Preferred Approach 36: Community Infrastructure

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 50


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 56

Received: 01/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The representations are made in the apparent absence of any other option to comment on policy regarding places of worship. These representations are made to establish a framework in land use planning policy that provides a basis upon which sites suitable for construction of places of worship may be obtained.

Provision for places of worship be included in the Core Strategy in line with government guidelines.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 104

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Would like to see the inclusion of the value and multiple benefits that can be derived from a multi-functional green network (environmental, social and economic).


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 161

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

At a local level the Hastings Greenway has a unique profile. Few (if any) local regeneration initiatives can match the Greenway Project for widespread public and community support (a matter of record logged in the LDF consultation documentation) A key objective of the Strategic Greenway is its role as community infrastructure meeting the utility amenity and recreational needs of
local people and deprived neighbourhoods.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 200

Received: 28/05/2008

Representation Summary:

Residents of Hastings already use infrastructure facilities in Battle such as schools and we would be concerned if future development added pressure to these already overstretched services.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 291

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

(19.2) agree


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 292

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

(19.3) agree


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 364

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 399

Received: 30/06/2008

Representation Summary:

No comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 469

Received: 23/06/2008

Representation Summary:

No comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 770

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Southern Water supports a policy on communitiy infrastructure and anticipates the policy will include text on the provision of water and waste water infrastructure to meet the demand from new development.
Southern Water is committed to meeting the demand for water and wastewater services arising from new develoment as identified in the adopted development plans. However, delivery of infrastructure may require planning permission, and there can be delays beyond our control, particularly if there are objections to our proposals. It is therefore imperative that provision of infrastructure is supported by the planning authority, and that the rate of development is co-ordinated to coincide with the rate at which the necessary capacity can be provided.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 783

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Funding for investment to strategic infrastructure can normally be obtained through the periodic review of prices, subject to approval by Ofwat. however, if investment is required to local water or sewer networks, Ofwat takes the view that water and sewerage companies should seek to finance this work through contributions from developers. This reduces the financing burden on existing customers, who would otherwise have to pay through increases in general charges.
The formal requisition procedures set out in the Water Industry Act 1991 provide a legal mechanism for developers to provide the necessary infrastructure to service their site. Southern Water will look to the Council to support this approach to ensure that development does not take place until infrastructure with adequate capacity is provided.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 888

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Omission of policy

Efficient use of infrastructure - Efficient and sustainable infrastructure can make an important contribution to sustainable development. Southern Water has identified three ways in which planning authorities can promote efficient and sustainable water supply and wastewater infrastructure:

1. Ensure that on-site and off-site sewers serving new developments of ten or more dwellings are constrctured to adoptable standards in accordance with the current edition of "Sewers for Adoption", published by WRc (
2. Separate surface water from foul sewers. This will provide more efficient use of the foul sewer, and reduce the risk of foul water flooding.
3. Arrange pre-construction agreements at large and/or mixed ownership sites, and adoption of a co-ordinated whole-site approach. This will promote sustainable sewerage and water supply networks, and prevent the proliferation of smaller, less efficient networks.

The Core Strategy would be strengthened by a policy that promotes efficient use of infrastructure. This will ensure that the Local Development Framework is consistent with paragraph 36 of PPS1, which states that planning authorities should include policies that ensure sustainable, durable and adaptable developments that make efficient and prudent use of resources.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1197

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We support the policy in the Core Strategy for an overall approach to Developer Contributions with appropriate reference to strategic sites & clear links to the details set out in the supplementary planning document.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1198

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The Trust recognises the importance of developer contributions to assist theatre owners in becoming more self-reliant & to obtain better buildings by using the planning system & working with the private sector. We are concerned that theatre buildings do not benefit appropriately under the terms of S106 & other agreements, & that it will increasingly be necessary to unlock new sources of funding to help pay for significant improvements to them.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1257

Received: 03/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Developer contributions for new community & other infrastructure nees to be set out clearly in accordance with the guidance & policy tests in circular 05/05 to ensure transparency & to avoid ambiguity at the implementation stage.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1364

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We do not have any specific option for inclusion in the Core Strategy, however, we would take this opportunity to comment that we consider it important that there remains in place a telecommunications policy within the emerging LDF.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1365

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Guidance states that local plans should set out criteria based policies to guide telecommunications development & whilst regard should be had to siting & design considerations, operational efficiency should not be inhibitied. PPG8 also makes clear that 'criteria should be flexible enough to allow for the efficient development of the network & the demands imposed by the technology'


