Defining the green infrastructure network

Showing comments and forms 1 to 9 of 9


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 2621

Received: 27/04/2012

Representation Summary:

A recent application in Hawthorn Road was approved without an ecology study as the developer's agent said that the borough ecologist was happy with the submitted evidence concerning ecology. The borough ecologist agreed that he was happy with the submitted reports even though he later admitted that none had been received. A designed wildlife corridor is now loosely termed 'scrub', and is not to be maintained for the use of the badgers and slow worms that have been forced to occupy it without food, water or or foraging ground. A written agreement ignored as it did not suit.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 2622

Received: 27/04/2012

Representation Summary:

I am in support of defining the green infrastructure network, but areas of SSSI, etc should be clearly marked on the development plans and these areas should be protected for future enjoyment. Why is land at Fern Road and Robsack Meadown earmarked to be developed when they contain areas of ancient woodland or are sites of SSSI. Fern Road is not even suggested in the local plan, but has a current planning application for 10 houses against it. An officer told me that the site was not included on the local plans as it was of SSSI interest.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3340

Received: 26/04/2012

Representation Summary:

The concept that spaces can be multifunctional is supported and welcomed.

Paragraph 5.32: The UK NEA (2011) clearly demonstrates that a good quality natural environment provides numerous direct and indirect benefits and should be referred to.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3369

Received: 27/04/2012

Representation Summary:

There should be a large map showing Green Open Spaces and their designations etc. access to open space and recreation provision is required and allocations sites A01 and A30 are designated as Local Green Space by the Local Community. NPPF 73 - 77.

Under NPPF 75 we want an enhancement to public rights of way and access by the provision of a Greenway linking the Town with Hastings Academy. In the Local Plan the target to give 90% of households access to open space by 2013 will not be achieved if Speckled Wood is built on (10b Open Space) Policy NC7 The Green Network.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3488

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

You next go on to write about THE HISTORIC AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT
Defining *areas* in the Borough for specific protection for things like nature conservation. Is the Author of the so called Development Management Plan completely MAD?
WILDLIFE lives alongside all of us in every garden, every street even in Warrior Square, Rock-o-Nore and the Pebsham Tip.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3489

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

I refer the team to a copy of: -
COMMENTS on "Hastings Core Strategy Preferred Approaches"
A Spatial Portrait for Hastings written by Natural England

Our Fellow creatures we meet and how they affect us by their visits to our properties; we must not just dismiss them out of hand and should never forget that most species of wildlife were here before Man came to these Islands. Badgers and Grouse have lived here for more than 250,000 years; human beings like us have been here since 15,000 years ago.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3490

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

One of the main differences between man and his neighbouring creatures is that for example badgers happen on a new territory and adapt themselves to it and become food specific to the territory. Human beings decide to move in on a parcel of land and adapt and modify the parcel of land entirely to their own selfish desires.

Coming back to the most serious issues for any future built developments extending the built Environment further into the Natural now fragile Environment across the Borough of Hastings brings me back to WHERE- WHAT- and HOW?


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3491

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

Where in your document have you properly considered the recommendations listed in the 2004 Plans and put forward Wildlife enhanced foraging features for the sites you have. What are your intentions regarding Wildlife Laws, Legislation and the stated commitments listed in the 2004 Borough Plan. Since 2004 Developers and Officers in our Planning department are guilty of many breaches and infringements of the Wildlife Laws resulting in vast amounts of undetected Cruelty. The resulting on going cruelty is totally unacceptable; more than 20% of the 2004 levels of wildlife have been eradicated by starvation, It is imperative to overhaul the whole system of Monitoring Wildlife Conditions. Time and time again agreements between the Council and Land Owners are made, Conditions listed at the time of each Planning Application is accepted by the Planning Board. The Council and the Developers sign agreements Developments proceed but are never monitored by Council Officers and the long term Management Plans are never implemented or adhered to.


Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3492

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

The following Examples and how the incidents took place are completely true/facts.
At 126 Harold Road all Wildlife enjoyed access to foraging and fresh water supplies in and around the Bourne Stream; the southern area of a nature Reserve. On this parcel of land lived more than 15 badgers in three separate Setts the Setts are partly embedded in the Combe Deposit located in the cracks and fissures in the Sandstone Buttress Escarpment.

The Badgers have been resident for many decades running into centuries. The law states that the owner of a property or parcel of land is responsible for resident wildlife. The Planning inspectorate Inspector recognised that fact and allowed safe corridors etc. on the site. Mr COOKSON discharged all the conditions affecting wildlife causing very serious problems I have a collection of Photographs and documentation that illustrates the whole illegal series of events, destruction of very rare wild plants, gross illegal interference to the badger setts and the total loss of the agreed corridors for wildlife.