Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia Area Action Plan

Ended on the 24 September 2018

Section Seven

Bohemia Area

7.1 The Bohemia Area (including White Rock Gardens) offers significant potential for appropriate development which will enhance the leisure and cultural offer of the town and provide a mix of new housing whilst protecting and enhancing existing assets. The goal is to reinvigorate this part of Hastings through a programme of key initiatives which seek to:

  • regenerate White Rock Gardens and create a focus for sports, leisure and culture;
  • create new cultural, leisure and tourism opportunities and new cultural hubs;
  • create new residential neighbourhoods with a mix of housing types and tenures, co-working space and community facilities;
  • improve pedestrian and cycle links between White Rock, the town centre and the seafront;
  • protect and enhance the built and natural environment;
  • enrich the existing character of the seafront and the town's cultural heritage;
  • concentrate sports and leisure activities.

7.2 The Bohemia Area will provide a mix of residential, leisure, workspace and cultural uses to create a critical mass of activity – active, integrated and a resource for neighbouring communities to visit and enjoy: a cultural centre and a place for creative and new ways of living in an inspiring parkland setting; a new well connected neighbourhood – not seen in isolation but as an extension of the neighbouring areas of Hastings and St Leonards.

7.3 The proposals for Bohemia are underpinned by four cultural destinations which are located at strategic entrance points to the Bohemia Quarter:

  • The seafront - based on the White Rock Theatre and the pier with a focus on performance, production and entertainment
  • The Convent – with a focus on heritage, the arts and education
  • The Museum - with a focus on cultural heritage and local history
  • Trinity Triangle/America Ground - with a focus on cultural and creative industries

7.4 Each cultural hub will act as a gateway into Bohemia and the wider town centre. Multiple uses will be encouraged to add resilience to each hub, and increase the numbers of visitors. Each of the existing cultural buildings will have a defined public space which can also be activated and become a focus for activity. These hubs will be the shop windows for Bohemia and Hastings Town Centre, promoting the new cultural programme and engaging a wide audience from Hastings and beyond. In addition, the area will provide a focus for enhanced leisure facilities and a high quality living environment.

7.5 The character of Bohemia derives directly from its greenness and open character- but the area is currently ill defined and underutilised. The proposals seek to preserve this open parkland quality but to introduce a range of new uses and to create a network of green spaces of contrasting character. The network of public spaces is connected by pedestrian and cycle routes. New development can be used to define edges to open public space, and provide public and commercial ground floors which will help to activate the parks.

Opportunity Areas within Bohemia

7.6 The Bohemia Area covers a spatially diverse mix of places. The area has therefore been divided into four Opportunity Areas to allow their separate and distinctive identities to be strengthened:

  • OA5: White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter
  • OA6: White Rock Park
  • OA7: Bohemia
  • OA8: Former Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road

Opportunity Area 5 (OA5): White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter

7.7 The Council recognises the importance of cultural activities and the creative industries to the local economy and the wellbeing and enjoyment of visitors and the community at large.

7.8 The White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter is designated by Policy CQ1 of the Hastings Development Management Plan. The area is defined at its western end by the cluster of the theatre, the hotel, the pier, The Source and Bottle Alley and extends eastwards along the seafront to the America Ground, Trinity Triangle and Claremont with the library, the Creative Media Centre and the collection of restaurants and cafes in the area.

7.9 The White Rock Promenade is being transformed into an extended hub of activity at the heart of the seafront through a programme of public realm improvements and the opening of the pier and The Source. Further improvements to the public realm will create a more attractive pedestrian environment and increase footfall and dwell time. This will attract visitors to the area and encourage the development of more attractions, creating a strong alternative destination to the Old Town. Connections to White Rock Gardens will be improved.

7.10 Hastings rich cultural offer includes visual and performing arts, music and festivals. It is supported and influenced by the work of the creative industries such as design, fashion, publishing, video games, radio and film. Cultural facilities and venues include creative industries workspace, museum, theatres, library, and music and other entertainment venues. The seafront and Source Park provides an important setting for a wide range of arts and cultural activities. There is potential to develop the cultural offer through extended provision of workspace for creative industries and space for cultural production and consumption such as performing and visual arts studios.

7.11 It will be important to protect cultural venues and the Council will ensure that planning decisions reflect the Agent of Change principle and take account of existing noise generating uses in a sensitive manner when new development, particularly residential, is proposed nearby.

