Hastings Planning Strategy Proposed Submission Version

Ended on the 17 August 2012
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Appendix 1: Superseded Policies

(4)Hastings Local Plan 2004 policies to be superseded

The following table explains how the existing policies of the Local Plan (2004) will be superseded by the Planning Strategy. In some places the detailed parts of the policies that relate to specific sites or aspects of potential planning applications will eventually be superseded by the emerging Development Management Plan (DMP) and details of this will be given along with that document at the appropriate time.

Local Plan 2004 page number Local Plan 2004 Chapter Local Plan 2004 Policy reference Local Plan 2004 Policy name How the policy will be superseded
29 Employment E1 Sites for Employment Development
Allocates sites at Broomgrove, west of Queensway and Ivyhouse Lane specifically for employment use.
Planning Strategy – DS2 (Employment Growth) and E1 (Existing Employment Land and Premises)
Development Management Plan
31 Employment E2 Industrial Development – Established Estates
Defines the main established industrial estates & seek to encourage the location of B1-B8 uses within these locations whilst resisting retail development at these locations
Planning Strategy – E1 (Existing Employment Land and Premises)
31 Employment E3 Ivyhouse Lane – Land at Burgess Road
Site specific policy to enable road connection to Hayward Way
Development Management Plan
32 Employment E4 Retaining Employment Uses
Safeguards development of existing employment land from non “B” uses
Planning Strategy – E1 (Existing Employment Land and Premises) and E2 (Skills and Access to Jobs)
Development Management Plan
32 Employment E5 Relocation of Non-Conforming Uses
Provides exception to E4 by accepting relocation of business uses that are detrimental to surrounding area
Planning Strategy – E1 (Existing Employment Land and Premises)
Development Management Plan
33 Employment E6 Small Industrial Firms
Criteria based policy allowing small firms in the built up area
Development Management Plan
34 Employment E7 Class B1(a) Office Development
Defines broad locations suitable for B1(a) use
Planning Strategy – DS2 (Employment Growth)
Development Management Plan
34 Employment E8 Location of Business Uses
Provides criteria for regulating new business development in residential areas
Development Management Plan
35 Employment E9 Locating Employment Sustainably
Criteria based policy to ensure employment development minimises traffic, has appropriate parking levels, improves public transport access and makes provision for cycling
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
41 Tourism T1 New Tourist Attractions
Criteria based policy regulating approval of planning permissions for new tourist attractions
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
Development Management Plan
41 Tourism T2 Amusements
Designates areas suitable for amusements
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
Development Management Plan
42 Tourism T3 Hotels and Guest Houses – Serviced Accommodation
Allows serviced accommodation on the seafront
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
43 Tourism T4 Change of Use of Hotels and Guest Houses
Restricts change of use from the above unless it is demonstrated that use is no longer viable or needs major upgrading of structural condition
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
44 Tourism T6 Caravan and Camping Sites
Criteria based policy to control the growth or expansion of existing sites
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
Development Management Plan
44 Tourism T7 Development within Caravan Sites
Criteria based policy for the enhancement of facilities at existing sites
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
Development Management Plan
45 Tourism T8 Language Schools
Supports new language schools in the town subject to certain criteria
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
45 Tourism T9 Retention of Language Schools
Restricts change of use of existing language schools to other uses
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
47 Tourism T12 Enhancement of Hastings Pier
Supports the refurbishment and enhancement of the pier
Planning Strategy – E4 (Tourism and Visitors)
53 Shopping S1 Town Centre Retail Proposals
Allocates areas specifically for retail use in the town centre
Planning Strategy – E3 (Town, District and Local Centres)
Development Management Plan
54 Shopping S2 District and Local Centres
Protects key retail frontages identified on Proposals Map for predominantly A1 uses
Planning Strategy – E3 (Town, District and Local Centres)
Development Management Plan
55 Shopping S3 Bohemia Road Core Shopping Area
Aims to retain ground floor of properties in defined core shopping area on Proposals Map for A1-A3 uses
Planning Strategy – E3 (Town, District and Local Centres)
Development Management Plan
57 Shopping S4 Retail and Leisure Proposals Outside Existing Centres
Criteria based policy resisting retail/leisure proposals in out of town locations subject to satisfying criteria
Planning Strategy – E3 (Town, District and Local Centres)
58 Shopping S5 Major Shopping Proposals Outside Existing Centres
Criteria based policy requiring retail proposals over 1000m2 to provide retail impact assessments.
