
Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1341

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Bourne Leisure considers that supporting text to this approach should recognise the importance of caravan & camping sites to Hastings tourism product, as currently acknowledged in the adopted local plan (paragraphs 5.65 & 5.66). Bourne Leisure considers that specific tourism policies within the Core Strategy should - expressly support & encourage the retention, consolidation, enhancement, diversification & intensification/expansion of existing holiday caravan parks, subject to any necessary environmental/other development control criteria, particularly where proposals improve the range & quality of accommodation & facilities on a site & result in permanent & significant improvements to the layout & appearance of the site & its setting in the surrounding landscape &
allow for operators to undertake a phased approach to consolidation, improvement, upgrading or extension of existing caravan sites & holiday parks over several years, ensuring that existing accommodation & visitor operation is not disrupted & that each proposal caters appropriately for current & forecast needs/demands. This approach to tourism development would accord with paragraph 6.6 of emerging South East RSS (March 2006) & reinforced by bullet point 6 of part 1 of draft policy TSR5 Tourist Accommodation (South East RSS).