Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia Area Action Plan
Section Six
Hastings Town Centre
6.1 Hastings Town Centre is the commercial heart of the town and opportunities should be promoted to enhance the vitality and quality of the retail and commercial offer to ensure the town remains competitive. This will include making provision for high quality comparison retail floor space and creating new employment opportunities.
6.2 The objective is to build on existing assets and the seafront location to create a high quality town centre serving local residents, workers, students and visitors – a destination of choice with a unique sense of place. The town centre will meet modern retail requirements and have a strong local economy whilst making the most of its distinctive heritage, open spaces and seafront.
6.3 The primary retail area will be extended with the creation of two new retail hubs to complement Priory Meadow and enhance the retail offer and attractiveness of the town centre. These retail hubs will focus on Wellington Place/Castle Street and Priory Street.
6.4 Four Opportunity Areas (OA) have been identified in Hastings Town Centre:
- OA1: Station Gateway and Priory Quarter
- OA2: Wellington Place and Castle Street
- OA3: Queens Road
- OA4: Priory Meadow
Opportunity Areas within Hastings Town Centre
Opportunity Area 1 (OA1): Station Gateway and Priory Quarter
6.5 This area includes Hastings railway station and Priory Quarter which has been the focus for recent education and office development adjacent to the station and extending along Havelock Road. Significant regeneration has taken place in this area, notably the Lacuna Place development and One Priory Square, Sussex Coast College, the railway station, health centre and further education buildings. In particular, the Council wants to see the development of Priory Quarter continue, including the redevelopment of Queensbury House, and Priory Street, to create new employment, retail and leisure uses.
6.6 This area is most suitable for further development and change due to its strategic location adjacent to the station and scale of development opportunity.
6.7 The whole area has the potential to act as an attractive gateway to Hastings. Opportunities exist for public realm improvements and the reconfiguration of public spaces to enhance this area's offer as a pedestrian hub and important access point to the town centre.
6.8 The area provides the opportunity for larger scale development and has the capacity to absorb additional retail and employment floorspace and contribute significantly to the regeneration of town centre.
6.9 The area provides opportunity for improving connectivity between the station and the Seafront, Hastings Town Centre and Bohemia.
6.10 The Station Gateway and Priory Quarter Opportunity Area will be developed in accordance with the following principles:
- Creation of a strong town centre hub by promoting a balanced mix of uses that contribute to the town's growth and supports new investment;
- Redevelopment of key sites to increase retail capacity within the town centre;
- Introduction of an element of residential use as part of office/retail led mixed use development to support delivery and sustain vibrancy and the evening economy;
- Rationalisation of parking and vehicular movements to create more efficient traffic circulation;
- Raising the quality of streets and public realm including provision of green infrastructure;
- Improving pedestrian and cycle access from Hastings Station to the town centre, seafront and Bohemia areas.
6.11 Development will be required to address the following key objectives:
- Poor connections between key development sites; such as Priory Street car park with the surrounding streets, open space and town centre core area;
- Deliver a significant portion of employment and retail needs;
- Support the regeneration of Hastings Town Centre through provision of land uses that complement the main town centre uses;
- Enabling residential development to create high quality homes in the heart of Hastings.
6.12 Priory Street has a poor public realm which is discouraging to pedestrians although it provides an alternative and direct connection between the station, Trinity Triangle and the seafront. At the ground level, redevelopment presents an opportunity to create new active frontages, complementing the existing Priory Square to help establish a new vibrant street with an enhanced pedestrian experience. New development would facilitate these improvement works.
6.13 Priory Street will be promoted as a secondary route to the seafront from the station and will create a high quality pedestrian and cycle route and complement and support the existing public space at Priory Square on the west side of Priory Street.
6.14 Havelock Road is the main route connecting pedestrians and cyclists between the station and the seafront. The Council will work with Network Rail and the train operating company (TOC) managing the station to review pedestrian/cycle access from the station to the highway boundary. The steps located to the right of the station could be improved with a cycle channel, to improve cycle access. The pedestrian crossing located at Devonshire Road/Middle Street is currently not located on the desire line therefore pedestrians are crossing at the far edge of the crossing. Any alterations here would have to take account of the alignment with the access to Priory Meadow car park.