Planning Strategy – E3 (Town, District and Local Centres)
64 Transport TR1 Road Improvements
Safeguards land between Wishing Tree Road and Sedlescombe Road South for Spur Road Phase 2 scheme
Planning Strategy – T1 (Strategic Road and Rail Schemes) and T2 (Local Road Improvements)
66 Transport TR3 Station at Wilting
Safeguards land for possibility of a new Station at Wilting until a review of feasibility is undertaken
Planning Strategy – T1 (Strategic Road and Rail Schemes)
68 Transport TR4 South Coast Cycle Route
Safeguards land for cycle route between West Marina and the western boundary towards Bexhill, and between Barley Lane and eastern boundary at Fairlight
Planning Strategy – T3 (Sustainable Transport)
69 Transport TR5 Cycling Facilities in New Developments
Requires developers to provide cycle facilities in accordance with adopted standards
Planning Strategy – T3 (Sustainable Transport)
Development Management Plan
69 Transport TR6 Location of New Development
Requires retail, industrial, commercial and community development to be located close to public transport, and/or to be accessible by walking and cycling.
Planning Strategy - SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way), T3 (Sustainable Transport) and T4 (Travel Plans)
Development Management Plan
70 Transport TR7 Accessibility
Requires all major new development to make provision for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and provide mitigation where necessary
Planning Strategy - SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way), T3 (Sustainable Transport) and T4 (Travel Plans)
Development Management Plan
70 Transport TR8 Reduced Parking Provision in New Development
Sets out that reduced parking standards will be applied in areas where public transport, pedestrian and cycling accessibility is good
Planning Strategy – T3 (Sustainable Transport) and T4 (Travel Plans)
Development Management Plan
East Sussex County Council SPD
71 Transport TR9 Development Infrastructure
Requires developers to satisfy the Local Planning Authority that appropriate highway or other transport capital works have or will be provided. Sets out specific improvements to Frederick Road.
Planning Strategy – CI1 (Infrastructure and Development Contributions)
71 Transport TR10 Development in Un-Metalled Streets
Refuses developments that will generate additional traffic in streets that do not have adequately metalled carriageways
Development Management Plan
82 Housing H1 Housing Sites
Lists all sites allocated for housing in the period up to 2011
Planning Strategy – DS1- New Housing Development and FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4, FA5, FA6 – The focus area policies set out the principles for the spread of new housing sites and the numbers of new dwellings in each area
Planning Strategy - H1 (Housing Density) and H2 (Housing Mix)
Development Management Plan
85 Housing H2 Mixed Use Areas
Allocates areas suitable for mixed-use developments. Applies a flexible approach to off street parking requirements in those areas
Planning Strategy – FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4, FA5, FA6 – The focus area policies set out the principles for the spread of new housing sites and the numbers of new dwellings in each area
Development Management Plan
87 Housing H4 Housing Conversions
Criteria based policy to control conversions to flats, safeguarding unnecessary conversions of family dwellings
Development Management Plan
89 Housing H6 Social Rented Housing
Provides for a proportion of social rented housing in all suitable residential developments of 15 or more dwellings (or .5ha), a minimum of 25% social housing will be sought. And identifies allocated housing sites (H1) as being suitable for an element of social rented housing
Planning Strategy – H3 (Provision of Affordable Housing)
Development Management Plan
99 Community Needs CN1 Access for People with Disabilities
Requires new development to provide adequate access and facilities for people with restricted mobility and/or other disabilities
Development Management Plan
100 Community Needs CN3 Housing for Persons with Restricted Mobility
Requires residential schemes of 50 or more dwellings to provide 2% to be designed for persons with restricted mobility
Development Management Plan
102 Community Needs CN6 The University Centre
Supports the creation of the University Centre in Hastings
Planning Strategy – E2 (Skills and Access to Jobs)
103 Community Needs CN7 Premises for Early Years Education
Criteria based policy to control potential impacts of premises used for early years education.
