Hastings Planning Strategy Revocation of the South East Plan Consultation May 2013

Ended on the 1 July 2013

3. Revocation of the South East Plan


3.1 The South East Plan was the Regional Spatial Strategy that set the framework for growth and development across the South East of England. Individual Local Plans in the South East region (including Hastings) were required to be in general conformity with the South East Plan. This meant that in the case of housing growth for example, levels of development proposed in the emerging Hastings Local Plan needed to be consistent with the overall housing target for Hastings set out in the South East Plan.

3.2 The South East Plan provided the regional policy framework for various other issues aside from housing, including (but not exclusive to) the economy, communications and transport, sustainability, green infrastructure, historic environment and tourism.

3.3 On 25 March 2013, the Order from the Government to revoke the South East Plan (with the exception of Policy NRM6, Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area and the Oxfordshire saved Structure Plan Policy H2 on the former RAF base at Upper Heyford) came into effect. You can view this order at www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/427/contents/made.

What can I comment on?

3.4 Whilst the Hastings Planning Strategy was prepared in the knowledge that the South East Plan was to be abolished, the revocation represents a substantial change in planning circumstances. It is important therefore, that the community and other stakeholders are given the opportunity to comment on the effect this revocation may have on Planning Strategy policies.

(2)3.5 This consultation is therefore asking you to consider:

Are there any implications for the Planning Strategy (as published) as a result of the recent revocation of the South East Plan?

3.6 You should consider how your comments relate to the Soundness and Legal Compliance tests as set out in the guidance notes. Please remember to confine your response to the implications of revocation, rather than the Planning Strategy in general. This is not an opportunity to raise other matters which either were or could have been part of the earlier representations or hearings on the submitted Planning Strategy.

To help you with your response, the South East Plan can be viewed on the UK Government’s National Archives website: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20100528142817/http:/www.gos.gov.uk/gose/planning/regionalplanning/815640/

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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