6.15 The Council will work with East Sussex County Council to identify options for improvements of the public realm, pedestrian experience, cycle access and vehicular movement. Subject to funding being available, the Council and its partners will explore the potential to:
- create new or improve existing crossing facilities with an increased emphasis on priority being given to pedestrians and cyclists over vehicular traffic;
- consider replacement of the current light controlled crossings located in Devonshire Road/Cornwallis Terrace/Havelock Terrace;
- replace the current pedestrian crossing at Devonshire Road/Middle Street junction along the desire line;
- improve the public realm at Station Approach;
Policy OA1 – Station Gateway and Priory Quarter
The Station Gateway and Priory Quarter Opportunity Area is an important gateway into the town centre and the town's key transport interchange. The Council will work with developers and other partners to bring forward mixed use development comprising comparison retail, offices, leisure and residential uses and public realm improvements.
New development will be required to support the vision for the Station Gateway and Priory Quarter and to have regard to the heritage and conservation context. Proposals will be required to enhance connections between the station, town centre and seafront.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS1: New Housing Development
DS2: Employment Growth
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA2: Strategic Policy for Central Area
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
HTC6: Priory Quarter, Havelock Road
Opportunity sites within Station Gateway and Priory Quarter (OA1)
6.16 The Station Gateway and Priory Quarter Opportunity Area (OA1) contains four opportunity sites as shown in figure 6:
- SG1: Priory Street car park and ESK
- SG2: Station Approach car park and Royal Mail Delivery Office
- SG3: Former Post Office, Cambridge Road
- SG4: Queensbury House, Havelock Road
Opportunity Site SG1: Priory Street car park and ESK
6.17 Priory Street car park forms part of the Priory Quarter allocation (DMP Policy HTC6) and is allocated under that policy primarily for mixed use employment led development. The site offers strong potential for intensification and optimised land use given the location and proximity to the primary shopping area and education quarter. The redevelopment of the site presents the opportunity to:
- extend the primary retail area and meet the requirement for additional retail floorspace in the town centre;
- create an enhanced shopping experience through the redevelopment of the ESK store, including reconfiguration of the servicing area;
- deliver public realm improvements;
- provide additional uses on upper floors through office, leisure and commercial development;
- provide a range of employment space including start-up business hubs, co-working/shared working spaces and space for small and expanding businesses.
6.18 There is potential for other town centre uses such as leisure, culture and residential as part of a mixed use development provided this would not prejudice delivery of employment and retail opportunities. The amount of residential development which is delivered on the site will be required to comply with other planning policies.
6.19 Development of site SG1 must be considered in association with site SG2. Redevelopment of the site will require the relocation of the existing multi-storey car park to site SG2.
Policy SG1 – Priory Street car park and ESK
The Council will work with partners to promote the redevelopment of this site. A mixed use development will be supported, including employment, retail, leisure and commercial uses as appropriate.
Residential uses may be acceptable as part of a mixed use development scheme where this would improve the viability of the site.
The Council will require a comprehensive master plan for the phased redevelopment of the site, which should be considered in association with the Station Approach car park and Royal Mail Delivery Office (site SG2).
A high quality design and public realm improvements will be required which enhance the character and appearance of the area. Active frontages will be required to Priory Street and Cambridge Road.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy:
DS1: New Housing development
DS2: Employment Growth
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan:
DM1: Design Principles
HTC6: Priory Quarter, Havelock Road
Opportunity Site SG2: Station Approach car park and Royal Mail Delivery Office
6.20 The Royal Mail Delivery Office forms part of the Priory Quarter development allocation (Policy HTC6) in the Development Management Plan. The site's location next to the station area provides the opportunity to create an appealing attractive gateway to Hastings and could include the development of a hotel. The redevelopment of the site is an opportunity to:
- develop a multi-storey car park to replace the existing Priory Street car park and the surface level parking at the station;
- provide for station car parking in line with the prospect of High Speed 1 (HS1) being implemented within the lifetime of the AAP;
- reconfigure Station Approach for a better pedestrian experience;
- provide additional hotel use on the upper floors that is consistent with the gateway function.