Development Management Plan
105 Community Needs CN9 Nursing Homes, Rest Homes and Hostels
Criteria based policy to control potential impacts of extensions, change of use or new premises. Also requires new developments to comply with standards of access for people with disabilities.
Development Management Plan
107 Community Needs CN12 Gypsies and Travelling Show People
Sets criteria to control the impact of new sites.
Planning Strategy – H5 (Accommodation for Travelling Communities)
113 Nature Conservation NC1 Hastings Cliff Special Area of Conservation
Provides for the protection of this internationally important site. Development proposals likely to have a significant effects will be subject to rigorous assessment. Exceptions to policy must meet the policy criteria.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
114 Nature Conservation NC2 Sites of Special Scientific Interest
Provides for the retention and protection of Sites of Special Scientific Interest only allowing development subject to meeting Policy criteria and providing adequate mitigation
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
116 Nature Conservation NC3 Local Nature Reserves
Provides for the retention and protection of Local Nature Reserves (designated and proposed) only allowing development subject to meeting policy criteria and providing adequate mitigation
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
116 Nature Conservation NC4 Extension to Marline Valley Local Nature Reserve
Allocates land at Marline Valley and Hoads Wood as an extension to the existing Local Nature Reserve.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
117 Nature Conservation NC5 Local Nature Reserve Allocations
Allocates land at 5 locations as Local Nature Reserves.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
119 Nature Conservation NC6 Sites of Nature Conservation Importance
Provides for the protection of Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (local level designation) subject to demonstrating a local need outweighing the nature conservation interest of the site and the provision of adequate mitigation
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
120 Nature Conservation NC7 The Green Network
Seeks to protect the Green Network from development that would sever, intrude or otherwise cause harm to its nature or purpose.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network)
Development Management Plan
122 Nature Conservation NC8 General Planning Requirements
Seeks to ensure that development minimises damage to wildlife & habitats, ensuring losses are minimised and adequately compensated for. Also seeks to ensure well-planned development that contributes towards a net gain in biodiversity & opportunities to enhance the local environment from both a nature conservation & amenity perspective.
Development Management Plan
124 Nature Conservation NC9 Information to Accompany Planning Applications
Seeks to ensure that developers provide sufficient ecological assessment of a site in support of a planning application
Development Management Plan
125 Nature Conservation NC10 Ancient Woodland
Provides for the protection of ancient woodland through planning conditions or legal agreement
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
125 Nature Conservation NC11 Preserved Woodland
Provides for the protection of preserved woodland of more than 0.4ha in area within 20m of the development.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
126 Nature Conservation NC12 St Helens Wood - Protection
Protects St Helens Wood from any further development, controlling any development on the periphery of woodland in terms of tree retention and visual quality of the valley.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity)
129 Landscape L1 Landscape Character
Seeks to prevent development that would substantially compromise the landscape setting of the town.
Planning Strategy - EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN4 (Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape)
130 Landscape L2 High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Seeks to resist development which would have an adverse affect on the natural beauty of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Major development will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated to be in the public interest.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity) and EN4 (Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape)
131 Landscape L3 Development Outside the Built-Up Area
Seeks to prevent development outside of the defined built-up area. Exceptions to policy maybe allowed subject to meeting 1 of 2 criteria.
Planning Strategy – EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN3 (Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity) and EN4 (Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape)
Development Management Plan
131 Landscape L4 Strategic Gap
The policy prevents development in the strategic gap between the built-up edge of St Leonards and the western boundary of the Borough.
Planning Strategy - EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN4 (Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape)
133 Landscape L6 Historic Parks and Gardens
The policy seeks to prevent development that would harm the historic significance, character, appearance and setting of identified historic parks and gardens.
