Development Management Plan Focused Consultation 6th July - 17th Aug 2012

Ended on the 17 August 2012

1.0 Introduction

What is this document about?

1.1 Hastings Borough Council is in the process of producing a series of documents that will guide the future planning of the town. Together, these documents will make up the new Hastings Local Plan (formerly called the Local Development Framework).

1.2 We are already well on our way to completing the Hastings Planning Strategy, which provides the long-term plan to deliver regeneration and sustainable growth in the town over the next 15 years. The Development Management Plan is also being prepared, and its role is to set out clear policies to help shape the design and construction of new development and to allocate sites to deliver the overarching policies in the Planning Strategy.

1.3 This document forms part of the Development Management Plan process.

What stage are we at?

1.4 This document is the second stage of consultation on the Development Management Plan. Between February and April 2012 we consulted on an early draft of the Development Management Plan, which proposed potential development sites, and some suggested policies to manage this development. As a result of that consultation, several new sites for development have been suggested to us, as well as areas for protection. Additional policy issues have also come to light that were not previously consulted upon.

1.5 These new sites and policy issues form the basis of this second, focused consultation. Please note that not all of the sites and policies that will make up the Development Management Plan are considered here - we are only considering those additional sites and policy issues that have been proposed since the last consultation.

1.6 Following the close of this consultation, we will take into consideration all the comments made so far, and bring them together into a final version of the Development Management Plan, called the Proposed Submission version. The Proposed Submission Development Management Plan is scheduled to be published for its final round of consultation in November 2012.

Structure of the document

1.7 This document is set out in 3 parts.

(1)1.8 Part A provides spatial portraits of the 13 Planning Focus Areas introduced through the Planning Strategy. These aim to give a vision and context to how we want neighbourhoods to develop over the next 15 years. They will also help to guide potential scheme design and could form the basis for any future neighbourhood plans. Comments are invited on these portraits.

(1)1.9 Part B is concerned with additional policy issues, and invites comments on the following:

  1. Proposed Access Policy – Requiring lifts in taller buildings
  2. Proposed Community Facilities Policy
  3. Shopping Areas – Boundaries of the towns shopping areas, and setting of thresholds for the minimum number of retail units in these areas

(1)1.10 Part C relates to additional site allocations and the development boundary. Comments are invited on the following

  1. 6 additional sites for development
  2. 2 additional sites for protection (i.e. greenspace)
  3. A potential site for the harnessing of wind energy
  4. An amendment to the development boundary.

1.11 Don’t forget this is a focused consultation on a few specific issues only. There are many other issues and sites that will be covered by the Development Management Plan, which will be published in its entirety at the end of the year. For further information, or to view the earlier consultation document, please visit our website at

Making your comments

1.12 The Council has made no decision over these extra sites and issues, and we would like to hear your views before we make any. This is an additional opportunity to influence the sites that should be allocated or protected for different land uses, and to shape the policies that will be used to manage this development in the planning application process.

1.13 This consultation will run for a focused six week period, from 6 July to 17 August 2012. All comments must be received by 4pm on 17 August 2012.

1.14 You can make your comments at any point during this period, using the following methods:

Online – this is the easiest way to make your comments. Visit our website at and follow the links provided.

Paper forms – paper copies of our response form are available from our offices, or can be downloaded from the website using the link above.

1.15 Comments can also be submitted by letter or email, using the following contact details:

Development Management Plan consultation
Planning Policy
Upper Ground Floor, Aquila House
East Sussex
TN34 3UY

1.16 You can also post comments on Facebook or contact us through Twitter, although these comments will not be taken forward as formal representations. We will make sure we reply to any queries posted this way.

1.17 All information relating to this consultation is available on our website at Alternatively, please contact a member of the Planning Policy team on 01424 451098 if you have any queries.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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