6.21 A major factor in the timing of the redevelopment of this site is the relocation of the multi storey car park from site SG1 and the existing delivery office. The site is capable of supporting a mixed use employment led scheme with retail and potentially leisure space. Development of this site must be considered in association with site SG1.
Policy SG2 - Station Approach car park and Royal Mail Delivery Office
The Council will work with partners to promote the redevelopment of Station Approach, car park and the Royal Mail Delivery Office site. A mixed use development will be supported to include a multi-storey car park (up to 350 spaces) and employment space. Other uses may be acceptable including a hotel.
The Council will require a comprehensive master plan for the redevelopment of the site. Development of the site should be considered in association with the Priory Street car park and ESK (site SG1).
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS2: Employment Growth
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan:
DM1: Design Principles
HTC6: Priory Quarter, Havelock Road
Opportunity Site SG3: Former Post Office, Cambridge Road
6.22 The building provides an opportunity for a mixed use scheme with retail use at ground floor level to create an active frontage.
Policy SG3 – Former Post Office, Cambridge Road
The Council will support a mixed use development which would provide:
- retail use on the ground floor;
- offices or residential uses on the upper floors;
- retention of the original post office building
The provision of workspace for creative industries and studio space will be supported.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity Site SG4: Queensbury House, Havelock Road
6.23 Queensbury House forms part of the Priory Quarter allocation DMP Policy HTC6. Within this area land and buildings are allocated for mix use employment-led development. Policy SG4 develops Policy HTC6 promoting the re-use as well the potential for the redevelopment of the Queensbury House.
Policy SG4 – Queensbury House, Havelock Road
The Council will work with partners to secure the redevelopment and/or reuse of Queensbury House to provide a range of business floorspace within use class B1. Other appropriate uses such as a hotel, culture and food and drink which will extend the range of employment opportunities and activities in the town centre may be acceptable as part of a mixed use scheme subject to viability in order to achieve the redevelopment and/or reuse of the building.
Redevelopment will be required to:
- be of a high design quality;
- respect the significance and setting of the Conservation Area;
- incorporate measures to address parking and access issues;
- create active uses on the ground floor.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS2: Employment Growth
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan:
DM1: Design Principles
HTC6: Priory Quarter, Havelock Road
Question 19: Do you
agree with the proposals for Station Gateway and Priory
Quarter (Opportunity Area 1)? The policies
provide a framework for mixed use development and public
realm improvements and build on policies in the Development
Management Plan with a stronger focus on retail
development. If you don't agree, how
should the wording be changed and why?
Figure 6: Opportunity Area OA1 - Station Gateway and Priory Quarter
Opportunity Area 2 (OA2): Wellington Place and Castle Street
6.24 This is a busy shopping area within Hastings Town Centre. The streets are lively with shoppers and visitors attracted by the mix of multiple retailers and independents located within the attractive historic townscape. This shopping area adjoins and complements Priory Meadow Shopping Centre. Retail is the predominant use, although cafés and restaurants also have a strong presence. Castle Street in particular is a key pedestrian gateway linking the seafront to the Town Centre Shopping Area. Whilst the core activity for this area is retail, it is considered that the retail potential of this prime location is yet to be fully realised.
6.25 A key objective will be to attract high quality retail investment, increase pedestrian flows between the seafront and the shopping area and create an attractive and vibrant shopping and leisure destination drawing tourists and visitors from a wide catchment.
6.26 This Opportunity Area will meet the retail needs of shoppers and residents, as well as providing an enhanced leisure, cultural and entertainment offer. The look and feel of Wellington Place and Castle Street will be reinvigorated to create a high quality retail destination that is at the heart of town centre activity attracting new investment as well as visitors. Town centre retail capacity will be increased through redevelopment of key sites close to the seafront. The public realm will be attractive, vibrant and stimulating. Public spaces will provide a venue for local artists and events. Where possible, trees will be incorporated into the public realm softening the hard landscaping and providing shade. Access to the seafront will be improved with enhanced pedestrian crossing points across the A259.