Planning Strategy – EN1 (Built and Historic Environment)
134 Landscape L7 The Undeveloped Coast
Seeks to preserve the landscape character & nature conservation interest of the coast, only allowing development subject to meeting Policy criteria
Planning Strategy - EN2 (Green Infrastructure Network) and EN4 (Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape)
138 Development Guidelines DG1 Development Form
General design criteria applicable to all new development requiring the developer to address details relating to density; characteristics of the surrounding area; landscaping within the site; public and private open space; safety & security; amenity issues; impact of the development and highway safety.
Planning Strategy – SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, SC7 – the sustainable community policies set out the principles for development guidance
Development Management Plan
139 Development Guidelines DG2 Access and Parking
Criteria based policy requiring all new development to satisfactorily meet the access needs of all users and balanced transport provision
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way) and SC2 (Design and Access Statements)
Development Management Plan
139 Development Guidelines DG3 Sunlight and Daylight
Requires adequate natural light within new buildings & prevents the unacceptable loss of natural light or outlook to neighbouring properties arising from development
Planning Strategy – SC1, SC2 and SC3 – the sustainable community policies set out the principles for development guidance
Development Management Plan
140 Development Guidelines DG4 Noisy Activities
Seeks to prevent development likely to result in unacceptable levels of noise and provides measures to attenuate noise levels
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
140 Development Guidelines DG5 Noise Sensitive Development
Seeks to prevent the provision of housing, hospitals, schools, nursing homes and other ‘noise sensitive development’, in areas which are or are likely to be subject to unacceptably high levels of noise unless satisfactory attenuation measures can be achieved.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way) and SC2 (Design and Access Statements)
Development Management Plan
141 Development Guidelines DG6 External Lighting
Criteria based policy seeking to ensure that external lighting schemes are well designed, appropriate to the surroundings and do not cause a hazard for road users
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
141 Development Guidelines DG7 High or Visually Prominent Buildings
Criteria based policy seeking to ensure that development maintains or enhances the surrounding area, has regard to conservation areas or areas of landscape importance and does not result in unacceptable overshadowing of neighbouring properties.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
142 Development Guidelines DG8 Protection of Views
Criteria based policy providing for the protection of public views
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
143 Development Guidelines DG9 Traffic Calming
Provides for traffic calming measures in new development and supports the introduction of traffic calming measures in nearby streets as part of the development
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way) and SC2 (Design and Access Statements)
Development Management Plan
144 Development Guidelines DG11 Gardens
Requires private amenity space for dwellings intended for family use
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
145 Development Guidelines DG12 Two Storey Side Extensions to Residential Properties
Criteria based policy aimed to prevent the unacceptable impact of 2-storey side extensions in terms of design and their impact on the street scene.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way) and SC2 (Design and Access Statements)
Development Management Plan
146 Development Guidelines DG13 Provision of Children’s Playspace
Provides for the provision of onsite play space within residential schemes including 25 or more family dwellings, or via Section 106 agreement for off-site provision or improvement of nearby existing play space.
Planning Strategy – CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
146 Development Guidelines DG14 Shopfronts
Criteria based policy providing for new shopfronts or alterations to existing shopfronts
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
147 Development Guidelines DG15 Security Shutters
Criteria based policy ensuring acceptable design and preventing their unnecessary use
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
148 Development Guidelines DG16 Outdoor Advertisements and Signs
Criteria based policy seeking to ensure adverts and signs are not detrimental to the appearance of a building(s) affected and/or the surrounding area, or a danger to the public highway.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
148 Development Guidelines DG17 Licensed Premises
Relates to the location of large drinking establishments and seeks to prevent new uses out of character with the area, or the over concentration of A3 uses in town, district or local centres
Development Management Plan
149 Development Guidelines DG18 Hot Food Take-Aways
Provides for hot food takeaways subject to criteria based policy
Development Management Plan
149 Development Guidelines DG19 Commercial Development – Traffic
Seeks to ensure that traffic generation from commercial development affecting residential areas is attenuated by legal agreements and/or planning conditions
Development Management Plan
150 Development Guidelines DG20 Public Art
Requires the provision of public art in major development schemes
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
151 Development Guidelines DG21 Development on Unstable Land
On land potentially subject to instability, planning permission will only be granted subject to convincing supporting evidence from the applicant that actual/potential instability can be overcome
Planning Strategy – SC1, SC2 and SC3 – the sustainable community policies set out the principles for development guidance
Development Management Plan
151 Development Guidelines DG22 Satellite Dishes
Provides for satellite dishes to domestic premises where planning permission is required and seeks to prevent insensitive positioning of dishes
Development Management Plan
153 Development Guidelines DG23 Renewable Energy Schemes
Criteria based policy providing for the development of renewable energy schemes providing that it can be adequately shown that development will not harm interests of acknowledged importance in the local environment
Planning Strategy – SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, SC7 – the sustainable community policies set out the principles for development guidance
154 Development Guidelines DG24 Energy Efficient Development
The policy requires that new development be energy efficient in terms of layout & design and also supports the incorporation of energy-efficient and renewable energy technology.
