Hastings Local Plan Consultation Draft (Regulation 18)

Ended on the 24 March 2021

6. Monitoring and Review

6.1 We are committed to monitoring the implementation of the Local Plan, once adopted, and its outcomes and impact. This will allow us to understand the effectiveness of the implementation of our Local Plan policies and whether our Local Plan vision is effective in its delivery. It will also help use consider changing needs and demands enabling us to respond by developing appropriate strategies and if needed changes to policies. After adoption of this new Local Plan, there are matters which may trigger an update to the approach. These include:

  • Whether the level of affordable housing that will be required by policy is appropriate – and can be increased if viable;
  • Identification of further sites or policies for renewable energy generation;
  • Approaches to levels of car and cycle parking and whether further reductions in car parking levels are possible as sustainable travel options increase;
  • The future of sites on Sedlescombe Road North and the commercial areas to the west of Sedlescombe Road North (explained in paragraph 4.12); and
  • Changes to law or national policy, introduced by the Government, including those arising from the Planning White Paper (explained in paragraph 1.9)

6.2 We will monitor implementation of the Local Plan against a specific set of indicators set out in Table 6.1 to assess how successful the Local Plan is in delivering our vision.

Table 6.1 Local Plan Targets and Monitoring Indicators

Addressing climate change

Achieving and sustaining a thriving and diverse economy

Delivering 4,275 quality new homes

Target: 20% reduction in regulated emissions from new build

Baseline position (2018): Buildings are expected to meet Part L of Building Regulations applicable in 2020

Target: 0.88 job per 16 to 64 year olds (South East Average)

Baseline position (2018):


Target: 215 new homes a year across the plan period

Baseline position: 0

The number (and percentage) of new developments completed that include (a) on- site renewables, (b) on-site energy generation and (c) heat pumps.

Number of cycle parking spaces and Electric Vehicle Charging Points delivered

Number of low/zero car parking residential or office schemes and level of parking delivered

Loss of formally designated open space (to be shown on the Policies Map)

Amount of new industrial (B2) and light industrial (E) floorspace (loss or net gains) completed

Amount of new office floorspace completed

New leisure and cultural facilities delivered


New homes completed

Affordable housing completed

Specialist housing completed

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