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1366

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

we would suggest that within the LDF there should be a concise & flexible telecommunications policy contained within one of the Council's statutory Local Development Document. We recognise that this likely to be contained in a Development Control/Management DPD rather than the Core Strategy which is of a strategic nature. Such a policy should give all stakeholders a clear indication of the issues which development will be assessed against. We suggest a policy which reads: Proposals for telecommunications development will be permitted provided that the following criteria are met -
siting & appearance of proposed apparatus & associated structures should seek to minimise impact on the visual amenity, character of appearance of the surrounding area;
if on a building, apparatus & associated structures should be sited & designed in order to seek to minimise impact to the external appearance of the host building;
if proposing a new mast, it should be demonstrated that the applicant has explored the possibility of erecting apparatus on existing buildings, masts or other structures. Such evidence should accompany any application made to the local planning authority;
if proposing development in a sensitive area, the development should not have an unacceptable effect on areas of ecological interst, areas of landscape importance, archaeological sites, conservation areas or buildings of architectural or historic interest.
When consideriing applications for telecommunications development, the local planning authority will have regard to the operational requirements of telecommunications networks & technical limitations of the technology.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1367

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

It will depend on your Local Development Scheme as to which documents are produced, which documents have a statutory role in development control & which should be considered as material considerations. We would suggest that thsi policy be stand alone within one of the main LDDs, with any background info., such as electromagnetic fields & public health, being contained within a seperate LDD or what is currently termed SPG. This could then be read with PPG8, the Code of Best Practice to give comprehensive background to any proposed development. We would consider it appropriate to include the policy & would suggest:
Modern telecommunications systems have grown rapidly in recent years with more than two thirds of the population now owning a mobile phone. Mobile communications are now considered an integral part of the success of most business operations & individual lifestyles. With new services such as the advance third generation (3G) services, demand for new telecommunications infrastructure is continuing to grow. The Council are keen to facilitate this expansion whilst at the same time minimising any environmental iimpacts. It is our policy to reduce the proliferation of new masts by encouraging mast sharing & location on existing tall structures & buildings. Further information on telecommunications can be found in LDD...


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1428

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

we support the inclusion of a Supplementary Planning Document to support policy on developer contributions towards community & infrastructure. This could include provision for green infrastructure & building in beneficial biodiversity enhancements as part of good design.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1492

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 19.5 - while what is said in bullet 3 about the Children's Services Dept potential need for a new school is correct, for completeness, it should also explain that there may be a need to expand or contract schools elsewhere.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1493

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 19.6 - It may well be appropriate for the Core Strategy to include schedules of community & infrastructure needs arising directly from its proposals for development. Nevertheless, such schedules must not pre-empt the identification of needs for mitigation measures & infrastructure by more detailed LDDs together with the means, broad cost & timing of provision relative to the implementation of planning permissions.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1494

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

In paragraph 19.7 waste is regarded as an off-site issue & given a low priority in considering development contributions, when the strategy could allow the possibility that waste reduction & treatment could be integrated into new development.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1495

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The intention to have a general infrastructure policy is strongly supported, as is the intention to provide updated SPD on contributions.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1496

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

However, there needs to be an objective concerning infrastructure provision as a basis for such a policy. It would be appropriate to start with an analysis of infrastructure policy CC5 in the draft SE PLan, with which the LDF seeks to conform. A key issues is whether to restore the long standing structure plan & local plan principle that development should not take place unless the infrastructure is available or will become available to support it. This was recommended for deletion by the Panel at the SE PLan Examination in Public as inappropriate at regional level. The County Council considers this is an important principle to retain.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1497

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The Core Strategy should also include a high level policy on the principles & use of development contribution planning obligations (based on teh 5 tests in Circular 05/05) & as a basis for the new SPD. The Core Strategy & SPD should approach the review of priorities for contributions with an open mind, rather than the expectation that little will change as indicated in paragraph 19.9. The Core Strategy should also ensure that the SPD & review of priorities wil include mehtodologies for the assessment of needs for development contributions, viability testing arrangements. It should also clarify that it will include transport infrastructure.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1498

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

As a major service provide the County Council is keen to play its part in helping to craft appropriate infrastructure & planning obligation policies as (paragraph B30) Circular 05/05 expects.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1542

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

19.5 - East Sussex Hospitals trust - have they no plans to do anything between Now & 2026?!!!


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1543

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Hastings & Rother PCT - What are they doing to address the serious under supply of GP services btween NOW & when any addtional services come on stream?


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1544

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

Primary Care Centres - a)Station Plaza
b)Broomgrove MC c) Upper St Leonards
d) One existing centre linked to secondary Care cute Hospital? Where
Hastings is the most deprived local authority area in the South East (few Drs per 100,000 in Hastings)
Poor life expectancy & long term
Illness - how will this be addressed?
Evidence shows there is a direct link between low numbers of GP surgeries & poor health in a community.
Give details of commencement & completion dates, the area & value of each development, the Drs & staff to be employed. Give details of how this investment will address Hastings needs & compare with National Figures. Abortion rates.
Provision of treatment for patients during the evenings & weekends.