Planning Strategy – SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5, SC6, SC7 – the sustainable community policies set out the principles for development guidance
156 Development Guidelines DG25 Development Infrastructure
Seeks to ensure that where new development generates a need for new or improved infrastructure, the developer should provide or fund the necessary works & measures.
Planning Strategy – CI1 (Infrastructure and developer Contributions)
158 Development Guidelines DG26 Flood Risk
Aims to prevent development within areas at risk of river and coastal flooding. Also seeks to prevent development which would be detrimental to or impede access to existing sea, tidal or fluvial defences or river channels.
Planning Strategy – SC7 (Flood Risk)
159 Development Guidelines DG27 Surface Water
Provides for development which could increase the risk of flooding as a result of surface water run-off, subject to agreeing all alleviation & mitigation works, including Sustainable Drainage Systems, and their design, construction and long term management, prior to the start of development
Planning Strategy – SC7 (Flood Risk)
160 Development Guidelines DG28 Telecommunications Installations
Criteria based policy relating to the siting and appearance of masts and larger antennae.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
160 Development Guidelines DG29 High Pressure Gas Main
No new building will be permitted within 14m of the existing high pressure gas main which extends from the junction of Battle Rd & The Ridge West to Watergates Wood
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
161 Development Guidelines DG30 Overhead Power Lines - Safety
Requires new development to take account of the electricity supplier’s requirements from a safety standpoint.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
161 Development Guidelines DG31 New Overhead Power Lines
Requires/encourages lines being placed underground in visually sensitive locations
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
162 Development Guidelines DG33 Environmental Pollution
Seeks to prevent development which is likely to cause unacceptable pollution of air, water or land.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
163 Development Guidelines DG34 Contaminated Land
Requires the developer to carry out site investigations of potential hazards & propose the necessary remedial measures required to deal with the hazard on sites with known or suspected contamination.
Planning Strategy – SC1 (Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way)
Development Management Plan
171 Historic Environment C1 Development within Conservation Areas
Criteria based policy providing for development within conservation areas seeking to ensure that proposals have due regard to the character & appearance of the area.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas
Development Management Plan
173 Historic Environment C2 Demolition in a Conservation Area
Criteria based policy providing for the demolition of unlisted buildings subject to the prior approval of the re-use of the site
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas
Development Management Plan
174 Historic Environment C3 Development Involving Listed Buildings
Criteria based policy providing for the extension or alteration of a listed building.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development affecting these buildings
Development Management Plan
175 Historic Environment C4 Demolition of Listed Buildings
Criteria based policy providing for development that would follow the demolition of a listed building.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development affecting these buildings
Development Management Plan
175 Historic Environment C5 Winch Huts
Provides for new winch huts designed to have a traditional appearance suited their function.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development for these buildings
Development Management Plan
176 Historic Environment C6 Archaeological Sites and Ancient Monuments
Policy resists development that would adversely affect an archaeological site or ancient monument, or other nationally important archaeological site or monument
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas, or affecting these structures
177 Historic Environment C7 Replacement Doors and Windows in Listed Buildings
Within listed buildings, provides only for exact replicas or doors and windows of an appropriate design and materials.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas
Development Management Plan
177 Historic Environment C8 Replacement Doors and Windows in Conservation Areas
Provides for exact replicas or doors and windows of an appropriate design and materials.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas
Development Management Plan
178 Historic Environment C9 Roof Materials for Listed Buildings
Provides for replacement roofs only where the covering is an exact replica or is of appropriate material.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development for these buildings
Development Management Plan
178 Historic Environment C10 Roof Materials for Conservation Areas
Provides for replacement roofs only where the covering is an exact replica or is of appropriate material.
