Hastings Development Management Plan Proposed Submission Version

[estimated] Ended on the 15 April 2013

Section Seven – Implementation and Monitoring

7.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) re-affirms the Government's commitment to a plan-led system and the role of the planning system, in partnership with the community and developers, in the delivery of sustainable development.

7.2 This section outlines how the Development Management Plan policies will be implemented and monitored. The detailed implementation of policies will vary depending on their nature and in some cases this may be through Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). The decision to undertake SPDs will be based upon an identified need to enhance deliverability.

7.3 Implementation, monitoring and review are key requirements in the planning system as the preparation of a plan is not a ‘one off’ activity. It is part of a process that involves keeping a check on how successful the plan is in delivering what it sets out to do, and making adjustments to that plan if monitoring reveals that changes are needed.

(5)7.4 One of the tests of soundness of a Development Plan Document (DPD) is whether there are clear mechanisms for implementation and monitoring. The Council is therefore committed to the effective monitoring of the policies within this document, in particular to establish when interventions might be necessary to ensure timely delivery of what is proposed.

7.5 The purposes of monitoring are:

  • to assess the extent to which policies in the Development Management Plan are being implemented;
  • to identify policies that may need to be amended or replaced;
  • to establish whether policies have had unintended consequences;
  • to establish whether assumptions and objectives behind policies are still relevant; and
  • to establish whether targets are being achieved

7.6 The mechanism for articulating the outcomes of monitoring shall be the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), which covers a 12 month period from 1st April – 31st March. The monitoring of the Allocated Sites shall be carried out through quarterly site visits and also reported in the AMR.

7.7 The tables on the following pages show our Implementation and Monitoring Strategy for this document.

Design Section (Policies DM1 to DM2)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development

The determination of planning applications in line with Government advice on telecommunications technology

How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications where design/layout is given as a reason for refusal

% of new housing and commercial development which meet nationally recognised best practice guidelines on design and layout

Number of planning applications for telecommunications technology granted/refused in line with Government advice and guidelines

To minimise those developments which adversely affect the area in which they are proposed

To increase those developments which meet national standards on sustainability and design.

To produce a local ‘Good Design Guide’ and check list for use by planning applicants and Development Management in assessing planning applications

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify issues around bringing forward well designed development

Amenity (Policy DM3)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications granted that meet the HCA Housing Quality Indicators 2008

Number of planning applications where amenity issues are given as reasons for refusal

Number of planning applications granted in line with minimal floorspace standards set out in part (f) of the policy

Number of planning applications granted/refused on grounds of inadequate garden space

Increase the living standard for future occupants and neighbours of developments over the plan period

To ensure the area in which development is proposed is not adversely affected over the plan period

Increase the % of new development that meets minimal floorspace standards over the plan period

Increase the % of development with rear gardens of 10m or more

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Access (Policy DM4)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

% of planning applications granted with pedestrian and cycle routes included

% of planning applications granted with accessibility for people with sensory and/or physical impairments

Planning applications refused/granted in line with nationally recognised good practice guidance

Number of planning permissions where planning conditions require lift provision

All new development to include safe access into and within the site by cycle and pedestrian routes

All new development to include safe access into and within the site for people with sensory and/or physical impairments

To increase the % of developments that meet national standards

All new buildings of 3 or more storeys (excluding single dwelling houses) to provide a lift

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for inappropriate development

Lack of adequate existing road/pavement infrastructure

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify issues around bringing forward well designed development

Ground Conditions (Policy DM5)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development

Adequate assessment of ground conditions on allocated sites

How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications and site allocations

Planning permissions granted where conditions are imposed in regards to ground conditions

All new development to include assessment of ground conditions.

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Pollution and Hazards (Policy DM6)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications and site allocations Planning applications refused, withdrawn or conditioned in relation to detrimental light, noise or smell pollution Reduce CO2 emissions within the Borough over the life of the plan.
Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Water Resources (Policy DM7)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

The refusal of planning permission for inappropriate development

How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications and site allocations Number/% of planning applications refused, withdrawn or conditioned in relation to impact on ground water resources or Marine Conservation Zones Reduce the number of developments adversely affecting ground water resources.
Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Conversion of dwellings (Policy HC1)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Net additional dwellings completed through conversions

Number of conversions as a % of total dwelling completions

% of planning applications granted for conversions

To ensure a mix of dwelling sizes and types are available to respond to the changing needs of households over the plan period.

To maintain a balance between single dwellings and conversions/smaller dwellings.

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for inappropriate development

Over concentration of smaller dwellings in relation to family dwellings

State of the national economy and impact on house-building sector

Lending policy of financial institutions

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify why development may not be coming forward

Work with developers to overcome site-specific obstacles

Contribution of ‘windfall’ development

Residential Institutions & Student Accommodation (Policy HC2)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

University of Brighton (UCH)

Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number/% of planning applications granted for residential institutions

Number/% of planning applications granted for student accommodation

Location of proposed development

To provide suitable accommodation for the elderly, infirm and people who are physically and/or sensory impaired.

To provide suitable accommodation for student numbers

To ensure over concentration of a particular type of development does not occur in any one area.

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for inappropriate development

Over concentration of a particular type of development in an area leading to adverse impacts

State of the national economy and the impact on developments of this nature

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify why development may not be coming forward

Work with developers to overcome site-specific obstacles

Work with the university and residential institution providers to address specific problems/concerns

Community Facilities (Policy HC3)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Developers and House-builders

Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning permissions granted for new community facilities

Number of planning permissions granted that involve the loss of a community facility

Number of planning permissions granted for developments that involve the provision of a new community facility

To ensure no net loss of community facilities within the Borough over the lifetime of the plan period

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Designated Heritage Assets (Policies HN1 – HN5)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications withdrawn or conditioned in relation to information regarding a Heritage Asset Statement (HAS)

Number of planning applications affecting a designated heritage asset which include a HAS

Number of applications granted permission for the demolition of heritage assets

Number/% of applications for demolition of buildings that make a positive contribution to a Conservation Areas and number of consents granted.

