Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia Area Action Plan
Appendix 3
Agent of Change principle: This principle places the responsibility for mitigating impacts from noise from existing uses close by on the proposed new development. This is particularly relevant in town centres where residential use may be proposed near to existing noise generating uses. Similarly, new noise generating uses such as music venues will need to mitigate noise impacts on existing development close by.
Allowable Solutions: allows house builders cost effective options to abate residual carbon in meeting carbon emission targets and the zero carbon homes standard both onsite and offsite.
Anchor load: Some buildings such as hospitals, leisure centres, hotels have a large demand for heat. These buildings often have a steady demand for heat throughout the day and can support a heat network.
Area Action Plan (AAP): Area specific plan that contains details and sets the development framework for how an area will change over the next 15 years.
Belvedere pedestrian route: Attractive pedestrian route that benefits from views
BREEAM: The British Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment is a measure of best practice in environmental design and management.
Buffer zone: A buffer zone is an area of enhanced protection around a specific conservation area, usually adjacent to a protected area offering a gradient of protection for the designated area.
Business Incubators and Accelerators: Incubators are usually physical spaces that creative people pay rent or a membership for, usually on flexible terms. Accelerators are based on the businesses growth and payment is via equity rather than fees. Accelerator space is usually available for a fixed duration and seed-funding may form part of an accelerator programme. Additional services such as training or mentoring may be provides for both incubators and accelerators.
Code level 4: The Code for Sustainable Homes has now been withdrawn by government. However, it was a well know national standard for sustainable design and construction based on a scoring matrix with different Code levels.
Combined heat and power (CHP): This process captures and utilises the heat that is a by-product of electricity generation and can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% compared to traditional power station to boiler.
Comparison floorspace: Shops that sell items where some comparison is likely to be made before purchasing goods (e.g. clothing, carpets, electrical goods).
Convenience floorspace: Convenience retailing is the provision of everyday essential items, such as food, drinks, newspapers/magazines and confectionery.
Creative industries: Likely to be small or micro-businesses that draw on the creative skills and talent of individuals for commercial gain. Includes a wide variety of creative activity, more recently includes digital technology. More recently also referred to Creative Economy.
Cultural cluster: Areas where there is a critical mass of cultural activity and related uses, and those areas designated as Cultural Quarters.
Cultural uses: Cultural activities include: visual and performing arts, media, architecture and design, heritage and historic environment, libraries and literature, museums and galleries, education and cultural related tourism. However, a range of other activities is associated with them and provide necessary support, for example: hospitality, specialist retail, food and drink, workshops, and community led activities.
Cycle channel: A wheeling ramp that allows people to wheel their bicycle up a channel as they walk up or down a staircase without having to physically carry their bike.
Desire line: Often a route that people take as a short cut, because the official path is not direct or is out of the way.
Development Management Plan: Forms part of Hastings Local Plan. The Development Management Plan is designed to be consistent with, but not repeat, the Planning Strategy and sets development management policy guidance for use in the determination of planning applications and provides site allocations for residential and employment development up to 2028.
Development Plan Documents: Statutory planning documents, produced by the planning authority that forms part of the Local Plan, including the Hastings Planning Strategy, Development Management Plan and Area Action Plans.
District heating network: a system of insulted pipes that takes heat from a central source and delivers it to domestic or non-domestic buildings through a distribution network.
Enabling development: Development would normally conflict with planning policy, but the benefits of departing from the policies outweigh the dis-benefits of departing from those policies.
Energy hierarchy: achieving energy efficiency first, before looking at implementation of other forms of renewable energy generation.
Façade: The principal face of the building.
Fascias: A fascia board runs along the lower edge of a roof and maybe one of the most notifiable elements of a shopfront.
Green infrastructure: A network of connected, high quality, multi-functional open spaces, corridors and the links in between, that provide multiple benefits for people and wildlife. This also includes the beach.
Green roofs: Vegetated layers that sit on top of the conventional roof surfaces of a building, which can support a wide range of plant life. Green roofs can create, or improve biodiversity, contribute to minimising flood risk, improve thermal efficiency and improve the microclimate.
Hastings Planning Strategy: The overall strategy setting out how the town will develop up to 2028. In includes strategic policies to guide development, and includes a local housing target and employment floorspace requirements.
