
Development Management Plan Revised Proposed Submission Version March 2014

Representation ID: 5731

Received: 22/04/2014

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The nomenclature of this region is incorrect and should refer to Speckled Wood: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speckled_Wood,_Hastings. Speckled Wood has been used over five years and is on Public Landmarks, been used in the press as a reference. This site is used for recreation. There has been a serious incident on this site in contravention of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (as amended) 1981. There has been 49 years of non-productive planning. A wet classroom is required. There has been a huge public out-cry against splitting up this woodland with over 2000 objections. The Flora and fauna need to be protected.

Full text:

Rep made against: Policy CVO4 - Church Street
The nomenclature of this region is incorrect and should refer to Speckled Wood: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speckled_Wood,_Hastings Speckled Wood is a name that has been used for at least five years and is on public landmarks and been used in the press as reference to this nomenclature.

This site is used as a park and nature reserve by the local deprived population who do not have access to gardens. Creating more houses here would create more homes with substandard sized gardens which do not meet the correct regulation planning size. There is not enough room to accommodate houses on this site with the main badger sett believed to cross from an adjacent area.

There have been 49 years of Planning on this Historic Woodland of which none has come to fruition due to the unsuitability of the land. Lessons have NOT been learned. See Hastings Borough Council Planning Site : http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do;jsessionid=F8D72820896882CD40E44D49361B13E7?action=firstPage

There is extensive indigenous Species of Flora and fauna on the site some which are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (as amended)1981 and although catalogued online have not been registered with the Sussex Bio Centre due to time restraints


I am part of a group who have the support of the local people to use this space for its best purpose: A wet classroom for schools which use Speckled Wood as a classroom area. This possibility has been ignored and not discussed. This has already ban proved viable in other areas sponsored by RSPCA.

This area is covered with highly invasive plants Japanese knotweed and Giant Hogweed. Japanese Knotweed is known to damage paths, drives, walls and even foundations. Both are subject to the same legal regulations The Wildlife and Countryside Act (as amended) 1981, The Environmental Protection Act 1990, The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991. See 2012 Report: http://www.friendsofspeckledwood.org.uk/documents/management%20plan%202012/2012-10-04%20-%20Japanese%20knot%20Survey%20Oct%202012%20finished.pdf

There has been a huge public objection to this site being developed in 2012, 1231 respondents ask for this area not to be built on. In 2013, 464 additional objections came in by way of a Planning Application, every objection which was received stating no to housing in this area. I strongly believe that these objections should be made available to the Inspector during this hearing. In a 2014 Consultation in excess of 1218
responses were obtained requesting this area is removed from the DMP. These responses have resulted in some of the area being reclassified but not all. This ignored the public wishes to save the whole Woodland Ghyll and is not democratic under the Local-ism Act. The Friends of Speckled Wood recently attended Priory Meadow Shopping Centre during the Consultation. Out of 499 people they saw who objected and signed had previously never heard of the Development Management Plan. There has only been one Public Notice and clearly the general Public is not aware of the Development Management Plan.

Attachments For Evidence Purposes

2.) CV04 Scrap pile.jpg
3) CV04 2013-2014 Incident at Church Street CH04 letters and email in relation to discussion with Police - NE - HBPS - FOSWMT.pdf
4) CVO4 2014-04-13 CV04 - Email from Tony Streeter - Gmail - Ore Bonfire.pdf