Preferred Approach 31: Local Road Improvements

Showing comments and forms 1 to 9 of 9


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 7

Received: 29/05/2008

Representation Summary:

Support in principle but road humps should be abolished


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 73

Received: 03/07/2008

Representation Summary:

This approach fails to recognise the changes that will need to be made in transport and travel modes during the lifetime of this plan and remains stuck in the out-dated thinking that road building equals regeneration.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 290

Received: 23/07/2008

Representation Summary:

(18.5) disagree - "Hastings link road would reduce congestion and improve air quality"
You would just remove the congestion problem to somewhere else and pollution knows no boundaries.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 359

Received: 24/07/2008

Representation Summary:

no comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 392

Received: 30/06/2008

Representation Summary:

Supported for what little good it will do


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 474

Received: 23/06/2008

Representation Summary:

No comment


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1333

Received: 14/07/2008

Representation Summary:

This PA might usefully have mentioned area wide 20mph speed limits (fundamental in promoting strong growth in walking and cycling), and 'Home Zones' as aspriations. These could lead to a much higher public realm, and demostrably deliver road casualty reductions.

A strong 'sense of place' would be a result of the above approach (PA 31) and the traffic calmed areas would give parents confidence to let their children play outside. This would lead to community cohesion.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1561

Received: 08/07/2008

Representation Summary:

The LDF doesn't address upgrade roads & footpaths.


Core Strategy Preferred Approaches

Representation ID: 1626

Received: 07/07/2008

Representation Summary:

We would not normally expect to see references to saved policies within Policy wordings for submission.