6.27 New development in this Opportunity Area will need to:
- improve the quality and variety of retail outlets;
- promote a balanced mix of uses within development sites that enables the delivery of high quality design and associated public realm;
- redevelop key sites to increase retail capacity within the town centre;
- raise the overall standard of design, including shopfront design, creating attractive and vibrant streets;
- enhance existing green space.
6.28 The majority of funding for public realm improvements will come from private investment as and when development opportunities come forward. In addition, the Council will also work with the Hastings Business Improvement District (Hastings BID), and East Sussex County Council to identify funding opportunities.
6.29 Wellington Square is a residential area within the town centre which contains an important area of green space. Its elevated position and grandeur add to the townscape and character of the area. The setting of this significant historic space is currently undermined by Albert Road, which severs it from the main town centre[18] and seafront. The redevelopment of site WP1 offers the potential to enhance the public space located at the junction of Albert Road and Wellington Place (which currently lacks a clear function) and the setting of the Wellington Square and public enjoyment of the green space.
6.30 This area presents a significant opportunity to create an exciting and welcoming space.
6.31 An important landmark in this area is Pelham Crescent and St Mary in the Castle. These buildings make a real impact along Hastings seafront. The Council will utilise opportunities to enhance the setting of this set piece arrangement.
6.32 The town centre is currently dominated by hard landscaping and the urban fabric would be greatly enhanced through the incorporation of green planting and tree cover where architectural quality and views are less critical.
6.33 A key objective for this AAP is to improve pedestrian connectivity and cycle access. The A259 seafront road acts as a significant barrier severing the town centre from the seafront. Work undertaken with East Sussex County Council has identified a package of improvement measures which will help to alleviate this issue.
6.34 This includes the potential for shared space in Havelock Road and the potential for a pedestrian crossing over the A259. In addition improvements to the existing junction at Albert Road to provide easier access across the A259 for pedestrians to the seafront are also important considerations.
Policy OA2 – Wellington Place and Castle Street Opportunity Area
Wellington Place and Castle Street Opportunity Area will be promoted as a retail gateway linking the town centre core with the seafront. The focus will be on the delivery of new comparison retail floorspace, public realm improvements and improved connectivity to the seafront for pedestrians. Complementary convenience retail, leisure, cultural, community related uses and residential uses on upper floors may also be appropriate as part of a mixed use development scheme. Proposals will need to demonstrate how they support the role of this Opportunity Area.
All proposals will be required to have regard to the local context and fully articulate the heritage significance of the townscape and key views.
Integration of Queens Arcade will need to be considered in association with the development of site WP3.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity sites within Wellington Place and Castle Street (OA2)
6.35 The following opportunity sites are identified in the Wellington Place and Castle Street Opportunity Area which are shown in figure 7.
- WP1: Corner of Wellington Place and Albert Road
- WP2: Site of former Harold Place public conveniences
- WP3: Cinema, Queens Road
- WP4: 1-7 Wellington Place
Opportunity Site WP1: Corner of Wellington Place and Albert Road
6.36 This site is located in a prominent position within Hastings Town Centre. The current building is divided between comparison retail floorspace and leisure uses. The building was originally developed as a large convenience store and is of poor design making a negative contribution to the streetscape and conservation area.
6.37 To ensure the vitality of the town centre is maintained and strengthened, the Council will support the redevelopment or remodelling of this site to deliver an exciting building of high quality at the eastern end of Wellington Place. This site together with site WP4 must raise design standards and the quality of the shopping experience in this part of the town centre.
6.38 Situated in a prime location within the primary shopping area, redevelopment will be expected to be predominantly for comparison retailing. Residential use may be acceptable on upper floors as part of a mixed use development.
