Retention of Visitor Accommodation SPD

Ended on the 2 November 2015

2.0 Purpose and objectives

2.1 The overarching objective of the Retention of Visitor Accommodation SPD is to secure the proper implementation of Policy E4 of the Hastings Planning Strategy 2014. This is supported by two further objectives:

a) To ensure an adequate supply of visitor accommodation (including caravan, camping and chalet sites) in Hastings Borough.
b) To protect existing visitor accommodation premises where there is a good prospect of the use continuing.

2.2 This SPD is necessary to provide certainty and detail for potential applicants in terms of the evidence the Council requires to be submitted in support of any planning applications for the change of use away from visitor accommodation. Providing the correct information at the outset will also help to avoid delay in processing such applications.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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