Hastings Planning Strategy New Government Household Projections Consultation May 2013

Ended on the 1 July 2013

4. New Government demographic household projections


4.1 At the time of preparing the Planning Strategy, the latest available trend-based demographic projections (produced by East Sussex County Council using 2010 based Office of National Statistics data) indicated a requirement for some 7,493 (or 440 per annum) new homes in Hastings up to 2028. Policy DS1 of the Planning Strategy - New Housing Provision however, sets a lower target of a minimum of 3,400 new homes to be provided between 2011 and 2028 (equating to 200 per annum).

4.2 Since publishing the Planning Strategy, new 2011-based interim household projections have been published by the Department of Communities and Local Government (www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-household-projections follow the link to live table no. 425). These provide household projections up to 2021, which indicate that provision for 290 households per annum will be required in Hastings. Please note that the number of households will equate to a higher number of new homes or dwellings.

4.3 The Planning Inspector has also drawn the Council's attention to the www.howmanyhomes.org website, which uses 2008 trend-based demographic projections produced by Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Department of Communities and Local Government, which imply that provision for 363 households per annum will be needed in Hastings

4.4 The Council remains of the view that the lower housing target as set in Policy DS1 represents the most appropriate strategy for housing growth in the town. This is because relying on trend-based population figures alone does not take into account factors as the physical limits to outward growth and the environmental constraints that apply in the town.

What can I comment on?

(7)4.5 Whilst the Council is not intending to amend the overall housing target, it is still important that people are given the opportunity to comment on the revised projections. We are specifically asking you to consider:

What are your views on the latest household projections and their possible implications for the housing needs of the borough, as well as the prospects for accommodating them?

4.6 Your comments on this section do not need to relate to the Tests of Soundness or Legal Compliance. All relevant comments are welcome, which will be passed on to the Inspector following the close of this consultation.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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