
Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy

Representation ID: 1629

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

GOSE has not reviewed in detail any of your SA/SEA/AA work, but we trust that the other consultees who have a formal responsibility to comment on such work have had the opportunity to do so. In general, it is assumed that all authorities will be able to demonstrate that they have:
*produced their documents (& updated them) based upon the latest published national guidance
*assessed within their SA/SEA all reasonable alternatives such that an Inspector will be able to confirm the soundness of their DPDs &/or make binding recommendations based upon their SA/SEA
*consulted & amended their documents in light of the comments from, the key SA consultees, & others as appropriate
*completed a full qualtiy assurance self-assessment that will be circulated at the time of Submission