Hastings Development Management Plan Proposed Submission Version

[estimated] Ended on the 15 April 2013
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Appendix C – Indices of policies

Planning Strategy – Index of Policies

Objectives (NB: The objectives are not policies but are here for reference)

Objective 1: Achieve and sustain a thriving economy

Objective 2: Ensure everyone has the opportunity to live in a decent home, which they can afford, in a community in which they want to live

Objective 3: Safeguard and improve the town’s environment

Objective 4: Addressing the impacts of climate change

Objective 5: Supporting sustainable communities

Objective 6: Provision of an efficient and effective transport system

Objective 7: Making best use of the Seafront and promoting tourism

The Development Strategy

POLICY DS1: New Housing Development

POLICY DS2: Employment Growth

POLICY DS3: Location of Retail Development

Spatial Areas

POLICY FA1: Strategic Policy for Western Area

POLICY FA2: Strategic Policy for Central Area

POLICY FA3: Strategy for Hastings Town Centre

POLICY FA4: Strategy for Central St Leonards

POLICY FA5: Strategic Policy for Eastern Area

POLICY FA6: Strategic Policy for The Seafront

Theme Based Policies

Sustainable Communities

POLICY SC1: Overall Strategy for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way

POLICY SC2: Design and Access Statements

POLICY SC3: Promoting Sustainable and Green Design

POLICY SC4: Working Towards Zero Carbon Development

POLICY SC5: District Heating Networks and Combined Heat and Power Systems

POLICY SC6: Renewable Energy Developments

POLICY SC7: Flood Risk

Protecting our Environment

POLICY EN1: Built and Historic Environment

POLICY EN2: Green Infrastructure Network

POLICY EN3: Nature Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity

POLICY EN4: Conservation and Enhancement of Landscape

POLICY EN5: Open Spaces – Enhancement, Provision and Protection


POLICY H1: Housing Density

POLICY H2: Housing Mix

POLICY H3: Provision of Affordable Housing

POLICY H4: Houses in Multiple Occupation

POLICY H5: Accommodation for Travelling Communities

The Local Economy

POLICY E1: Existing Employment Land and Premises

POLICY E2: Skills and Access to Jobs

POLICY E3: Town, District and Local Centres

POLICY E4: Tourism and Visitors

Community Infrastructure

POLICY CI1: Infrastructure and Development Contributions

POLICY CI2: Sports and Leisure Facilities

POLICY CI3: Children’s Play Provision


POLICY T1: Strategic Road and Rail Schemes

POLICY T2: Local Road Improvements

POLICY T3: Sustainable Transport

POLICY T4: Travel Plans

Development Management Plan – Index of Policies

Development Management

POLICY DM1: Design principles

POLICY DM2: Telecommunications technology

POLICY DM3: General Amenity

POLICY DM4: General Access

POLICY DM5: Ground Conditions

POLICY DM6: Pollution and Hazards

POLICY DM7: Water Resources

Housing and the Community

POLICY HC1: Conversion of Existing Dwellings

POLICY HC2: Residential institutions and Student Accommodation

POLICY HC3: Community Facilities

Historic and Natural Environment

POLICY HN1: Development affecting the significance and setting of designated heritage assets (including conservation areas)

POLICY HN2: Changing doors and windows in conservation areas

POLICY HN3: Demolition involving heritage assets

POLICY HN4: Development affecting heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest or potential interest

POLICY HN5: Non designated Heritage Assets

POLICY HN6: Private open space

POLICY HN7: Allotments

POLICY HN8: Local Green Spaces

POLICY HN9: Green Infrastructure in New Developments


POLICY SA1: Hastings Town Centre Shopping

POLICY SA2: Other Shopping Areas

POLICY SA3: Shops and Services outside the Shopping Areas

POLICY SA4: Drinking establishments and hot food take-aways

POLICY CC1: Caravan, camping and chalet sites

POLICY CQ1: Cultural Quarters

Site specific policies

POLICY FBX: Former West St Leonards Primary School

POLICY CLBX: Former Convent of Holy Child Jesus, Magdalen Road

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