7.12 It is proposed that the cultural hub around the White Rock Theatre and the Pier should focus on performance, production and entertainment. The emerging cultural hub around the Trinity Triangle/America Ground including the Printworks and Rock House should be further strengthened with a focus on education and the creative industries.

7.13 Robertson Street has many historic buildings which add value to the street scene and create a strong sense of place. There are also a number of historic shopfronts that enhance the street scene, but these are a minority and there are far more that have inappropriate materials and fascias or bear no relationship to the historic building above. Hastings Creative Media Centre on Robertson Street is a good example of a modern building sitting comfortably within a historic context. This high quality design needs to be replicated within the rest of the area.

7.14 The junction at Robertson Street/Carlisle Parade and the junctions at Harold Place/Denmark Place and Albert Road/Denmark Place have been identified for investment as part of a programme of measures to improve movement and access for all road users within the town centre. Improvements will focus on enhancing pedestrian crossing facilities across the A259 to enable greater connectivity from the town centre to the seafront area and the pier.

7.15 The Robertson Street retail gateway will complement the cultural quarter by building on the presence of existing businesses and national brands to attract new and exciting occupiers, such as specialist shops, restaurants and boutique brands.

7.16 The area around the Trinity Triangle and Claremont has the potential to become a stronger focus for the creative industries.

7.17 Localised improvements to the promenade will be implemented and an enhanced pedestrian environment. This will include measures to provide greater priority for pedestrian and cyclist with new crossings, the widening of the northern footway to create a more attractive pedestrian environment. Ground floor uses can start to spill out where the pavement on the north side is widened and parking is restricted. The surface treatment of Robertson Street will be extended to create a seamless pedestrian link to the town centre. The key objective will be the creation of an active frontage to the seafront through the reuse of existing commercial space and public realm improvements. A new pedestrian route is proposed (potentially including stairs and a feature lift) up to a belvedere pedestrian route along the front of the White Rock gardens, which has an elevated view of the seafront linking back into St Margarets Road as it rises to the east and west. This would create direct connections, both physical and visual between the Pier and White Rock Gardens.

7.18 Enhancement of Bottle Alley will be promoted and encouraged including the provision of new café facilities and seasonal activities.

Figure 10: Opportunity Area 5 - White Rock and the America Ground Cultural Quarter


Policy OA5 – White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter

The Council will work with developers, businesses and other stakeholders to promote the White Rock and America Ground Cultural Area as a cultural destination.

Improvements to the range and quality of cultural facilities; the provision of workspace for the creative industries; and the protection, enhancement and interpretation of heritage assets will be encouraged.

Within this Opportunity Area:

  1. development will be encouraged which will assist the further expansion of its role as a centre for cultural and related leisure and business activities;
  2. proposals will be viewed in terms of their contribution to the mix and diversity of uses and to their potential to enhance their attraction to residents and visitors;
  3. the Council will take into account the effect of any development proposals on existing cultural activities and expect them to be protected or for there to be no net loss;
  4. planning decisions will reflect the Agent of Change principle;
  5. to improve economic vitality, a positive approach will be taken to assist the occupation of under used floors above shops and other premises.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

DS3: Location of Retail Development

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

E2: Skills and Access to Jobs

E4: Tourism and Visitors

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area

CQ1: Cultural Quarters

Opportunity sites within White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter (OA5)

7.19 Three opportunity sites have been identified in OA5 which are shown in figure 10:

  • WR1: Hastings Pier
  • WR2: White Rock Theatre
  • WR3: The Observer Building

Opportunity site WR1: Hastings Pier

7.20 The Grade II Listed Pier is recognised as a key heritage and economic/tourism asset to the town and a key objective will be to support its sustainable future as a key destination along the seafront. The importance of the Pier is underlined by the award of the Stirling prize for Architecture in 2017. The next phase of development is critical for the establishment of the Pier as a viable attraction for residents, visitors and workers in the town. Any further development will be required to improve the offer of attractions and variety of programmed events to provide a year-round destination for visitors.

7.21 Potential new attractions could include:

  • indoor attractions, such as an art house cinema
  • an extended outdoor performance area to accommodate larger concerts, outdoor screenings and performances
  • specialist markets
  • new food outlets
  • a zip wire from the end of the pier to Bottle Alley

7.22 In actively promoting the provision of new attractions on the Pier, the Council recognises the importance of both permanent and temporary uses to secure its sustainable future. The Council will work with the owners of the Pier to actively explore options to enable the appropriate mechanisms to streamline the planning process to enable the development of appropriate attractions that balance the importance of the heritage value of the pier in relation to economically viable uses.

