
Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1439

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The Preferred Approach to Nature Conservation & Biodiversity Improvement policy should provide a clearer emphasis on the protection & enhancement of nationally & internationally designated sites, which can enable the aims of the BAP to be realised.
The Core Strategy should have policies relating to BAP habitats & species.
We would urge the council to consult with the Borough Ecologist on these matters.
Development proposals should be tested against an approach that avoids harm to the environment whenever possible, if necessary by choosing an alternative location. Then unavoidable harm should be minimised by mitigation measures & any residual harm that cannot be mitigated for should be offset by compensation & then seeks new benefits.
A logical approach to the sequence of avoidance, mitigation & compensatory measures should be put in place to steer LDF policy. PPS1 states that 'planning should seek to maintain & improve the local environment & help to mitigate the effects of declining environmental quality through positive policies on issues such as design, conservation & provision of public space. With a recognition of the limits of the environment to accept further development without irreversible damage'.