The Vision for Hastings

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 159


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 24

Received: 21/06/2008

Representation Summary:

Hastings Environment Network believes the vision for 2026 fails to take into account the potential impact of climate change which is likely to result in severe weather conditions and coastal flooding. It also fails to acknowledge the impact of peak oil and rising oil prices, which is already leading to rising food prices and other economic instability. HEN believes that although the actions to make buildings more sustainable and energy efficient are positive - overall the LDF does very little to address current unsustainable lifestyles, in particular dependency on car use.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 29

Received: 22/05/2008

Representation Summary:

Support the vision for Hastings


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 86

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Sussex Wildlife Trust would like to see a truly sustainable vision for Hastings. The services we rely on the natural environment to provide must be protected. A robust environment that is able to adapt to the predicted effects of climate change is vital for social, economic and environmental reasons. Biodiversity is a good indicator of environmental health and should not be compromised by the aspirations of the vision. We should expect to see an improved environment in the future that can withstand the socio-economic developments.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 109

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We would like to see a specific reference included in the Vision to protecting and enhancing buildings and areas of high quality or special architectural interest as we see this as a vital element of a sucessful future for Hastings.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 125

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The Hastings Greenway project supports this aspirational vision. Green Infrastructure is an essential component in successful regeneration and
the Greenway Project has played a major part in setting a strategic framework and template for an exciting new public realm in Hastings.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 206

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We are pleased to see a broad vision statement that reflects the improtance of seaside, heritage and culture in a town as special as Hastings but feel neither the portrait of Hastings nor the policy objectives reflect this. Office and retail uses dominate and there is not enough of a leisure, health and cultural focus - either for visitors or local residents. The objectives are uninspiring and irrelevant to Hastings' unique character.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 212

Received: 05/06/2009

Representation Summary:

Vision statement 4.13 "Every home within walking distance of quality open space" - In Central St Leonards the open spaces (St Leonards Gardens, Warrior Square and Gensing Gardens) are suitable mainly for strolling and dog walking. They provide little scope for activities for young people, being largely ornamental. In addition to the play area in Gensing Gardens it would be easy enough to designate an area there and in St Leonards Gardens as totally dog free, so that young children and babies could picnic and play in safety. Greenwich Park has such an area and it is well used by young mothers who live in garden-less flats. Not everyone prefers pebbles to grass - the beach cannot be traded against park provision.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 232

Received: 05/06/2009

Representation Summary:

Overall, too much concentration on "set pieces" and on initiatives that depend on better road and rail communication, and not enough on providing for the people you have got now, rather than the ones you want in 15 years time.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 235

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Problems are caused in St.Leonards by young people who all say there's nothing for them to do. This important issue is barely mentioned in your document.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 238

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 240

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

More emphasis on the longer term. If, as you are saying in (3.9) in dealing with the potential impacts of climate change you then continue to argue for a link road, when costs are soaring and if built, CO2 emissions will increase along with more traffic and its associated congestion in other areas. (2.16)


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 257

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

4.11 Opening of link road - globaly oil is now in decline. Hastings link road goes against environmental sustainability within the whole of the core strategy and therefore will undermine all the positive attributes. I would not like to see the opening of the link road.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 303

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 311

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 377

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 379

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 384

Received: 30/06/2008

Representation Summary:

Housing is like rabbit hutches with no gardens for children to play in. Homes are still not energy or waste efficien because private landlords refused the grants to make profit before providing good homes.
Attracting a skilled workforce - We thought electric trains would increase people commuting - it did not. Only investors come.
The Grove, Filsham Valley etc will all shut, children still leave school unable to read or write. Its a society problem that still lingers.
Tourism has been affected by climate change. No one wants to come to the seaside any more. The A21 and A259 are still awful for pollution and local traffic. By-passess could have helped but they were never built. There are still no bus services after 8pm so businesses suffer. Retail space is hard to let and is affected by large supermarkets and the internet deliveries.
Pebsham Countryside Park is found to have increased the local population's chance of getting cancer because it was landfill until 2009.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 387

Received: 30/06/2008

Representation Summary:

The seafront continues to be eroded away by the sea etc due to climate change and a raise in sea levels. The parade is shut off when high winds cause shingle to be carried across the highway. Sea water goes into the basements of many hotels because the sewage systems still cannot cope.
Hastings is still the most deprived place in the south-east. No matter how much money or plans are made it cannot compete with the northern towns for regeneration long term.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 388

Received: 30/06/2008

Representation Summary:

This is like looking into the future. Sometimes we must look to the past and see what has been achieved so far. I have lived here for 19 years and not seen any real improvements that are spoken of in this Vision of 2026 in Hastings. "Flogging a dead Horse" would be a right expression in my minds eye for a prediction of the future.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 394

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The document in general does not evidence the achievement of either objective. There are assumptions regarding other agencies work (eg Wilting rail station); reduction of car journeys due to increased walking and cycling. Currently the footpaths around Hastings are poorly kept and signage is not good outside the centre. Similarly footpaths and pavements along roads are often obstructed by overhanging trees making their use unpleasant beyond the fact that they are along major roads.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 395

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Transport I see as the main barrier to Hastings regeneration and I do not see the link road as a positive solution. as stated, much of the population are not car drivers and the aim is to reduce car usage. Improvements to the rail link with London could boost Hastings immeasurably, Londoners wanting a day out are more likely to choose Brighton at 50mins journey time and trains running later than the 21.35 back from Hastings. Similarly buses from the centre stop ridiculously early. London has night buses, why not Hastings, again this is down to other agencies.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 441

Received: 23/06/2008

Representation Summary:

No comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 510

Received: 25/06/2008

Representation Summary:

I disagree with your step by step, you have payed no attention to the youth who live in walking distance, West St Leonards. In this district there is wasteland that has been there for years. You could have had a skate and bike park etc for the youth. I went to a meeting 5 years ago and was told soon there would be good things for the youth. I went to step by step and took one youth - he said when is there going to be a skate bike park round West St Leonards and was told not this time. No provision no facilities outside for the youth. There is a lot of good girls and boys out in the street, how sad you have let them down again.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 511

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The council have set out their concerns about housing needs for the elderly (Issues, problems and Challenges), however you have not taken this further.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 531

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Support - only if they include access for all, which includes equestrians-horse riders


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 541

Received: 25/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The document makes good reference to the South East Plan and draws upon the relevant sections of the Regional Spatial Strategy when communicating the issues the borough faces and the options for addressing them. This helps to communicate the spatial approach but could enhance further with the inclusion of a key diagram.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 552

Received: 25/07/2008

Representation Summary:

This does not include any equestrian activities. Why not!


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 560

Received: 25/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 561

Received: 25/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 569

Received: 25/07/2008

Representation Summary:

In general I support the vision for Hastings but feel it could be more adventurous in terms of recognising Hastings uniqueness as a seaside town and historic resort with wonderful topography and architecture, beautiful parks and green spaces and organise planning accordingly.