7.23 Development of the pier will be complemented by other initiatives along the seafront.

Policy WR1 – Hastings Pier

The Council will work with the owners of Hastings Pier and other stakeholders to promote sustainable development to provide a range of leisure and cultural facilities which enhance the attractions on the pier, support its long term viability, and create a year round destination.

The Council will actively support a range of temporary uses for the pier that support the viability of the pier as a year round attraction.

Development proposals will need to be of a high design quality in keeping with the historic character and appearance of the Grade 11 listed Hastings Pier, the Conservation Area and other features of heritage importance.

Development proposals for this site will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan and management plan.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

E4: Tourism and Visitors

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

CQ1: Cultural Quarters

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)

Opportunity site WR2: White Rock Theatre

7.24 A key objective will be to secure the future of the theatre as a sustainable multi-functional arts centre through refurbishment, extension or replacement of the existing building unless a replacement cultural venue is provided elsewhere in the AAP area. The theatre should be a place of cultural production and performance with flexible spaces, hospitality and conference facilities. The existing building can be retained and extended to offer the mix of uses that will ensure its future. Through repurposing and extensions spaces can be created which will enable wider usage and thus generation of greater revenue for the operator. It can be both event space and used on a daily basis by visiting companies and local residents. Alternatively a company could be recruited to be resident offering a layered programme of production and performance and education. The large roof can accommodate a public terrace and lifts and escalators which will connect the two levels of street and White Rock Gardens with viewing areas and roof top café.

7.25 In the event that facilities are re-provided in a new cultural venue elsewhere in the AAP area, suitable alternative uses of the site will be considered which will enhance the seafront and the Cultural Quarter such as a new hotel/conference centre and facilitate the development of a new purpose built venue elsewhere in the AAP area.

7.26 There is the potential to enable the closure of Schwerte Way and White Rock Road to allow for the creation of a new civic space between White Rock and the seafront and for the extension of the theatre to provide new facilities and public access. Public realm works could include improved pedestrian crossing, lighting and tree planting with a new direct entrance into the park.

Policy WR2 – White Rock Theatre

The Council will resist the loss of cultural facilities and will work with partners to improve the facilities currently provided by the White Rock Theatre through a programme of refurbishment or redevelopment.

Development of the White Rock Theatre will be supported subject to the provision of improved performance and production space within the building. Proposals for this site will be required to be of a high quality design which will enhance the appearance of the White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter and the Conservation Area and be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan.

Development of the White Rock Theatre for cultural use will be required to incorporate:

  1. a range of performance and production spaces;
  2. a new civic space;
  3. high quality public realm;
  4. improved pedestrian crossings and links to the seafront and White Rock Gardens.

Subject to the relocation of the facilities provided in the theatre to a new cultural centre on an alternative site in the town centre or Bohemia, a suitable mixed use redevelopment such as a hotel/conference centre will be permitted. A high quality design will be required in accordance with the objectives for the White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter and to enhance the range of cultural and tourism facilities on the seafront.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

E4: Tourism and Visitors

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area

CQ1: Cultural Quarters

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)

Opportunity site WR3: The Observer Building

7.27 The Observer Building is allocated under DMP Policy HTC3 for mixed use development. The Council will encourage a mix of uses including retail, workspace for the creative industries, educational or leisure facilities as well as residential units. The site will be expected to support a varied housing mix and to include affordable housing. Reuse of the Observer Building and the refurbished library will strengthen this location as a cultural hub. Policy WR3 develops Policy HTC3 to promote a mixed use development which will facilitate the restoration of the building frontage and reuse of the building and enhance the Cultural Quarter.

Policy WR3: The Observer Building

The Council will work with partners to secure the restoration of the building frontage and appropriate reuse of the Observer Building and to secure a mixed use development which will enhance the mix of uses and cultural offer of the White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter. The site is allocated for mixed use development including residential, commercial, business including workspace for creative industries, cultural and/or educational uses.

