Hastings Planning Strategy Main Modifications Consultation May 2013

Ended on the 1 July 2013

1. Introduction

1.1 The Hastings Planning Strategy is the first of the two main documents that will make up the new Local Plan for Hastings. The Planning Strategy sets the strategic framework for land use and development in the town up to 2028, from which the Development Management Plan, which includes site allocations, will follow. Please note that this consultation relates to the Planning Strategy only. To view progress on the Development Management Plan, please see: www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/ldf_explained/#ssa

1.2 The Hastings Planning Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State on 31 October 2012. During February 2013 the Government appointed Planning Inspector; Mr Richard E Hollox BA (Hons) BSc(Econ) MPhil FRTPI FRICS, examined the Planning Strategy at 6 public hearings. Full details of the examination and both the Council’s and Inspector’s documents are available on our examination pages at www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/planning_strategy_examination/

1.3 As a result of the hearings and other issues arising, the Council is undertaking a further consultation that concentrates on the following 3 elements known collectively as the “Main Modifications Consultation”:

  1. Significant changes to the Planning Strategy (also referred to as Main Modifications) needed to help ensure the Plan is found “Sound” and “Legally Compliant” by the Inspector
  2. The revocation of the South East Plan, and how this affects the Planning Strategy
  3. New Government demographic household projections

1.4 You are now invited to submit formal representations on these 3 key elements, which are explained further below. Consultation will be undertaken in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The Consultation

1.5 This is a formal stage of consultation running for a period of 6 weeks, from 9am on 20 May until 4.30pm on 1 July 2013. Representations can be submitted at any point during this period but must be made using the official response form or through our online consultation system. Comments made in any other format cannot be accepted.

Online: The easiest way to view the consultation document, guidance notes and submit representations is online. Visit our website at: www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/consultation and follow the links provided.

Paper: Paper copies of this consultation document, guidance notes and the response form are available from the Hastings Information Centre in the Town Hall, or can be downloaded and printed from our website using the address above.

1.6 Responses on the official form, can be submitted by hand or post, or attached to an e-mail, using the following contact details:

Hastings Borough Council
Planning Policy
Aquila House,
East Sussex, TN34 3UY
E-mail: fplanning@hastings.gov.uk

1.7 Representations cannot be accepted that are not on the official response form, are received after the closing date and time, are not related to the proposed Main Modifications, the impact of the revocation of the South East Plan or the new government demographic household projections. Please do not repeat earlier representations as these are already being considered by the Inspector.

1.8 All representations submitted will be made public. This will include the publication of your name but not your address or contact details.

Further information and updates will be posted on Twitter and Facebook to help ensure you stay up to date with the process. Please note however, comments posted in this way will not be taken forward as formal representations.

Twitter: www.twitter.com/ShapingHastings

Facebook: www.facebook.com/shapinghastings

What happens next?

1.10 Following the close of this consultation, your formal representations will be passed to the Inspector, who will consider all the valid responses in the writing of his final report. The Inspector may also decide to hold a further examination hearing to discuss any issues raised before he completes his report. If he does, the date of this hearing will be publicised on the Council’s website, via the Local Plan newsletter and advertised in the local press. Those who have submitted formal representations will also be contacted directly.

1.11 Once the Inspector’s final report is received, it will be considered by the Council. If the Inspector finds the Planning Strategy legally compliant and sound, the Council will progress to the adoption of the Hastings Planning Strategy.

Confused by the process?

1.12 We have done our best to keep jargon and technical terms to a minimum. If you would like further clarification on the terms used however, please contact us on 01424 451098 and we will try to help.

1.13 You can also find further information about the Hastings Planning Strategy, the wider Local Plan process and specific guidance notes for this consultation by looking on our website: www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/

Structure of this document

1.14 This document is set out in several distinct sections, together with an appendix that sets out what the proposed Main Modifications will look like in the final Planning Strategy, should they be taken forward. You are invited to submit comments on sections 2, 3 and 4 of this document relating to the following:

Section 2: Proposed Main Modifications

1.15 This section presents a table of the Main Modifications (or significant changes to the Planning Strategy) resulting from the Examination hearings. They appear in chapter order according to the Planning Strategy, and each has a unique reference number, which must be marked on the hard copy response form. Deleted text is shown as DELETED: deleted text and additional text is shown as INSERTED: inserted text.

Section 3: The revocation of the South East Plan

1.16 The revocation of Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) was an early commitment by the current UK Government. The South East Plan was one such RSS that has now been revoked. The Council is seeking your opinion of the impact that the revocation may have on the Hastings Planning Strategy.

Section 4: New Government demographic household projections

1.17 Since publishing the Proposed Submission version of the Planning Strategy, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has published revised interim trend-based population figures that that have been used in the assessment of future housing provision. The Inspector has also referred the Council to further data on the HowManyHomes.org website1 that again, provides separate projections in terms of new households. Whilst we are not proposing to amend our housing target in response to these (as trend based projections do not take account of factors such as physical limits to outward growth and environmental constraints), it is still important that the community and stakeholders are made aware of them and given the opportunity to comment as necessary.

Filling out the form

1.18 Guidance notes are available that give step by step instructions about how to fill out the hard copy response form, and help understand this complex stage of consultation. These are available via our consultation pages (see web details above) or can be picked up from Hastings Information Centre. Alternatively, you can respond to each individual section of the consultation document online.

1.19 All representations need to be focused on the issues and changes proposed in this document only, and not the wider Planning Strategy. Please do not duplicate any representations that you have already made because they will not be considered by the Inspector again.

Sustainability Appraisal

1.20 A Sustainability Appraisal Report has been prepared that assesses the social, environmental and economic implications of the proposed Main Modifications. The Sustainability Appraisal Report should be read in conjunction with this consultation document, and comments are invited on its contents in the same way as the Main Modifications themselves. You can view, and make comments on, the sustainability appraisal at: www.hastings.gov.uk/environment_planning/planning/localplan/consultation or view a paper copy of it at the Town Hall Information Centre.

1 www.howmanyhomes.org
For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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