6.39 The site has significant level differences from east to west which will need to be addressed in any redevelopment proposals. Proposals in design terms will need to have particular regard to the site's location within the conservation area.
6.40 The Council has aspirations for the creation of shared space linking Wellington Square with Wellington Place to improve connectivity to open space. A design brief will need to be agreed with the Council prior to detailed proposals coming forward.
Policy WP1 – Corner of Wellington Place and Albert Road
The Council will support the redevelopment of this site to incorporate retail and leisure uses.
Development proposals for this site:
- should be predominantly for retail comparison goods;
- be of high quality design creating an active frontage to Wellington Place and Albert Road;
- provide public realm improvements to Wellington Place and Wellington Square;
- residential uses may be acceptable as part of a mixed use development scheme where this improves the viability of the site;
- the applicant must submit a design brief to be agreed by Council prior to detailed proposals coming forward.
Development proposals for this site must be considered in relation to site WP3.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
EN1: Built and Historic Environment
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)
Opportunity Site WP2: Site of former Harold Place public conveniences
6.41 This site is located within a prominent location close to Hastings seafront. This location commands a high quality development and offers the potential for an exemplary scheme. Any scheme must complement the existing historic townscape and provide a focal point at street level.
Policy WP2 – Site of former Harold Place public conveniences
The Council will support the redevelopment of this site for retail and other town centre purposes including retail comparison goods and/or restaurant and café purposes.
Development proposals for this site:
- should provide a landmark feature at the gateway to the town centre from the seafront;
- provide active uses on the ground floor and be designed to have attractive façades and entrances facing south onto Harold Place and north towards the retail centre;
- be of high quality design and create a strong focal point between the town centre and the seafront;
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
EN1: Built and Historic Environment
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity Site WP3: Cinema, Queens Road
6.42 This site is located in a prominent position within Hastings Town Centre, and is located within the primary shopping area. The building was constructed as the Gaiety Theatre and is a striking building in Italianate red brick and stone. It is currently used as a cinema with a 4 screen multiplex facility.
6.43 The facility is well used and advantageously located in the heart of the town centre. However, without modernisation it may become less attractive to customers in comparison to other newer cinema formats within the locality.
6.44 Leisure uses are an important element of the town centre and the Council will continue to support cinema provision at this site.
Policy WP3 – Cinema, Queens Road
The Council will support the enhancement of cinema facilities on this site or as part of a mixed use development scheme incorporating site WP1. In the event of the reprovision of the cinema on a suitable alternative site within the town centre, the Council will support the redevelopment of the site to incorporate retail and leisure uses.
Development proposals for this site:
- should be predominantly for cultural, leisure or retail comparison goods;
- should seek to retain the existing building;
- must be supported by a Heritage Statement;
- must submit a design brief to be agreed by the Council prior to detailed proposals coming forward.
Development proposals for this site must be considered in relation to site WP1, Queens Arcade and the wider context of the Conservation Area.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
EN1: Built and Historic Environment
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)
HN5: Non-designated Heritage Assets
Opportunity Site WP4: 1-7 Wellington Place
6.45 The redevelopment of this site will form an important part of the vision to transform this Opportunity Area into a high quality retail destination enhancing this gateway location between the town centre and the seafront.
6.46 The current building negatively impacts the town centre streetscape and conservation area. The Council will support the redevelopment or remodeling of this site to deliver an exciting building of high quality that will act as an anchor store at the eastern end of Wellington Place. The redevelopment of this site together with Policy WP1 should raise design standards in this part of the town centre.
6.47 Located within the primary shopping area, this site is suitable for mixed use development. Retail comparison floorspace should be the predominant use, but leisure uses such as a cinema, restaurant and café may also be appropriate as part of a comprehensive scheme.
6.48 Its main frontage will be onto Wellington Place, but the building must also have an attractive facade especially when viewed from the seafront and Albert Road.
6.49 Residential uses may be acceptable on upper floors as part of a mixed use development scheme where this would improve the viability of the site.