Development proposals for this site will be required to:

  1. sustain and enhance the significance and setting of the Conservation Area and adjacent listed buildings;
  2. create active uses on the ground floor;
  3. restoration of the building frontage.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area

CQ1: Cultural Quarters

HTC3: The Observer Building

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)

HN3: Demolition involving Heritage Assets

HN5: Non-designated Heritage Assets

Question 23: Do you agree with the proposals for the White Rock and America Ground Cultural Quarter (Opportunity Area 5) and the opportunity sites shown in figure 10? The policies seek to strengthen the creative and visitor economy with the White Rock Theatre and Hastings Pier to provide the focus for performance, production and entertainment and Trinity Triangle/America Ground for education and the creative industries. If you don't agree, how should the approach and polices be changed and why?

Opportunity Area 6 (OA6) - White Rock Park

7.28 White Rock Gardens will be restored to provide a place where visitors and locals will enjoy the sea views and the parkland setting. The gardens will form part of an integrated network of green spaces.

7.29 The consolidation of indoor and outdoor leisure uses is proposed to the west of Falaise Road to form a new Sports Park – a centre of sporting excellence in a parkland setting. The Sports Park will be active on all days. The site provides the potential for a new indoor sports centre to replace the existing Summerfields Leisure Centre.

Figure 11: Opportunity Area 6 - White Rock Park


Policy OA6 – White Rock Park

The Council recognises the importance of open space, sports, leisure and cultural activities within Hastings to the local economy and the wellbeing and enjoyment of visitors and the community at large.

The area to the east of Falaise Road will be retained as formal open parkland and gardens. The area to the west of Falaise Road will be promoted as a sports park and cultural campus well connected by a network of pedestrian and cycle routes with the wider Bohemia area and the town centre.

Within this area:

  1. the consolidation of sports and leisure facilities will be promoted;
  2. the design and location of new development will minimise impacts on heritage assets and green space;
  3. development will be set within a landscaped setting with a network of green spaces;
  4. proposals will be viewed in terms of their contribution to the mix and diversity of uses and to their potential to enhance their attraction to residents and visitors;
  5. an appropriate level of parking will be provided to support the sports and leisure facilities.

Residential development will be permitted where this will not impact on the setting of the designated heritage assets and where this will facilitate the delivery of sports, leisure and cultural facilities and the restoration and enhancement of heritage assets and the parkland setting.

The Council will seek to work with developers to implement a district heating network, supported by Combined Heat and Power within the White Rock Park Opportunity Area.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

SC5: District Heating and Combined Heat and Power Systems

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas)

HN9: Areas of Landscape Value

Opportunity sites within White Rock Park (OA6)

7.30 Two opportunity sites are identified in OA6 which are shown in figure 11:

  • WRP1: White Rock Gardens
  • WRP2: White Rock Sports Park

Development site WRP1: White Rock Gardens

7.31 This historic asset is proposed as part of a network of parks with the best views in Hastings offering a contemporary take on the pleasure gardens. The objective will be to create an attractive park with a range of new attractions within the historic context of the Gardens, building on the history of White Rock as a series of public/semi-public landscapes: (pleasure) gardens, parkland and activity areas.

7.32 A Landscape Masterplan will be required building on what is already successful and at the same time exploring a range of new initiatives designed to realise the tremendous potential of the park. The park will form the focus of a network of green spaces. Proposals could include:

  • terracing to make the most of the sea views.
  • winter gardens/greenhouses.
  • an arboretum
  • performance spaces
  • special garden areas e.g. sensory gardens
  • a programme of events
  • picnic lawns

7.33 The existing indoor play facilities are in need of enhancement and integration with the park. Educational links can be investigated to provide a pedagogical and challenging range of facilities for Hastings.

7.34 The potential should be explored to identify a site for a new hotel within the south east corner of the park, fronting White Rock Road.

Policy WRP1 – White Rock Gardens

White Rock Gardens is a locally designated Historic Garden. The Council will seek to improve pedestrian access to the Garden and seating areas, promote public art and enhance existing landscaping.

The use of Falaise Hall as a restaurant, café, gallery and an events/performance space will be supported subject to the relocation of existing indoor leisure facilities. Appropriate meanwhile uses will also be supported.

The potential for a hotel on the eastern side of the gardens will be explored provided that development is in accordance with other policies and does not result in the loss of any green space or impact on views or the character of the Conservation Area.