Healthy Hastings Initiative: A Hastings and Rother Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) initiative aimed at tackling health inequality across Hastings and Rother
HS1: High Speed 1 rail link
Key diagram: Map showing proposed site allocations and geographical areas where policies apply.
Local Nature Reserve (LNR): Non-statutory habitats of local significance designated by Local Authorities where protection and public understanding of nature conservation is encouraged.
Local Plan: The collective name given to all policies and documents forming the planning framework for the town.
Meanwhile use: a short term or temporary use
Mixed use development: Provision of a mix of complementary uses such as residential, community and leisure uses on a single site or within a particular area.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): National Planning Policy that sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
Objectively Assessed Need: The scale and mix of housing and the range of tenures likely to be needed within the housing market area over the plan period.
Open workspace: places where businesses and professionals share space, facilities and specialist equipment, and usually managed by a workspace provider.
Passive solar design: Utilise the site, layout, form of development and fabric of buildings to harness natural light and solar gains, which then reduces the need for artificial lighting, space heating and mechanical ventilation and cooling.
Passivhaus buildings: A Passivhaus is a building in which thermal comfort can be achieved solely by post-heating or post-cooling the fresh air flow required for a good indoor air quality, without the need for additional recirculation of air (Passivhaus Institut).
Permeability: the extent to which people and/or vehicles can move through a particular area
Pocket Park: a small park accessible to the general public
Pop ups: a short term or temporary use
Potable water supply: drinking water supply
Public Realm: Publicly accessible space between and around buildings, including streets, parks and open spaces, sometimes referred to as public domain.
Primary and secondary frontages: Primary frontages are likely to include a high proportion of retail uses which may include food, drinks, clothing and household goods. Secondary frontages provide greater opportunities for a diversity of uses such as restaurants, cinemas and businesses.
Prudential borrowing: Prudential borrowing is a set of rules that govern local authority borrowing in the UK.
Rainwater harvesting: A system that collects rainwater where it falls (such as the roof of a building) rather than allowing it to drain away.
Renewable and low carbon energy: Energy flows that occur naturally and repeatedly in the environment, for example from the wind, water flow, tides or the sun.
Section 106/Planning Obligations: Planning obligations, also known as section 106 agreements, are legally binding agreements typically negotiated between local authorities and developers in the context of planning applications. They are a mechanism by which measures are secured to make acceptable development which would otherwise be unacceptable in planning terms.
Self-build development: Self-build projects are typically where individuals or groups of individuals directly undertake or organise the design and construction of their new home.
Smart mobility: Using technology and data to develop innovative people centred mobility solutions, which are faster, cleaner, less expensive and more accessible, enabling people to move around more easily. This may include electric vehicle charging, interactive way finding, mobility on demand systems, smart ticketing alongside integrated transport information, smart parking etc.
Staycation: A holiday spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions
Sustainability Appraisal (SA): Assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of policies and proposals contained within the Local Plan.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS): SuDS are designed to control the quantity of runoff from a development, to improve the quality of the runoff and to enhance the nature conservation, landscape and amenity value of the site's surroundings.
Spatial framework: This framework focuses on a specific part, or parts, or the town.
Strategic framework: This framework applies to the whole area.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): A procedure (set out in the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004) which requires the formal environmental assessment of certain plans and programmes which are likely to have significant effects on the environment.
Strategic Views: Views that make a significant contribution to the character of a place, they may include significant buildings or urban landscapes.
Swales: A shallow channel that is vegetated to conduct and retain water, it may also permit infiltration.
Third generation or 3G pitches: Artificial grass pitch constructed using pile artificial grass.
Urban diffuse pollution: Pollution that arises from land-use activities, such as oil from cars.
Urban grain: The arrangement and size of buildings within their plot and the pattern of street blocks and/or junctions.
Use Classes Order (UCO): Puts uses of land and buildings into various categories. Also identifies the changes between these classes that would, or would not require planning permission.
Viability Assessment: An assessment of the financial viability of a development to determine the maximum amount of affordable housing and other policy requirements to ensure that the site is deliverable.
Whole life cost in use: The current value of the total costs of a development throughout its likely life.
Zero carbon buildings: Buildings that cause no net release of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.