Policy WP4 – 1-7 Wellington Place
The Council will support the redevelopment of this site for a mix of uses including comparison retail, leisure provision, restaurant, café uses and residential uses will be acceptable as part of a comprehensive scheme.
Development proposals should:
- be predominantly for retail comparison goods or leisure;
- deliver a new high quality landmark building marking the entrance to the town centre from the seafront;
- have an active ground floor frontage onto Wellington Place and Albert Road.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
EN1: Built and Historic Environment
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
HN1: Development Affecting the Significance & Setting of Designated Heritage Assets (including conservation Areas)
Question 20: Do you agree with the proposals for Wellington Place and Castle Street (Opportunity Area 2) and the opportunity sites shown in figure 7? The policies aim to strengthen the area's existing role as shopping location, and enhance public spaces and pedestrian links with the seafront. If you don't agree, how should the wording be changed and why?
Figure 7 - Opportunity Area OA2 -
Wellington Place and Castle Street
Opportunity Area 3 (OA3) - Queens Road
6.50 Queens Road is one of main routes into Hastings Town Centre. This Opportunity Area includes Morrisons supermarket, the Britannia Enterprise Centre and the terraced houses and shops along Queens Road. The distinctive listed railway bridge provides a strong gateway feature to the town centre.
6.51 Queens Road has a diverse range of smaller independent retailers. Whilst there are positive signs of change along Queens Road there is much that can be done to realise its full potential as a retail destination. Improving the public realm and increasing vitality on the street will be key objectives for this gateway area.
6.52 Britannia Enterprise Centre has a unique industrial and artistic heritage, accommodating a mix of starter and established businesses, it is important to the town, and to the town's distinctiveness.
6.53 Morrisons supermarket has an important role as the largest retail food store in the town centre and is clearly complementary to the wider shopper offer in this part of Queens Road. However, the supermarket, car park and the petrol forecourt are dominant and disruptive to the streetscene.
6.54 In the event of the Morrisons store being redeveloped this would provide an opportunity to incorporate additional uses and activities which will reinvigorate this area of the town centre. The potential to reinstate the frontage currently occupied by the petrol filling station with new development will help improve the attractiveness of this section of Queens Road, add to the visual interest of the street and create an opportunity for improving the public realm.
Policy OA3 – Queens Road Opportunity Area
Queens Road Opportunity Area will be promoted as a high quality gateway supporting the town centre retail core. The focus will be on diversifying retail floorspace and public realm improvements. The area will have a wide range of town centre uses.
Residential development will be permitted as part of mixed use development.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity sites within Queens Road (OA3)
6.55 There are two opportunity sites in OA3 as shown in figure 8:
- QR1: Morrisons, Queens Road
- QR2: Cornwallis Street car park
Opportunity site QR 1: Morrisons site
6.56 Morrisons supermarket plays an important role as the town centre largest convenience retailer. There is potential to intensify uses to make better use of this important site. The store is currently trading well but the original layout and the store design is somewhat dated and a large part of the site is occupied by surface car parking. The supermarket is located to the rear of the site with a surface level car park and a petrol station fronting Queens Road. The site forms an important arrival point at the eastern end of the town centre, but the appearance of the area is not attractive and could be significantly improved.
Policy QR1 – Morrisons, Queens Road
In the event of this site coming forward for redevelopment, the Council will support a mixed use development incorporating a new food store and other town centre uses including a mix of retail, business (B1a), residential and leisure uses. Development proposals will need to provide:
- convenience goods floorspace;
- decked car parking to make best use of the site;
- integration of the site to the town centre through improved access and permeability;
- public realm improvements potentially including street trees and seating;
- an 'animated' street frontage on the main routes around and through the site and buildings that address the street;
- landscaping proposals incorporating green infrastructure measures.
A Masterplan will be required for the site.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity site QR2: Cornwallis Street car park
6.57 Cornwallis Street car park is located in Hastings Town Centre near to other residential properties and is already identified for residential development and a 'pocket park' in the Development Management Plan (Site Allocation HTC2).