Development proposals for the site will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Landscape Masterplan

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

SC5: District Heating and Combined Heat and Power Systems

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

CI2: Sports and Leisure Facilities

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets

HN5: Non-designated Heritage Assets

HN9: Areas of Landscape Value

Development site WRP2: White Rock Sports Park

7.35 The sports park could comprise a series of interconnected spaces with provision for different sports - bowls, multi-use games area, upgraded skateboard/BMX facilities, and miniature golf. The vision is for an inter-generational sports area which will be attractive to residents and visitors and create a vibrant focus for a wide range of existing and new urban sports. The established skateboard facility will be developed to complement The Source. Key event spaces within the park will have covered areas and services built in to provide water and power for specific events during the year. Spaces should have a mix of uses, promoting social interaction as well as sporting excellence. Cultural uses and new residential development alongside the sports uses may be acceptable as part of a comprehensive mixed use development scheme.

7.36 The new sports centre should be designed as a landmark development of high design quality which will be incorporated in the park providing multi-functional spaces for a variety of sports and community uses including extended swimming facilities, sports courts, indoor bowls, bookable rooms, outdoor terraces and café/restaurant served by decked parking. The location of the centre means it is accessible by foot and cycle through a network of routes within the park and is well connected to the wider area. The parkland can wrap up onto the roof of the pool, integrating the building into the landscape and making use of topography.

7.37 The mix of uses in the new sports centre will be subject to the preparation of a development brief but could include:

  • 25m pool
  • Learner pool
  • Leisure Pool
  • Soft play
  • Multi-use Sports Hall
  • Health and fitness facilities
  • Squash Courts
  • Café

7.38 The provision of leisure pool facilities would create an attractive sub-regional destination for visitors and enhance the tourism offer of the town.

7.39 The woodland on the site of the old Bohemia Farm will be retained as part of the network of green spaces.

7.40 An area of high quality apartments is proposed on the site of The Oval to be developed in conjunction with the sports centre building on the concept of healthy living and providing residents with access to a wealth of leisure facilities and green spaces. Access to public transport and the centres of Hastings and St Leonards will help to reduce car dependence and ties in with the Healthy Hastings initiative. The site could have the potential for up to 50 homes at a density of 80 dwellings per hectare (dph).

Policy WRP2 – White Rock Sports Park

The Council will support the consolidation of indoor and outdoor sports facilities on the site including a new leisure centre to replace the existing leisure centre (site B1(a))[19]

New buildings will be located on the higher part of the site and The Oval to minimise impacts on heritage assets and the character and landscape of White Rock Gardens.

A pedestrian and cycle route will be provided through the site to link Opportunity Area (OA8) Former Convent site, Magdalen Road to Falaise Road and Hastings Town Centre. Cultural uses including outdoor cultural space and residential development (indicative capacity 50 units) may be permitted as part of a comprehensive development to add vitality to the area and to promote healthy lifestyles.

The feasibility of district heating and/or Combined Heat and Power systems will be fully investigated as part of the development of this site.

Development proposals for this site will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

SC5: District Heating and Combined Heat and Power Systems

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

CI2: Sports and Leisure Facilities

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas)

HN9: Areas of Landscape Value

Question 24: Do you agree with the proposals for White Rock Park (Opportunity Area 6) and the opportunity sites shown in figure 11? It is proposed that leisure and cultural facilities should be consolidated in a purpose built facility on the western side of Falaise Road, with the area east of Falaise Road retained as formal gardens. If you don't agree, how should the approach and polices be changed and why?

Opportunity Area 7 (OA7) – Bohemia

7.41 Bohemia presents the opportunity for the creation of a dense but green, mixed use area – an aspirational place to live, work and visit with good connections to the wider town and direct access to parks and woodland. Relocation of existing uses is critical to unlocking the development potential of this area and creating a vibrant urban neighbourhood.

7.42 A Heritage Quarter is proposed celebrating and animating the history of Hastings, White Rock and Bohemia incorporating Hastings Museum and Summerfields Wood. The Heritage Quarter provides the opportunity for new initiatives such as workshops and studios and new visitor facilities to broaden the appeal of the existing Museum.

7.43 The defining design principle for Bohemia is the need to ensure that development comes forward as part of a coordinated plan ensuring integration of development areas, creation of connections and a consistent approach to design of strategic infrastructure. The objective should be to create frontages to Bohemia Road which will transform it from a road to a street. New crossing points should be incorporated and generous pavements provided. Inward looking development should be avoided and particular emphasis placed on connectivity and edge treatments – the basic principles for building an urban neighbourhood.

7.44 In accordance with Policy AAP3 it will be important to optimise the capacity of suitable sites given the need for new housing in Hastings. This will be achieved through optimising the density of new development taking into account site context, character of the area and the capacity of surrounding infrastructure. The density figures provided in Policies B1 and B2 are therefore indicative only. High standards of design will be required to enhance the character of the local area.