Planning Strategy - EN1 (Built and Historic Environment) outlines the principles for development in these areas
Development Management Plan
186 Sports and Recreation SP1 Playing Fields and Sports Pitches
Seeks to prevent the loss of playing fields and sports pitches unless the proposal meets 1 of 4 criteria
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
186 Sports and Recreation SP2 Sports and Recreational Facilities
Criteria based policy providing for formal sports or recreation uses
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
187 Sports and Recreation SP3 Location of Major New Sports and Recreational Facilities
‘Sequential test’ policy relating to the location of major sports and recreation facilities.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
187 Sports and Recreation SP4 White Rock Area
Criteria based policy providing for proposals which enhance the range & quality of sports, play and similar leisure provision within White Rock area west of Falaise Road.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
193 Open Space OS1 Protection of Open Space
The policy seeks to protect identified open spaces from development which would lead to a loss of their open character.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
194 Open Space OS2 Areas Deficient in Open Space
The policy seeks to retain open spaces and undeveloped land in those areas of the Borough deemed to be deficient in open space. In appropriate cases a legal agreement will be sort to provide open space within new developments.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
194 Open Space OS3 Private Open Space
The policy seeks to resist the substantial loss of identified private open space.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
195 Open Space OS4 Allotments
The policy seeks to protect allotments from development.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
195 Open Space OS5 Amenity Footpath Network
Seeks to safe guard the amenity footpath network from development.
Planning Strategy - EN5 (Open Spaces; Enhancement, Provision and Protection); CI2 (Sports and Leisure Facilities) and CI3 (Children’s Play Provision)
Development Management Plan
Site Allocations
200 Hastings Town Centre TC1 Hastings Station Yard
Allocates land at this location for a mixed use scheme likely to include educational, business, residential and retail uses.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre)
Development Management Plan (residual part of Station Plaza not yet developed)
201 Hastings Town Centre TC3 Queens Road Conversions
Provides for the conversion of properties between 94-168 Queens Road from retail to residential or other suitable uses.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre)
Development Management Plan
202 Hastings Town Centre TC4 Site of Sussex Chambers
Allocates land within the Town Centre Conservation Area at Havelock Road and Priory Road, for mixed use development.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre)
202 Hastings Town Centre TC5 The Observer Building
Allocates the building within the Town Centre Conservation Area, for a mix of uses including higher and further education, residential, offices and ‘live-work’ units.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre)
Development Management Plan
204 Hastings Town Centre TC7 Greenway
Safeguard land for a greenway as set out on the Proposals Map.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre)
Development Management Plan
205 Hastings Town Centre TC8 Memorial Replacement
Safeguards the location shown on the Proposals Map, for a replacement to the original Memorial.
Planning Strategy - FA3 (Strategic Policy for Hastings Town Centre
Development Management Plan
211 Central St Leonards SL1 Taxi Office/BR Social Club Site
Allocates the site for a mixed use development with compatible commercial uses serving the local area on the ground floor and residential above.
Planning Strategy - FA4 (Strategic Policy for Central St Leonards)
Development Management Plan
212 Central St Leonards SL2 Problem Buildings
Provides for a flexible approach in the future use of buildings in need of repair in Central St Leonards if this assists in securing their future viability
Planning Strategy - FA4 (Policy for Central St Leonards)
Development Management Plan
212 Central St Leonards SL3 Western Road/Cross Street Area
Provides for development and refurbishment of the area
Planning Strategy - FA4 (Strategic Policy for Central St Leonards)
Development Management Plan
224 West St Leonards WSL1 Land at Seaside Road – Developments
Allocates the site for mixed use development based on water and beach related commercial tourism and leisure facilities together with associated services, recreational activities, including a public slipway and housing.