Number/% of applications granted for development, redevelopment or change of use within Conservation Areas

To promote East Sussex County Council’s resources for Heritage Asset Statements and the Historic Environment Record (HER)

Reduce the number of listed buildings at risk within the Borough

To minimise those applications which are contrary to the objectives of protecting designated heritage assets

To minimise those developments which are contrary to the objectives of conservation areas

To ensure that all planning applications preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Development affecting heritage assets with archaeological and historic interest (Policy HN4)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications Number of applications with an impact on known archaeological assets granted/refused consent and any mitigation measures sought

To ensure that all planning applications preserve or enhance known archaeological assets, scheduled monuments and archaeological features

To minimise those developments which would cause damage to archaeological assets

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for inappropriate development

Loss or damage to archaeological assets

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify and address any concerns over archaeological assets

Continue to work with Development Management and Conservation colleagues and the County Archaeologist

Non designated Heritage Assets (Policy HN5)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications granted with conditions attached relating to retaining non designated heritage assets

Number of planning applications granted involving the loss of a non designated heritage asset.

To aid relevant interested parties (including the local community) in the creation of a Local List.

To ensure all planning applications take account of non-designated heritage assets.

To minimise those developments which are contrary to the objectives of the local list/non-designated heritage assets

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for inappropriate development

Loss of, or damage to, local non-designated heritage assets.

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to identify and address any concerns over non-designated heritage assets

Continue to work with Development Management and Conservation colleagues

Private Open Space & Allotments (Policy HN6 & Policy HN7)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications granted for development on private open space (i.e. garden land)

Number of planning applications granted for development on private open space as identified on the Policies Map

Number of applications for development on allotments allocated on the Policies Map

To ensure no net loss of private open space

To ensure all planning permissions granted contribute to the creation of green infrastructure

To ensure allotments as identified on the Policies Map remain as such

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Local Green Spaces (Policy HN8)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications No of applications granted/refused for development on local green spaces as identified on the Policies Map To ensure all planning permissions granted contribute to the creation of green infrastructure
Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Green Infrastructure in New Developments (Policy HN9)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of applications accompanied by an ecological assessment

Planning applications where lack of green infrastructure provision is given as a reason for refusal

Planning conditions or legal agreements relating to the mitigation of development impacts and/or enhancement of green infrastructure in new development

Number of applications affecting ‘green infrastructure’/’loss of green infrastructure’ compared to the number of developments granted

To ensure that all planning permissions granted have no adverse effect on existing green infrastructure or the provision of new green infrastructure

To ensure all planning permissions granted contribute to the creation of green infrastructure

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for non-conforming development

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek further engagement with developers to ensure development does not threaten the integrity of green infrastructure in the Borough and work with stakeholders to achieve appropriate solutions.

The Economy – Shopping Areas (Policies SA1 – SA4)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Measuring the changes in percentage of A1 uses to the original policy, through annual surveying of the identified shopping areas.

% of non A1 uses granted permission within the shopping areas defined on the Policies Map

Number of planning applications granted/refused permission for the loss of A1 retail premises outside the defined commercial areas

Number of planning applications granted/refused for A4 and A5 uses outside the designated shopping areas

To ensure non A1 uses do not exceed 5% of the total floorspace of Priory Meadow and not more than 45% of the remaining shopping area, as defined on the Policies Map

To ensure non A1 uses do not exceed the proportion of premises stated in Policy SA2 for each shopping area

Maintain the retail function of the defined shopping areas as shown on the Policies Map.

To ensure the amenity of the shopping areas outside those defined on the Policies Map

Risks Contingencies

Pressure for non-conforming development

Loss of retail function of defined shopping areas

Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report

Seek to ensure development does not threaten the integrity of the defined and non-defined shopping areas in the town

Caravan and Camping sites (Policy CC1)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?
Hastings Borough Council Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning permissions granted/refused for new Caravan and Camping sites

Number of planning permissions granted/refused for developments within existing Caravan and Camping sites

Number of planning applications refused on grounds of adverse impacts to new/existing Caravan and Camping sites

To ensure that any applications in connection with Caravan and Camping sites are sympathetic to their surroundings and neighbours.

To help ensure that people permanently reside in suitable accommodation.

To aid the sustainability of a major contributor to the tourist industry and economy in Hastings.

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
Cultural Quarters (Policy CQ1)
Key responsible organisations What is the delivery of the policies dependent upon?

Hastings Borough Council

Hastings Borough Council Regeneration Team

Application of policy through Development Management and the planning application process.
How will the policies be implemented? Indicators Targets
Through the ongoing determination of planning applications

Number of planning applications granted for new cultural developments within the four Cultural Quarters (i.e. cafés, galleries, craft shops, performance spaces)

Number of planning applications resulting in the loss of a cultural asset within the four Cultural Quarters

Number of planning applications granted for change of use of floors above shops for cultural related activities in the four Cultural Quarters

To enhance the cultural offering within the four Cultural Quarters and promote a diversity of cultural attractions

To help ensure no net loss of cultural facilities, events or activities within the four Cultural Quarters

Promotion of the Cultural Quarters within the local community and with other relevant stakeholders to support the Cultural Regeneration Strategy.

Risks Contingencies
Pressure for inappropriate development Review planning policies and site allocations through the Annual Monitoring Report
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