Figure 12: Opportunity Area 7 - Bohemia


Policy OA7 – Bohemia

The Council recognises the unique heritage of Bohemia and the opportunity to promote better use of the area to the north of Bohemia Road. The area to the north of Bohemia Road will be promoted as a new sustainable residential neighbourhood - a place to live, work and play, well connected by a network of pedestrian and cycle routes with the wider White Rock area and the town centre.

Within this area:

  1. the relocation of existing leisure and consolidation of civic facilities will be promoted;
  2. the design and location of new development will minimise impacts on heritage assets;
  3. an appropriate buffer zone will be retained free of development around the edge of Summerfields Wood to protect the woodland setting and ecology forming part of the green infrastructure network;
  4. development will be set within a landscaped setting with a network of green spaces;
  5. proposals will be viewed in terms of their contribution to the mix and diversity of uses and to their potential to enhance their attraction to residents and visitors;
  6. development of the existing museum site, including potential new facilities.

The following development will be permitted:

  1. residential including a mix of unit sizes and tenures and affordable housing in accordance with Council policies;
  2. small scale workspace including co-working space and community space within the new residential neighbourhoods;
  3. new civic uses within the Civic Quarter;
  4. enhancement of existing leisure facilities.

Residential development will be permitted where this will not impact on Summerfields Wood and the setting of the listed heritage assets and will facilitate the restoration and enhancement of the parkland setting.

The implementation of a district heating network, supported by Combined Heat and Power will be promoted unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council that such a network is not feasible.

A comprehensive Masterplan will be required to provide a framework for development.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

E4: Tourism and Visitors

H1: Housing Density

H2: Housing Mix

H3: Provision of Affordable Housing

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

HN10: Amenity Green Spaces

Opportunity sites within Bohemia (OA7)

7.45 Four opportunity sites are identified in OA7 which are shown in figure 12.

  • B1: Summerfields
  • B2: Horntye Park
  • B3: Civic Quarter
  • B4: Hastings Museum

Opportunity site B1: Summerfields

7.46 The Summerfields area comprises three sites:

  • B1(a) - Summerfields Leisure Centre
  • B1(b) - existing SECAmb[20] operational site
  • B1(c) - Travelodge and adjacent land

7.47 The availability of site B1(a) is subject to the relocation of the existing leisure centre and development will not be permitted until the appropriate re-provision of leisure facilities has been secured. Development will be required to provide an active frontage and pedestrian linkages to Bohemia Road, public realm improvements and improved linkages. Development will be required to protect Summerfields Wood.

7.48 A phased development is proposed subject to the relocation of existing uses and land release. The vision is for the creation of an attractive new neighbourhood based around a network of streets and public spaces with a mix of housing types and a range of community facilities which is well integrated with the wider area through the provision of new pedestrian and cycle routes.

Policy B1 - Summerfields

The area is proposed for the development of a mixed residential neighbourhood with a range of housing types and tenure, network of green spaces and play areas together with the retention of mature trees on the site, local workspace and community facilities (indicative capacity of up to 250 homes at a density of around 60 dph. Development will be required to create a frontage onto Bohemia Road and to provide a suitable buffer to Summerfields Wood LNR to protect the woodland edge and ecology.

The allocation comprises three elements and development will be phased according to site availability and the relocation of existing uses. It will be necessary to demonstrate that development will not prejudice the development of the remaining phases.

The allocation comprises:

  • B1(a) - Summerfields Leisure Centre
  • B1(b) - existing SECAmb operational site
  • B1(c) - Travelodge and adjacent land

The development of site B1(a) will be subject to the relocation of the existing leisure centre to a suitable alternative site. The development of site B1(b) will be dependent on the relocation of the existing civic functions to a suitable alternative site.

A district heating and/or Combined Heat and Power system will be encouraged to support development subject to a feasibility study;

A self-build and custom build development will be supported.

Development will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan and development of any part of the site will be required to demonstrate that it would not prejudice the development of the wider site area. A high quality of design will be required in accordance with Policy AAP6.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

E4: Tourism and Visitors

H1: Housing Density

H2: Housing Mix

H3: Provision of Affordable Housing

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

HN10: Amenity Green Spaces

Development site B2: Horntye Park

7.49 Subject to the relocation of the existing sports facilities from Horntye, the site could be released for residential development. In the event of redevelopment, the site should retain a central green space and provide community facilities to serve the wider community (with the possible relocation of facilities from YMCA to the existing pavilion and redevelopment of the existing YMCA site to provide improved access to the development area).

