporting text (paras 4.20 – 4.25)

Policy and supporting text moved from site allocations section to Historic and Natural Environment section

None – the text has been replaced like for like, just in a different section of the Plan. Sustainability Appraisal has already been undertaken in earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments and supporting text (paras 4.27 – 4.31)

Re-drafted policy and supporting text relating to green infrastructure and the green infrastructure network. It explains how this policy relates to the Planning Strategy, what constitutes green infrastructure, and how it should be provided for in new development proposals

Whilst the emphasis of the policy has not changed significantly, the entire section has been re-organised with new policies being created, which have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process. It is therefore considered more comprehensive to re-appraise each policy in the Natural Environment section

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN8: Biodiversity and Green Space and supporting text (paras 4.32 – 4.34)

New policy and supporting text that relates to biodiversity and green space. The policy identifies the hierarchy of weight given to designated sites and requires an ecological constraints and opportunities assessment to be provided alongside applications where further information on potential ecological issues is required

Whilst the emphasis of the policy has not changed significantly from the text in the original version, the entire section has been re-organised with new policies being created, which have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process. It is therefore considered more comprehensive to re-appraise each policy in the Natural Environment section

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN9 – Areas of Landscape Value and supporting text (paras 4.35 – 4.37)

New policy to protect areas of scenic importance, particularly the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

This is new policy that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Historic and Natural Environment

Policy HN10 – Amenity Green Space (paras 4.38 – 4.42)

This combines earlier policies relating to Private Open Space, Allotments and Local Green Space into a single policy

Whilst the emphasis of the policy has not changed significantly, the entire section has been re-organised with new policies being created, which have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process. It is therefore considered more comprehensive to re-appraise each policy in the Natural Environment section

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Economic Policies

Paras 5.5 – 5.6

New paragraphs relating to street trading and markets

This is new supporting text that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment


Section 2: Economic Policies

Policy SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area

Clarification of terms – referring to total floorspace in respect of Priory Meadow and units in respect of the remaining town centre shopping area

None – this change is for clarification only, and does not change the intended outcome of the policy

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Economic Policies

Paras 5.15 and 5.26

New paragraphs that clarify the situation with regard to temporary flexible uses

None – text clarifies the situation following a change in permitted development regulations, and therefore doesn’t need to be appraised here

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Economic Policies

Policy SA2: Other Shopping Areas

Amendment to policy to move West St Leonards Shopping Area in the hierarchy of centres

None – this is a factual change that does not affect the outcome of the policy

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Economic Policies

Paras 5.14, 5.27

New paragraph outlining the factors that will be taken into account when determining whether changes of use away from retail units in designated shopping areas are acceptable

This is new supporting text that provides further clarification to existing policy – it doesn’t affect the outcome of the policy

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 2: Economic Policies

Policy CC1: Caravan, Camping and Chalet sites and supporting text (paras 5.35 – 5.36)

Removal of clause that restricts the use of caravan, camping and chalet sites on a seasonal basis, an amendment to specifically reference the need to minimise impact on accessible greenspaces, and to allow for flexibility in the amount of provision made on site. Supporting text amended to reflect these changes and highlight importance of minimising impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and other environmental designations

This includes changes to policy that have not been subject to sustainability appraisal at earlier stages of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 2: Economic Policies

Policy CQ1: Cultural Quarters

Removal of paragraph in policy that refers to other relevant policies in the Development Management Plan

None – this change is for clarification only, and does not change the intended outcome of the policy

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Areas 1 - 13

Introduces new site policies for each site, identifying site specific opportunities and requirements (based on other policies in the Planning Strategy and Development Management Plan) where appropriate

The site policies do not introduce new policy text – they amalgamate the site specific requirements mentioned in the earlier supporting text, together with the requirements of other policies in the Plan. All of these elements would have been appraised at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 1: Little Ridge and Ashdown – Site LRA10

New site included – Land North of Downey Close

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process.

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington – Site GH3

Amendment to site boundary – Spyways School, Gillsmans Hill

Amendments reflective of minor change to site boundaries as a result of adjacent planning permissions. Not a significant change.

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington – Site GH5

Amendment to site name – now Land at Redgeland Rose (Former Wishing Tree Nursery)

None – this is a minor amendment to the site name. There are no sustainability implications.

