
Development Management Plan Consultation Document 3rd February - 27th April 2012

Representation ID: 3492

Received: 12/04/2012

Representation Summary:

The following Examples and how the incidents took place are completely true/facts.
At 126 Harold Road all Wildlife enjoyed access to foraging and fresh water supplies in and around the Bourne Stream; the southern area of a nature Reserve. On this parcel of land lived more than 15 badgers in three separate Setts the Setts are partly embedded in the Combe Deposit located in the cracks and fissures in the Sandstone Buttress Escarpment.

The Badgers have been resident for many decades running into centuries. The law states that the owner of a property or parcel of land is responsible for resident wildlife. The Planning inspectorate Inspector recognised that fact and allowed safe corridors etc. on the site. Mr COOKSON discharged all the conditions affecting wildlife causing very serious problems I have a collection of Photographs and documentation that illustrates the whole illegal series of events, destruction of very rare wild plants, gross illegal interference to the badger setts and the total loss of the agreed corridors for wildlife.