
Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1431

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We acknowledge that saved policy NC7 of the local plan provides protection for a green network from development, however this may need updating. This statement confirms Natural Englands strong support for the adoption of the Multifunctional Green Networks strategy within local planning policy. It is Natural Englands view that the policy as outlined below presents a powerful strategic tool which also concurs with Natural Englands strategic outcomes & specific objectives. Further to this, the policy both accords with & facilitates, the implementation of national planning policy & principles such as PPS9, PPS25 & Biodiversity action plans.
Produced by members of Sussex Environment Partnership, the adoption of this polcy would provide an innovative, considered approach achieving :
*sustainable development & management of land
*provision of inter-linking & clearly mapped natural greenspace as standard within planning design which feeds into the identified wider ecological network.
*The idenitification & securing of important functioning habitat networks into the future.
*The provision of, access to & enjoyment of natural green space
*The reversing of the effects of habitat fragmentation & isolation thus aiding the future adaptation of habitats & species to the effects of climate change.
This approach would therefore enable future individual planning applications to provide green infrastructure which enable landscape-scale nature conservation targets to be met. Natural England strongly advise that both the policy & ways in which it will be implemented are included in the Core Strategy & LDF.
Policy - 'We aim to establish an ecological network/a multifunctional green network to conserve & enhance our priority natural areas & the connections between them.
the network will ensure that everyone has access to natural open space, & will maximise opportunity to conserve & enhance biodiversity, whilst deliverying ecosystem services (eg.sustainable drainage & flood storage), that contribute to sustainable development. New development will contribute to this network.
The establishment of an ecological network will be achieved through -
*Mapping of areas that could contribute to the network eg. natural green space, floodplains. Opportunities for future expansion & enhancement will then be identified in line with guidance eg. UK BAP, PPS9, PPS25 etc.
*Creation of a scheme for achieving this network through the life of the plan, by(either/or/both) a) multifunctional greenspace being provided within & around developments, with appropriate linkages to existing/future network. Green space area & network additions to be proportionate to the size/cost of development.
b) A green network fund to be administered (by council/independent local body), with financial contributions to be proportionate to size/cost of development
c) The expanding network will be mapped, monitored & protected from future development.