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington (former Site GH7)

Site at Land South of 12-17 Catsfield Close removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington - Site GH12

New site included – 63 Wishing Tree Road North (Former Wishing Tree Public House)

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 2: Greater Hollington - Site GH13

New site included – 133 Battle Road (Former Tivoli Tavern)

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe – Site FB2

Potential capacity of site at Former West St Leonards Primary School increased from 70 to 100 dwellings

This is an increase in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe – Site FB6

Potential capacity of site at Cinque Ports Way, Former Stamco Timber Yard and TA Centre decreased from 54 to 25 dwellings. Site boundary amended

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe (former site FB11)

Site at St Ethelburga’s Church Hall removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe – Site FB13

New site included – Hastings Garden Centre, Bexhill Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe – Site FB14

New site included – Land north of 31 Fern Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 3: Filsham Valley & Bulverhythe – Site FB15

New site included – Land north of 14 Fern Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 4: St Helens – Site SH2

Site boundary amended at Osborne House, The Ridge

None – this is not affecting the amount of development, the change is reflective of current circumstances and ownership, and results in only a minor alteration to the boundary

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 4: St Helens – Site SH3

Potential site capacity at Hurst Court reduced from 30 to 20 dwellings. Site boundary amended.

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 4: St Helens (former site SH5)

Site at Rear of Linley Drive removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 4: St Helens (former site SH6)

Site at 195 The Ridge removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 4: St Helens – Site SH7

Potential site capacity at 191 The Ridge reduced from 13 to 8 dwellings

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park – Site SAP4

Potential site capacity at 347-349 London Road reduced from 22 to 18 dwellings

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park (former site SAP6)

Site at The Langham Hotel, 16 Elphinstone Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park – Site SAP7

New site included at Bilmore Corner, Battle Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 5: Silverhill & Alexandra Park – Site SAP8

New site included at 4 Wykeham Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons’ St Leonards – Site MBL2

Amendment to site name – now 37 Charles Road West (Filsham Nurseries)

None – this is a minor amendment to the site name. There are no sustainability implications.

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons’ St Leonards (former site MBL6)

Site at 49-52 Caves Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons’ St Leonards (former site MBL7)

Site at 36-40 Caves Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 6: Maze Hill & Burtons’ St Leonards – Site MBL8

New site included at Caple Ne Ferne, 2 Albany Road

This is a new site that has not been subject to sustainability appraisal at an earlier stage of the process

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 7: Central St Leonards & Bohemia – Site CLB3

Potential site capacity at Sorting Office, Kings Road increased from 8 to 9 dwellings

This is an increase in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 7: Central St Leonards & Bohemia (Former site CLBX)

Move site policy into Historic Environment Section – See RSD/18

See RSD/18

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre – Site HTC1

Amendment to allocated use of the site – changed from ‘residential’ to ‘mixed residential’

This is clarification of terms (to allow for student accommodation if necessary) and will not have any significant sustainability implications

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre (Former Site HTC5)

Site at 36 & 37 Wellington Square removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 8: Hastings Town Centre – Site HTC6

Site boundary amended at Priory Quarter

None – this is not affecting the amount of development, the change is reflective of current circumstances

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley – Site HOV4

Potential site capacity at The Cheviots/Cotswold Close increased from 63 to 79 dwellings. Site boundary amended

This is an increase in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley – Site HOV5

Potential site capacity at 87-221 (odds) Farley Bank reduced from 44 to 29 dwellings

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley – Site HOV6

Potential site capacity at Ore Business Park, Farley Bank reduced from 37 to 19 dwellings.

This is a decrease in capacity and therefore requires an updated appraisal

Sustainability appraisal required? Yes (see Appendix C for full assessment)


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley (former site HOV8)

Site at 2-20 (evens) Fellows Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley (former site HOV10)

Site at 5-15 (odds) Fellows Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 11: Hillcrest & Ore Valley – Site HOV11

Site boundary amended at Ivyhouse Lane, Northern Extension

None – this is not affecting the amount of development, the change is reflective of current circumstances and ownership

Sustainability appraisal required? No


Section 3: Site Allocations

Focus Area 12: Clive Vale & Ore Village (former site CVO6)

Site at Former Hare & Hounds, 391 Old London Road removed

None – the site has now been removed from the Development Management Plan

Sustainability appraisal required? No

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