Planning Strategy - FA1 (Strategic Policy for Western Area)
Development Management Plan
225 West St Leonards WSL2 Land at Seaside Road – Seafront Walk/Cycle Path
Requires the provision for the extension of the seafront promenade and a properly made-up cycle path from Grosvenor Gardens to Cinque Ports Way.
Planning Strategy - FA1 (Strategic Policy for Western Area)
Development Management Plan
226 West St Leonards WSL3 Land at Bexhill Road – Development
Allocates the site for housing, a replacement community centre and open space. The development must include adequate measures for flood protection and the safeguarding of the Site of Nature Conservation Importance.
Planning Strategy - FA1 (Strategic Policy for the Western Area)
Development Management Plan
231 Broomgrove B1 Broomgrove Regeneration
Allocates the area for mixed use development to include housing, local employment uses, local retail and community facilities and open space.
Planning Strategy - FA5 (Strategic Policy for the Eastern Area)
Development Management Plan
233 Broomgrove B3 Facilities at Ore Station
Provides for the area around Ore Station to become a hub for neighbourhood facilities, together with the upgrading of the station itself.
Planning Strategy - FA5 (Strategic Policy for Eastern Area)
Development Management Plan
233 Broomgrove B4 Local Park
Allocates land to the south-east of Chiltern Drive as a local park to be provided
Planning Strategy - FA5 (Strategic Policy for Eastern Area)
Development Management Plan
235 Broomgrove B5 Broomgrove – Highway Improvements/ Traffic Management
Provides for highway improvements and traffic management measures required if the mixed use development at Broomgrove is to be permitted.
Planning Strategy - FA5 (Strategic Policy for Eastern Area)
Development Management Plan
235 Broomgrove B6 The Former Stills Factory Site, Fellows Road
Allocates the site for mixed use to include housing and local employment uses (Class B1)
Planning Strategy - FA5 (Strategic Policy for Eastern Area)
Development Management Plan
240 Holmhurst St Mary HSM1 Holmhurst St Mary – Development
Allocates land for housing including the provision of open space.
Planning Strategy - FA1 (Strategic Policy for Western Area)
Development Management Plan
242 Holmhurst St Mary HSM2 Holmhurst St Mary – Highway Access
Provides for access improvements required if the housing development is to be permitted.
Planning Strategy - FA1 (Strategic Policy for Western Area)
Development Management Plan
246 Seafront Strategy SS1 The Stade Maritime Heritage Area
Criteria based policy providing for the development of tourist facilities at this location.
Planning Strategy - FA6 (Strategic Policy for the Seafront)
Development Management Plan
247 Seafront Strategy SS2 The Stade/Old Town Seafront
Seek to ensure that any new development within this area respects the open aspect and accessibility of the area and the strong visual and historic link with the Old Town.
Planning Strategy - FA6 (Strategic Policy for the Seafront)
Development Management Plan

Hastings Local Plan 2004 - Expired Policies

As from 27th September 2007, a number of policies in the Hastings Local Plan 2004 expired and therefore have not since been used in consideration of planning applications.

These policies were no longer required as in some cases they duplicated other Local Plan policies or National Planning Policy and in other cases the development they referred to has been completed.

Expired policies included:

  • B2 - Broomgrove Housing Sites
  • CN2 - Parking for People With Disabilities
  • CN4 - Hastings College
  • CN5 - Hastings College - Relocation
  • CN8 - Community Facilities
  • CN10 - Library Facilities
  • CN11 - Hastings Museum and Art Gallery
  • DG10 - Retention of Car Parking
  • DG32 - Development Adjoining Railways
  • H3 - Lower Density Areas
  • H5 - Change of Use
  • L5 - Farm Diversification
  • OT1 - Old Town Protection Area
  • S6 - Land Allocated for Non-Retail Uses
  • SP5 - Football - Pilot Field
  • T10 - Conference Facilities
  • T11 - Water Based Recreation
  • T5 - Self-Catering Accommodation
  • TC2 - The Queens Hotel
  • TC6 - The BT Building, Havelock Road
  • TR2 - Defined Road Hierarchy
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