7.50 High quality housing and community facilities should define the local park and create new links through the area with a robust network of streets and green spaces. A community park should be retained on the northern edge of Summerfields Wood with close links to St Pauls School and the local neighbourhood.

7.51 The site has the potential for up to 250 homes at an indicative density of 50 dph if the existing sports and leisure uses were to be relocated to a suitable alternative site. The number of units will be dependent on the area of land released for development through the relocation of existing sports and leisure uses.

Policy B2 – Horntye Park

Residential development will be supported on part of the site where this would not impact on existing open space and sports provision. In the event of the relocation of existing sports facilities to an alternative location, comprehensive development of the site will be acceptable subject to an approved Masterplan (indicative capacity of up to 250 homes at a density of 50 dph.

Development proposals for this site will be required to:

  1. provide a mix of housing types and tenures including affordable housing in accordance with the Council's policies;
  2. sustain and enhance the significance and setting of the Grade II listed ice house including its insulating earth mound, and include the provision for appropriate public access;
  3. minimise impacts on Summerfields Wood and include an Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plan (ECOP), and incorporate appropriate conservation and mitigation measures as recommended by the ECOP;
  4. include a network of green spaces which link with the wider urban green space network;
  5. provide a financial contribution to the management of the Local Nature Reserve (LNR) and opportunities for natural play within it;
  6. include a Flood Risk Assessment and flood resilient design as appropriate to the outcome of that report;
  7. investigate the impact to, and potential loss of, sporting facilities at Horntye and include appropriate mitigation and compensation as outlined by these investigations;
  8. be supported by a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. Proposals must indicate how the conclusions and recommendations of the Assessment have been incorporated within the development;
  9. incorporate pedestrian and cycle routes which link with routes in the wider area;
  10. investigate the feasibility for district heating and/or Combined Heat and Power systems on site;

Development proposals for this site will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

H1: Housing Density

H2: Housing Mix

H3: Provision of Affordable Housing

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

HN10: Amenity Green Spaces

SAP1: Horntye Park

Development site B3: Civic Quarter

7.52 The Civic quarter provides potential for the consolidation of the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS) and SECAmb facilities on an extended ESFRS site in the longer term to free up the SECAmb Make Ready site for a later phase of development (Site B1(b)).

7.53 The setting of mature trees must be retained in any redevelopment of the site with improved public links to the woods.

Policy B3 – Civic Quarter

Civic uses will be consolidated within the civic quarter including the possible relocation of existing uses from site B1(b) subject to operational requirements.

A high standard of design and landscaping and suitable access and parking arrangements will be required.

The feasibility for district heating and/or Combined Heat and Power systems on site will be investigated in any proposals for the consolidation of civic uses.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

SC5: District Heating and Combined Heat and Power Systems

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

E1: Existing Employment Land and Premises

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

Development site B4: Hastings Museum

7.54 The museum is a distinctive building but needs to be more prominent and better linked to the town centre and attractions in the wider area in order to increase its visibility to visitors and enhance its cultural role. The potential to link the museum with Summerfields Wood provides a unique opportunity to celebrate local cultural heritage and to bring the historic and contemporary together.

7.55 Opportunities to enhance the museum will be explored. This could include, for example, extension to the existing building, outdoor display areas, café and workshops to celebrate the local culture of Hastings and a heritage trail linking the museum to Summerfields Wood and the Bohemia Walled Garden with improved signage and interpretation facilities. Other associated uses could also be considered such as arts storage and presentation facilities linked to national cultural institutions which would offer local employment opportunities and conservation training.

7.56 Existing initiatives such as the restoration and use of the Bohemia Walled Garden provide the basis for future enhancements to Summerfields Wood including improved access, signage and management. This will enhance this unique asset as a destination for residents and visitors to the town.

Policy B4 – Hastings Museum

The expansion of Hastings Museum to create additional exhibition and visitor facilities will be supported. Other associated cultural uses will also be considered.

Improved pedestrian links will be provided to Summerfields Wood LNR. Measures will be supported to improve signage and landscaping to improve the setting and prominence of the museum and to enhance the public enjoyment of the wood including new interpretation facilities and the restoration and management of the walled garden and other assets of heritage value.