6.58 The site is also suitable for a mixed development incorporating retail/business uses at ground floor level.
Policy QR2– Cornwallis Street car park
The Council will support the redevelopment of Cornwallis Street car park for a mix of uses including residential development (possible net capacity 20 dwellings) with retail use at ground floor level to create an active frontage onto the street.
In promoting site development consideration will be given to measures to secure public access parking either on site or elsewhere.
Development proposals will be required to include a children's play area, "pocket park" or similar open recreational space.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
H1: Housing Density
H2: Housing Mix
H3: Provision of Affordable Housing
SC7: Flood Risk
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
HTC2: Cornwallis Street Car Park
Question 21: Do you agree with the proposals for Queens Road (Opportunity Area 3) and the opportunity sites shown in figure 8? The policies aim to strengthen the Queens Road area as a shopping location, gateway into the into the town centre and to improve the public realm. If you don't agree, how should the wording be changed and why?
Figure 8 - Opportunity Area 3 - Queens Road
Opportunity Area 4 (OA4): Priory Meadow
6.59 The development of Priory Meadow Shopping Centre has done much to establish Hastings position within the retail hierarchy. Building on this the town centre needs to be revitalised with additional investment in retail and ancillary development particularly in key gateway locations closer to the seafront. This will encourage more shopping footfall to the benefit of a greater number of businesses.
6.60 Improving the quality and variety of the retail offer will be important, as will encouraging substantial new leisure uses to attract people to the centre at different times of the day and evening.
Policy OA4 – Priory Meadow
Improvements to the quality and range of retail offer will be promoted in Priory Meadow and the adjoining streets to create a strong retail focus to the town centre.
Within this area:
- there will be a presumption against the loss of A1 retail floorspace;
- proposals will be viewed in terms of their contribution to the retail and ancillary development mix and their potential to enhance their attraction to residents and visitors;
- the Council will take into account the effect of any development proposals on existing retail activities and expect them to be protected or for there to be no net loss;
- a positive approach will be taken to assist the occupation of under used floors above shops and other premises to improve vitality.
Enhancement to the public realm and improvements to the pedestrian environment will be promoted.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
E3: Town, District and Local Centres
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity sites within Priory Meadow (OA4)
6.61 Two opportunity sites are identified in OA4 as shown in figure 9:
- PM1: Land at Middle Street
- PM2: Station Yard, Station Approach
Opportunity site PM1: Land at Middle Street
6.62 The land at Middle Street provides the potential for the expansion of the Priory Meadow shopping centre and the Council will explore with the centre owners and developers the opportunities to increase the quantity, quality and range of retail offer.
Policy PM1 – Land at Middle Street
The land at Middle Street is proposed for A1 retail development as an extension to Priory Meadow shopping centre.
Development proposals for this site will:
- include a pedestrian link to Priory Meadow;
- minimise impacts on adjacent properties;
- include provision for servicing;
- include improvements to the public realm.
Relationship to Hastings Planning Strategy
DS3: Location of Retail Development
FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre
Relationship to Development Management Plan
DM1: Design Principles
SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping Area
Opportunity Site PM2: Station Yard, Station Approach
6.63 The majority of Hastings Station Yard has already been redeveloped for educational (Sussex Coast College) and health care purposes, and includes a small retail element. The remaining part of the site continues to be suitable for residential uses and it is not considered necessary to add to or modify this allocation through this Area Action Plan. The site is allocated for development in the Development Management Plan and development proposals will be required to comply with DMP Policy HTC1. Development will be required to make the most efficient use of land and to be developed at the optimum density taking into account the site context and capacity of surrounding infrastructure in accordance with AAP Policy AAP3.
Question 22: Do you
agree with the proposals for Priory Meadow (Opportunity
Area 4) and the opportunity sites shown in figure
9? The policies seek to strengthen the
primary shopping area with the potential to provide
additional retail space within this area.
If you don't agree, how should the wording be
changed and why?
Figure 9 - Opportunity Area 4 - Priory Meadow
[18] Draft Hastings Central Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan – set-piece Regency development with architectural significance.