Development proposals for this site will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan.

Relationship to Planning Strategy

EN1: Built and Historic Environment

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

E4: Tourism and Visitors

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas)

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

Question 25: Do you agree with the proposals for Bohemia (Opportunity Area 7) and the opportunity sites in figure 12? It is proposed to promote this area as a vibrant place to live, work and visit with innovative new housing and good connections to the wider town and direct access to greenspace and woodland. Relocation of existing uses will be required. If you don't agree, how should the approach and polices be changed and why?

Opportunity Area 8 (OA8) – Former Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road

7.57 The extent of Opportunity Area 8 is shown in figure 13.

7.58 Development Management Plan Policy HN6 recognises the importance of the listed convent buildings and the potential for an appropriate form of enabling development to facilitate their restoration and reuse. The AAP seeks to build on this policy to ensure that in the event of enabling development taking place it does so in accordance with the vision and objectives for the White Rock area.

7.59 Restoration and reuse of the listed Convent buildings will be supported provided this can be achieved in accordance with the Council's built heritage planning policies. New uses include arts and educational uses including music studios, performance space, workspace and live-work space. The expansive grounds could become part of the network of White Rock Parks and could host events throughout the year.

7.60 The former playing fields to the north of the listed buildings offer the potential for a new residential neighbourhood. This can serve to facilitate restoration of the Convent buildings as a form of enabling development. In the event of a new residential neighbourhood being developed to the north of the convent buildings as part of an enabling scheme, there would be an expectation that this neighbourhood will be connected by a new pedestrian and cycle route with the wider Bohemia area and town centre.

7.61 This could include direct pedestrian and cycle routes though the site from St Leonards to Hastings Town Centre which continue through the park.

Policy OA8 – Former Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road

A comprehensive approach is required to the reuse and development of the former Convent buildings and proposals will be required to be in accordance with an agreed Masterplan.

With regard to the conversion and re-use of the exiting listed buildings a number of uses may be acceptable including the provision of a centre for arts, education, culture, music and creative industries. So too, in principle is a mixed residential development on the former playing fields subject to meeting the requirements of Policy HN6. The development must be of a high design quality required to incorporate a network of green spaces and pedestrian and cycle links to the adjoining White Rock Sports Park and Gardens (WRP1 and WRP2) and the town centre.

Planning permission will be granted for development which would secure the long term viable use and future of the existing listed buildings. Development will be required to:

  1. secure the management in perpetuity of the whole site and as a place of special historic and architectural significance;
  2. secure the ongoing management of the whole of the site, including the respectful protection of the Nuns' cemetery and
  3. minimise the harm to heritage assets;
  4. provide an appropriate amount of affordable housing when balanced against any potential harm to the listed buildings;
  5. investigate the feasibility of district heating and/or Combined Heat and Power systems on site;

The Local Planning Authority will liaise closely with Historic England on any scheme submitted including the sharing with them of any viability assessments or financial assessments submitted to support any development proposals.

In addition, planning permission will not be granted for enabling development unless:

  1. the impact of the development is precisely defined at the outset, through the granting of full, rather than outline, planning permission;
  2. the achievement of the heritage objective is secured through the use of a Section 106 agreement or by other enforceable means;
  3. the heritage assets concerned are repaired to an agreed standard, or the funds to do so made available, as early as possible in the course of the enabling development, and in any event, before completion or occupation of any new build.

Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy

EN1: Built & Historic Environment

EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

EN5: Local Nature Reserves (LNR)

EN7: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

EN8: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection

E4: Tourism and Visitors

H1: Housing Density

H2: Housing Mix

H3: Provision of Affordable Housing

SC7: Flood Risk

Relationship to Development Management Plan

DM1: Design Principles

HN1: Development Affecting the Significance and Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including Conservation Areas)

HN3: Demolition involving Heritage Assets

HN6: Former Convent of the Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road

HN7: Green Infrastructure in New Developments

HN10: Amenity Green Spaces

Question 26: Do you agree with the approach for the former Convent of Holy Child Jesus site in Magdalen Road (Opportunity Area 8)? The approach here builds on Policy HN6 already adopted in the Development Management Plan. In the event of enabling development coming forward, pedestrian and cycle routes will be required to connect with the wider area. If you don't agree with this approach, how should the wording of Policy OA8 be changed and why?

Figure 13: Opportunity Area 8 – Former Convent of the Holy Child Jesus


[19] See paragraph 7.46

[20] South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb)

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